Where to find kosei k1

Forum for Nissan wheel fitment, tire selection, suspension setup and brake discussions.
Posts: 7
Joined: Thu Feb 06, 2003 9:59 am


Driftwannabe posted a question about finding kosei k1 wheels in 4x114.3 which is an excellent question because they do make them but the are hard to find. Then exar-kun called him an idiot for asking where to buy them.

"iF THE COMPANY DOESNT MAKE THEM YOU CANT BUY THEM.geeze. this is locked. please refrain from asking dumb questions like this in these forums. at least ask the company that lists them(tire rack) why you cant get them.-chet"

The funny thing is that the tirerack doesn't make wheels, they just distribute them. I would actually like to know where to get these wheels but the thread was locked. This is why i posted another message.

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OK, seeing as you only have one post, I'll help you out. the kosei K-1 is NOT AVAILABLE OVER A 16" WHEEL WITH THE CORRECT OFFSET FOR OUR CARS. IF you would ahve read the origional posts, you'd be much more intellegent and you know, maybe all tire rack and go "why cant I get them?" you'd get the reply "they arent made in the offsets for your vehicle, or the correct hub bore with an adapter."

geeze. Do you not think I dont know WHAT tire rack does? my god, your a n00b.you can get the k-1 in a 15" in the correct bolt/hub setting, but otherwise you have to have a 5-lug conversion. myself and jerome went through this already. Im locking this thread too.-chet

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