The car runs really well, minus a few tuning issues -it wants to stall coming out of gear every now and then... very randomly, and the voltage in the hydra doesn't correlate to what I'm actually getting. There is also a dreaded coolant leak at the back of the head. Nevertheless, none of it is a show stopper.
I've put about 275 miles on the car already, and jacked it up today for a checkup. I put some protective hoses around a few things, secured the power steering lines a bit better, and did a general inspection.
One thing I noticed is that the engine/exhaust seems to sit a bit lower with the MSM motor mounts in there? Dunno, but I pulled my front chassis brace that it was hitting on/causing a vibration in the car.
Note the witness mark.
I tried heating it with a map gas torch and just beating on it with a hammer, but that wasn't happening. The metal is actually pretty thick. Out came the hack saw and cut-off wheel.
THEN came out the hammer.
I swapped the cutoff wheel for a wire brush wheel, and buffed it front and back, then layed some snots.
I then painted it and threw it back in the car, with a washer between the front 2 bolts and the body, for a little added insurance. There's tons of clearance now, but it sounds like its hitting on something else. I'm wondering if I never cut Corky's ridiculous downpipe bolt nuts off the downpipe before putting the engine back in. I'll have to kill it off at the 1000 mile checkup/oil change.