Post by
AZhitman »
Thu Jul 10, 2008 10:20 am
transmission of Senator Obama's ill-advised comments... and my hastily-scribbled personal thoughts on the matter.
Obama: "It's embarrassing. It's embarrassing when when, uh, yew, Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German, and then we go over to Europe (pause) and and, aw, ur, aw, all we's can say is Marci-boo-coup"
Let me tell you something, BO. I'm not EMBARRASSED of anything.
Here's the deal. I have a firm grasp of the English language. I've heard you butcher it a few times in your speeches. I don't hold that against you, it happens (see above - "all we's can say" - LOL). I can probably hold my own against you on any standardized English Composition test you bring my way. I don't HAVE the luxury of a fancyass school, but I can write my tail off. In English.
I've absorbed enough Spanish to help out the 50%+ Hispanic population of my beautiful city here, but I'm sure as hell not "embarrassed" that I'm not fluent.
Sorry you're so "embarrassed" of your country that you propose to LEAD, Senator.
Those Europeans speak English because it is a WORLD language. Sorry, but the world economy functions in English.
Perhaps you should go back to the history books and refresh your memory on the Great Immigration periods where everyone flocking to Ellis Island LEARNED ENGLISH OR STARVED. My Pops was one of them. They even CHANGED HIS DAMN NAME.
THAT is embarrassing. How would YOU like it, Senator, if I changed your Daddy's name to "Spencer Whitebread" when he set foot on US soil?
YOU don't speak a foreign language, fool. Hell, the guy you make fun of for being a doofus (GWB) speaks fluent Spanish. That's one more foreign language than you actually speak. Who's dumb now? ANSWER THE QUESTION SENATOR.
It gets better, folks:
Oh wait - You CLAIM you spoke fluent Indonesian as a child? LIAR. Your own teachers have confirmed this. Ohhh, boy. That's so sad.
On top of THAT, you SUPPORT (with some revisions) No Child Left Behind (thanks GWB). So, since you think we "retarded Americans" need to learn a foreign language, HAVE YOU EVEN READ NCLB? Where in the NCLB Act makes foreign language study more accessible for average Americans? Go ahead, I've read it - at length. I'll await your brilliant response.
Oh, you wouldn't know, or care - Your kids go to private schools, where they're immune to NCLB. Gee. Guess you should STFU then, since it doesn't apply to you OR your non-foreign language-speaking kids.
So you can roll your "embarrassment" up in a big ol' ball and shove it up your pompous a$$, because this is America, and we speak English here.
Quit lying to people. Quit asking my left-leaning friends to believe your hogwash. They're smarter than you give them credit for, Obama.
Your uncle didn't help liberate Auschwitz, you never spoke Indonesian, you didn't "sacrifice" to "make it", the Kennedys didn't bring your Daddy to the US, and your "embarassment" of this great country should tell everyone reading that you're just another hypocritical politician, saying anything you can to get into office.
Senator BO, when you refer to us as ignorant Americans who "...have antipathy for those that are unlike them", I'm proud to count myself in that group. I DO have antipathy for people who are unlike me - Namely, liars.
God bless our candidates, our political process, and above all, our great flawed Country.