Why the Republican party is toast.

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stebo0728 wrote:Obama won because 3 million republicans stayed home rather than accept the moderate that was being crammed down their throats. The right ticket got 10% of the black vote this time, and 25% of the hispanic vote. Thats UP from last time around. Many are trying to crucify pro-lifers for the loss. Mourdock lost to PRO-LIFER. The difference? The right has to morph their position to allow for rape/incest/health. But they don't have to drop the pro-life banner altogether. When Roe-v-Wade was handed down, the court was giving women a safe avenue for the procedure, but it was supposed to be in exchange for a "rare occurance rate". Safe but rare, that was the mantra. Anyone heartless enough to actually position themselves with an idea that widespread infanticide in answer to irresponsible behavior, in my opinion now, has some problems. But extreme pro choicers recognize this, that's why they try to start discussions about when life begins. There's no discussion to be had there, not for anyone with any a rational bone in them. But then their next answer is "well what about the sperm?" Equally absurd argument. Life begins at conception, deal with it. If you still want ultimate freedom of choice at the cost of that life, have the balls to admit that you consider the termination of a life in that case to be acceptable. We kill criminals, and we consider that to be acceptable. The only difference here, the unborn child is no criminal. I'm all for freedom of choice, in down with LGBT freedom, I'm down with legalized pot, I'm down with widespread overall reduction in prohibitive law where applicable, but this issue transcends a simple right to a choice. Exercise your choice of responsibility when a life is NOT in the balance. Realize I'm speaking to the practice of abortion purely as birth control, and not to the practice involving the exceptions for rape/incest/health. If giving out free birth control would help stop the need for widespread frivalous abortions, sign me up. I'd rather pay taxes for preventative measures any day. I don't think it should be free, but we gotta make some concession somewhere. Republicans can be successful with pro-life if they A) shut the hell up about it until its actually pertinent and B) Realize that just because they believe their God would have them trust him when you're raped or projected to die in childbirth, it doesn't mean the rest of the world should have to. That's really the only religious part of the matter, as far as I'm concerned.
YOU STATED: Obama won because 3 million republicans stayed home rather than accept the moderate that was being crammed down their throats.
R/T HEMI STATED: "The Republicans had a great candidate. Romney was intelligent and charismatic as he campaigned. He avoided pitfalls, and didn't sink to his neck when challenged. He was a viable candidate."

I HAVE TO AGREE = ROMNEY SUCKED BALLS. just wanted to further let R/T HEMI know that his nonsense about how obama having a real opponent to beat and still won is a bunch of bull. obama didnt have an opponent at all and almost lost. :lolling:

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Wait, Romney a moderate? People need to learn the differerence between standing for something in the center and driving around in the center chasing polls. Romney was a weak flake that just wanted to be president and the bouncing from position to position throughout his career is indicative for that. I give obama credit. For the most part, he is pretty consistent in what he wants. Unfortunately, what he wants is the wrong answer. I do thank him for being straight up about his wacky ideas, though.

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themadscientist wrote:Wait, Romney a moderate? People need to learn the differerence between standing for something in the center and driving around in the center chasing polls. Romney was a weak flake that just wanted to be president and the bouncing from position to position throughout his career is indicative for that. I give obama credit. For the most part, he is pretty consistent in what he wants. Unfortunately, what he wants is the wrong answer. I do thank him for being straight up about his wacky ideas, though.
obama is another flake. says one thing and does another. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/

the only thing i give him credit for is clearly claiming to be a socialist, and sticking by that no matter how many times he is questioned. thats why i dont understand why democrats still try to hide that he is a socialist.

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Party is toast as the white male base diluted/eroded.

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bigbadberry3 wrote:Party is toast as the white male base diluted/eroded.

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Since I am now an oppressed minority I will be using this a lot rather than argue my points fairly and logically.


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Can't wait to be able to start sitting my a** at work, and still keep my job!

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stebo0728 wrote:Obama won because 3 million republicans stayed home rather than accept the moderate that was being crammed down their throats. The right ticket got 10% of the black vote this time, and 25% of the hispanic vote. Thats UP from last time around. Many are trying to crucify pro-lifers for the loss. Mourdock lost to PRO-LIFER. The difference? The right has to morph their position to allow for rape/incest/health. But they don't have to drop the pro-life banner altogether. When Roe-v-Wade was handed down, the court was giving women a safe avenue for the procedure, but it was supposed to be in exchange for a "rare occurance rate". Safe but rare, that was the mantra. Anyone heartless enough to actually position themselves with an idea that widespread infanticide in answer to irresponsible behavior, in my opinion now, has some problems. But extreme pro choicers recognize this, that's why they try to start discussions about when life begins. There's no discussion to be had there, not for anyone with any a rational bone in them. But then their next answer is "well what about the sperm?" Equally absurd argument. Life begins at conception, deal with it. If you still want ultimate freedom of choice at the cost of that life, have the balls to admit that you consider the termination of a life in that case to be acceptable. We kill criminals, and we consider that to be acceptable. The only difference here, the unborn child is no criminal. I'm all for freedom of choice, in down with LGBT freedom, I'm down with legalized pot, I'm down with widespread overall reduction in prohibitive law where applicable, but this issue transcends a simple right to a choice. Exercise your choice of responsibility when a life is NOT in the balance. Realize I'm speaking to the practice of abortion purely as birth control, and not to the practice involving the exceptions for rape/incest/health. If giving out free birth control would help stop the need for widespread frivalous abortions, sign me up. I'd rather pay taxes for preventative measures any day. I don't think it should be free, but we gotta make some concession somewhere. Republicans can be successful with pro-life if they A) shut the hell up about it until its actually pertinent and B) Realize that just because they believe their God would have them trust him when you're raped or projected to die in childbirth, it doesn't mean the rest of the world should have to. That's really the only religious part of the matter, as far as I'm concerned.
Well said buddy. Free birth control and easy access to the morning after pill. Send me a bill every month just for that...I'll pay, not for everyone, but I'll contribute.
bigbadberry3 wrote:Party is toast as the white male base diluted/eroded.
Agreed. I'll also say the religion plays a role in the loss as well. No separation of church and state is a bad thing.
themadscientist wrote:Since I am now an oppressed minority I will be using this a lot rather than argue my points fairly and logically.

Nice, morning coffee all over my bathrobe... :chuckle:

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I'm curious.. out of everybody that is active in this forum, is there anybody that's against secularism? I don't want to go down the whole religion road, I'm just wondering if perhaps clutching to those fanatical religious ideals are what is turning people off from the Republicans...

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stebo0728 wrote:Obama won because 3 million republicans stayed home rather than accept the moderate that was being crammed down their throats.
That is not why they lost

stebo0728 wrote: The right ticket got 10% of the black vote this time, and 25% of the hispanic vote. Thats UP from last time around. Many are trying to crucify pro-lifers for the loss. Mourdock lost to PRO-LIFER. The difference? The right has to morph their position to allow for rape/incest/health. But they don't have to drop the pro-life banner altogether. When Roe-v-Wade was handed down, the court was giving women a safe avenue for the procedure, but it was supposed to be in exchange for a "rare occurance rate". Safe but rare, that was the mantra. Anyone heartless enough to actually position themselves with an idea that widespread infanticide in answer to irresponsible behavior, in my opinion now, has some problems. But extreme pro choicers recognize this, that's why they try to start discussions about when life begins. There's no discussion to be had there, not for anyone with any a rational bone in them. But then their next answer is "well what about the sperm?" Equally absurd argument. Life begins at conception, deal with it. If you still want ultimate freedom of choice at the cost of that life, have the balls to admit that you consider the termination of a life in that case to be acceptable. We kill criminals, and we consider that to be acceptable. The only difference here, the unborn child is no criminal. I'm all for freedom of choice, in down with LGBT freedom, I'm down with legalized pot, I'm down with widespread overall reduction in prohibitive law where applicable, but this issue transcends a simple right to a choice. Exercise your choice of responsibility when a life is NOT in the balance. Realize I'm speaking to the practice of abortion purely as birth control, and not to the practice involving the exceptions for rape/incest/health. If giving out free birth control would help stop the need for widespread frivalous abortions, sign me up. I'd rather pay taxes for preventative measures any day. I don't think it should be free, but we gotta make some concession somewhere. Republicans can be successful with pro-life if they A) shut the hell up about it until its actually pertinent and B) Realize that just because they believe their God would have them trust him when you're raped or projected to die in childbirth, it doesn't mean the rest of the world should have to. That's really the only religious part of the matter, as far as I'm concerned.
We have some agreement here. Turn off women and you lose.
Turn off Hispanic's and you lose
turn off young voters and you lose
turn off seniors and you lose
Don't know math and you lose
Obama has Clinton explaining things
Romney and Ryan explained nothing
Repeal Obamacare and replace it with what?
Defund planned parenthood and then what?
Attack a young lawyer Sandra Fluke. That didn't go over too well

Why Romney Lost

David Frum: How the GOP Got Stuck in the Past

http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2 ... -past.html


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You can be a devout Christian (I can't speak for other religions because I'm admittedly ignorant and I don't want to say anything in error) and use all the decent values you posses without involving God and or the bible into legislation. If you can't, you shouldn't hold any seat in any form of political arena. Things like the abortion argument don't need to involve religion at all. Without getting into an abortion discussion it does make for a great example. It's simply a matter of choosing between a babies right to live and a mothers right to have said baby aborted. The only things to consider are health of the mother, rape and whether or not you agree that abortion is a feasible form birth control. You don't need to be religious to have an opinion on this matter.

Saying s*** like, It's Gods plan, in ANY format of politics is a bad thing, period. You can be morale and have excellent ethics without being religious.

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At the risk of lock, I'm going to say this, and hope it doesn't fizzle into a mess. Just from the standpoint of christianity, when fellow believers and I get into this sort of discussion, I usually manage to shut them up by one question. Can you cite one instance where Christ, our greatest role model, ever attempted to influence law to achieve his goals? No. You cant. We are to model societal behavior by example, not by force of law. The ONLY reason I even want any sort of abortion law on the books does NOT come from any sort of religious position, it simply comes from wanting to limit the needless termination of life. And I believe allowing for health concerns, rape, and incest are reasonable exceptions to make.

Another big reason why my stance on theocratic law is so strongly against, is because it sets precedent. Imagine if we made a habit out of placing our religious tenets into law. As society shifts around, the predominant values shift. At some point it is very plausible that we will have a large segment of our population composed of Islamic followers. What do we do when they want to join the religious law club? I respect their beliefs as their own, but some of them do not run even remotely parallel with the strides of freedom we've made, especially when concerning women. But if we've got our other religions making law, how can we reasonably deny them?

That's why, when it comes to prohibitive law, the simplest way to score an action is, does it interfere with another persons rights? If so, make it illegal, otherwise who cares?

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^ I think Biden said best. I dont agree with abortion, but who am I to tell someone what they should believe?

Question: Where did this push to reduce debt and balance the budget come from?

Bush raised the debt ceiling seven times while in office. We were engaged in two wars. Then the housing market crashed. Then we hit the Great Recession. Then Obama came into office. Throughout this time, no one mentioned deficits.

Once Obama took office and the Republicans took control of the House in 2010, a balanced budget became the theme. Everyone is up in arms over welfare benefits and social security and food stamps and unemployment benefits. Why did people choose now to bring up deficits? In the middle of the worse economy in our life times is a poor time to reduce benefits. People are out of work and more people are in poverty. Why is now the time to address this issue? And why have Republicans in Congress chosen now to issue an ultimatum? Fix the budget or we won't do our job.

Health care costs having been soaring for years. We knew Social Security was nearing insolvency. How can people be upset that a poor expecting mother gets free healthcare while huge corporations have a lower tax rate than she does? What's wrong with us??

I'm just curious how deficits went from being a non-issue to people crying about their children's doomed future. Media? Bandwagon jumpers? Or did we fall for someone's agenda?

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In the 1950's, McCarthy started this whole idea that we were constantly under attack. If it's not from Communism, it's from Islam, or a super virus, or corporations, or some random boogie man. We've gotten so far into this whole fear-mongering idea that we are now afraid of each other.

In the early 2000's, we had to fear terrorism. Now, terrorism is an idea, a state of mind. You cannot war against something that is intangible. It just so happened to be that the propigators of said terrorism were Islamic radical extremeists. Once it seemed as if we had both AFG and IRQ on the run, we had to insert another "boogie man" to be afraid of. This nation never moves so quickly as it does when there is clear and present danger, and we are sooooooooo good at making those up.

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hannibal wrote: I'm just curious how deficits went from being a non-issue to people crying about their children's doomed future. Media? Bandwagon jumpers? Or did we fall for someone's agenda?
The debt has been an issue for anyone with half a brain for more then 20 years now. The reason it's getting attention now is because we've become a nation of complacent sheep and only when things are fvcking dire does anyone think to pay attention. The reason we have to fix it, in case you haven't read anything else I've posted on this topic, is simple. We have over 16 trillion in debt right now, we pay 360 billion annually on the interest alone. Our current fiscal budget is in the red by iirc, by about 1.2 trillion dollars. Do you know what a trillion is? It's enough to cause this country to fail entirely if it isn't fixed. Why do we look at entitlements? Because that's where ALL of the money is going. The war only cost us 119 billion last year. That leaves 880 billion of budget deficit left. Medicare and Welfare are the 2 next biggest expenses once we pull out of the Middle East. Everything else is a drop in the bucket by comparison.

We've put of fixing things for so long that the problem is now basically unfixable. Thx a lot is all I have to say about that. Welfare is full of waste and so is Medicare. They need to be fixed, that's just gonna happen if we're going to stop the bleeding. Cut the Military by 50%. Make it for defense instead of occupation. Broaden the tax base until 80% of the gen pop is paying something. Reform the entire tax code, make it fit into 10 pages of documents instead of 10, 900 pg volumes. Legalize the majority of the illegals and get them paying taxes. If they commit crimes because they're criminals, revoke and deport. The assumption that they're all bad is retarded. They're here, they're working...lets get some of that $$ back into the system and quit fvcking around already shall we? f***!!!!!

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For the first time, I agree 100% completely with Brian.

It's always been an issue, but now that it's in dire straights, we're concerned about it.

All spending reform and tax code revision are the only way for us to get out of this mess. I want immigration reform as well, they're here, let's make them work for it. Hell, I think our first mis-step is not putting in the American language as the official language at least for the Department of Education. Seriously, let's at least make our whacked out English the language that has to be taught in schools and that's a step in the right direction.

I'm okay with being nice and holding hands, but damnit, I want everybody to share the pain in this transition: not just tax payers, not just businesses, not just immigrants, not just minorities... everybody.

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WDRacing wrote:
hannibal wrote:I'm just curious how deficits went from being a non-issue to people crying about their children's doomed future. Media? Bandwagon jumpers? Or did we fall for someone's agenda?
The debt has been an issue for anyone with half a brain for more then 20 years now.
Exactly right! This has been my concern for a long, long time.

More than 25 years ago, I decided I did not want to have kids because I was concerned about what the future would hold for them. I detested what we were doing even with those far lower (compared to today) national debt numbers. This wasn't the only factor, of course, but one to take into account for sure.

But when I got married in 1995, my wife and I discussed this and decided on hoping for the best and having one at the right time. So, about 14 years ago, we sat down again and talked about what kind of future was likely. This was during the Clinton era, and the deficit looked like it was going to be properly managed and the debt looked like it might even reverse! So, we went ahead and our son was born in May of 1998.

Little did we think that politicians would sacrifice the future so badly.

It is sad that the last twelve - particularly the last four - years have changed the deficit and the debt in the worst possible way. Yeah, we are still happy we have a child - this problem is not his fault. But, he WILL grow up in a future where servicing the national debt will make his life worse than ours ... in general. And that is different from what parents want (or used to want?) ... for their kids to be "better off" than them.


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In your case Z, you've had wicked long time to worry about the debt... :chuckle:

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WDRacing wrote:In your case Z, you've had wicked long time to worry about the debt... :chuckle:
Yes, indeed! :lolling:

What the last four years have made me look like:



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You're right Brian. My issue is with the timing. Back in 2000 (when the Dow was soaring, employment was high and the country was operating with a budget surplus) would have been a great time to address this lingering issue. It's very easy to focus on welfare reform (as Clinton did) when the economy is running in top gear. Yet there was no tea party movement, no refusal to raise the debt ceiling, and no mention of debt issues as the primary priority.

But when the economy is struggling and people are struggling, why should now be the time to reduce the size and scope of our safety nets? The whole purpose of these programs are to help in tough times. We are in the midst (or hopefully coming out) of the toughest period in our lifetimes, so why cut the safety line now?

Last summer, Congress refused to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts. This led to a downgrade in America's credit rating. Why pour salt on the open wounds of a battered economy? We made through two decades without addressing the issue of debt. And in two years it's become "the biggest threat to our national security". You may argue that its because the debt problem is currently at its worst and you'd be right. We knew the problem was getting worse back then just as we realize it will continue to worsen if we dont take action now. Yet nothing was done. Why is now, during an economic crisis, the time to act?

Of course the problem has become worse in the last two years. More people out of work means less tax revenue. Lower wages mean less tax revenue. Slow consumer spending means less tax revenue from companies. Couple that with increased outlays for unemployment benefits and food stamps and continuing corporate handouts and we have a mess. But thats the purpose of these programs: to help when assistance is needed the most.

There is no need to convince me of how severe the problem is. I get it. What I dont get is why all those politicians with at least half a brain who knew of this problem for years waited til now to approach the subject?? How can we go from a 2 second mention on the evening news to front page headlines in such a short time? What changed? Did debt exceed a certain level of GDP? Did total debt reach some magic number? And if so, did we not know this was coming?

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hannibal wrote:What I dont get is why all those politicians with at least half a brain who knew of this problem for years waited til now to approach the subject??
Back then, Politicians pretty much knew that they would not be in office when the crunch happened.

And the national debt amounts were far lower as a percentage of our GDP. So, easy to not focus on it as an "impending" problem.

Now, the danger is way too close, and the politicians may be in office (and also alive!) to see the results of their shenanigans. And people may hold them accountable (God forbid! :rolleyes: ) ... so they get worried.

Yeah, I am cynical about politicians and their motivations in general. :rolleyes:


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hannibal wrote:But when the economy is struggling and people are struggling, why should now be the time to reduce the size and scope of our safety nets? The whole purpose of these programs are to help in tough times. We are in the midst (or hopefully coming out) of the toughest period in our lifetimes, so why cut the safety line now?
Because there isn't a choice, that's why now. Nobody wanted to listen to anyone that objected to all of this spending for the last 20 years, or 100 if you're Z :poke:
hannibal wrote:Last summer, Congress refused to raise the debt ceiling without spending cuts. This led to a downgrade in America's credit rating. Why pour salt on the open wounds of a battered economy? We made through two decades without addressing the issue of debt. And in two years it's become "the biggest threat to our national security". You may argue that its because the debt problem is currently at its worst and you'd be right. We knew the problem was getting worse back then just as we realize it will continue to worsen if we dont take action now. Yet nothing was done. Why is now, during an economic crisis, the time to act?
Last summer Congress was correct in not raising the debt ceiling without spending cuts. It's the spending that got us into this problem. Taking out more loans to continue the spending is not going to fix the problem nor improve our credit rating.

Let me explain the "why" in a different manner. Right now we're suggesting massive reform. People are going to lose some of the handouts and others that aren't paying any taxes are going to have to start paying. We're all accountable for this mess. The why now is simple. These numbers are just for discussion purposes ok. Lets say we have 5000 people getting food stamps and 5000 people getting housing subsidized and another 5000 are getting child welfare assistance checks. That's 15,000 people that need the help, they fit the bill in every way, no fraud, no abuse, they're trying their best to improve themselves etc etc. Who's going to help those 15,000 people when the economy tanks? Our credit IS going to reach it's limits. The dollar IS going to inflate. The prices of everything ARE going to skyrocket and people will be laid off by the millions as the country totally fails economically. I'm not exaggerating, this is what lies ahead if things aren't fixed.

See the riots in Greece? That's not something that can't happen to us because we're geographically separated. We're almost in the same boat they are. The Gov can't print money to give away if the value of the dollar is already ruined. Peoples investments will all tank. The stock market WILL crash and it won't be able to get back up. Everything on every level will fail.

The time is NOW because it HAS to be. We're in fvcking triage mode man. We need to cut off the gangrenous limbs so the body can live to fight another day. This is what happens when everyone puts on rose colored glasses and stuffs their fvcking head in the sand. Ignorance is bliss.

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WDRacing wrote:Last summer Congress was correct in not raising the debt ceiling without spending cuts. It's the spending that got us into this problem. Taking out more loans to continue the spending is not going to fix the problem nor improve our credit rating.
I have to disagree with you there WD. The debt ceiling is a joke, a joke that no one seems to understand. Its a figure of debt that we are allowed to pay off. It has nothing to do with how much debt we sign up for. NOT raising it just hurts our credit, which already happened once, and is bound to happen again. What we're doing is the equivalent of signing up for car loans, then deciding later, after already obligated, whether of not we want to pay. We can't do business that way, its retarded. We have to monitor debt BEFORE we take it on, not after the fact.

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Marenta wrote:I'm curious.. out of everybody that is active in this forum, is there anybody that's against secularism? I don't want to go down the whole religion road, I'm just wondering if perhaps clutching to those fanatical religious ideals are what is turning people off from the Republicans...
I don't think so. Certainly there is a segment of the party for whom religiously-saturated policy is first and foremost, but I think it's the parties perceived hatred of low income people that turns off a lot. To a lesser extent and for me, it's that they talk like fiscal conservatives, but are really little better than freespending liberals in practice.

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We've raised the debt ceiling dozens of times. Why was this last one THE ceiling increase that HAD to be accompanied by spending cuts? When Obama raised the debt ceiling in 2010, how was he able to do it without spending cuts? When Bush raised ceiling during his tenure, why weren't spending cuts demanded?

Of course, we have a choice. You say the economy is bad so we need to cut spending. I say the economy is bad so we shouldnt cut spending (on programs on which people's lives depend). Your approach begins reviving a broken system now. My approach delays the fix while allowing people to live to see that improved system. Why would we take away the $1000/yr that someone uses to feed their family when companies are bringing in billions of dollars and paying a lower tax rate? IMO that's just plain wrong.

Your 15,000 needy people example smells just like Romney's 47% comment. You referred to them as gangrenous limbs. But these are real people with beating hearts in their chests and the American dream in their minds. Do you really believe we should let people die?

I truly believe we can afford to wait on these spending cuts. And I know there are families that cannot afford to see these cuts now. But you seem to think TODAY is the mythical straw that breaks the camels back.

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The rest of the world is not going to continue to buy our debt. The reason it matters now is because very soon, you won't have a choice. They will have a bond issuance and no one will buy. When that happens, all this BS falls apart and all the things that are out of whack correct in one big jolt. You think the riots in Europe are scary, you ain't seen nothing yet.

Why do you think the FED fights so hard against being audited? It's because they are buying up these bonds more and more and if it was known just how much the economy would have already crashed. Argue to emotion all you want, but when you are keeping your house afloat on credit cards and the card companies won't give you more credit it doesn't matter that you kids don't eat, that s*** is going to happen regardless.

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hannibal wrote:We've raised the debt ceiling dozens of times. Why was this last one THE ceiling increase that HAD to be accompanied by spending cuts? When Obama raised the debt ceiling in 2010, how was he able to do it without spending cuts? When Bush raised ceiling during his tenure, why weren't spending cuts demanded?

Of course, we have a choice. You say the economy is bad so we need to cut spending. I say the economy is bad so we shouldnt cut spending (on programs on which people's lives depend). Your approach begins reviving a broken system now. My approach delays the fix while allowing people to live to see that improved system. Why would we take away the $1000/yr that someone uses to feed their family when companies are bringing in billions of dollars and paying a lower tax rate? IMO that's just plain wrong.

Your 15,000 needy people example smells just like Romney's 47% comment. You referred to them as gangrenous limbs. But these are real people with beating hearts in their chests and the American dream in their minds. Do you really believe we should let people die?

I truly believe we can afford to wait on these spending cuts. And I know there are families that cannot afford to see these cuts now. But you seem to think TODAY is the mythical straw that breaks the camels back.
Dude...get a grip. Save me your bleeding heart Liberal bullsh1t, I don't have time for it. You're not comprehending anything we're talking about...that's painfully clear. So why don't you let the adults continue having a conversation and you can go do whatever the hell makes you happy.

Go plant a tree or something.

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I know we've taken a line in this country, that started with "W" mind you, that certain organizations are to be considered "too big to fail", even though competition chomps at the bit to fill the void they'd leave if they did fail. But just because we take that tact internally, does NOT mean that the rest of the world considers America "too big to fail". In fact, in their eyes we are "too big to not fail".

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WDRacing wrote:
hannibal wrote:We've raised the debt ceiling dozens of times. Why was this last one THE ceiling increase that HAD to be accompanied by spending cuts? When Obama raised the debt ceiling in 2010, how was he able to do it without spending cuts? When Bush raised ceiling during his tenure, why weren't spending cuts demanded?

Of course, we have a choice. You say the economy is bad so we need to cut spending. I say the economy is bad so we shouldnt cut spending (on programs on which people's lives depend). Your approach begins reviving a broken system now. My approach delays the fix while allowing people to live to see that improved system. Why would we take away the $1000/yr that someone uses to feed their family when companies are bringing in billions of dollars and paying a lower tax rate? IMO that's just plain wrong.

Your 15,000 needy people example smells just like Romney's 47% comment. You referred to them as gangrenous limbs. But these are real people with beating hearts in their chests and the American dream in their minds. Do you really believe we should let people die?

I truly believe we can afford to wait on these spending cuts. And I know there are families that cannot afford to see these cuts now. But you seem to think TODAY is the mythical straw that breaks the camels back.
Dude...get a grip. Save me your bleeding heart Liberal bullsh1t, I don't have time for it. You're not comprehending anything we're talking about...that's painfully clear. So why don't you let the adults continue having a conversation and you can go do whatever the hell makes you happy.

Go plant a tree or something.
Brian you are so wrong.

If you want to discuss bulls#it it is all coming from the right and the majority of Americans see it and voted accordingly. The republican party is appealing to a shrinking base of voters and will continue to do so with their present platform. Romney frightened millions with what he intended to do on day one so they all voted for Obama

That is why Obama won!

Another thing this election proved is no matter how much money the right pisses away on bulls$it commercials no one believes them anymore.

Not me, not women, not African Americans, not Hispanics, not college students,and not Asians.
So who is left besides you and stebo?

Demographics, demographics, demographics

You will see similar results in again 2014 and 2016 :yesnod


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I'm not wrong about anything you complete dumba$$. We're talking about the budget deficit and debt. Take you're idiocy and sell it somewhere else, we're all full here. People like you are the problem Howie...you're so lost you don't even know the question let alone the answer.

Quit breathing my air.

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