Compare this to the '02 manual, which says:NISSAN does not recommend synthetic type oils but recommends mineral based oils. These oils must however, meet the API quality and SAE viscosity ratings specified for your vehicle.
In all three manuals (02, 03, 04) this is on page 9-6. Haven't checked other years of Pathys, but your mileage may vary. Links to manual here: based or synthetic type oils may be used in your NISSAN vehicle. These oils must however, meet the API quality and SAE viscosity ratings specified for your vehicle. Do not mix mineral based and synthetic type oils in the engine at the same time.
I remember reading somewhere that it has something to do with the IVT.Densetsu wrote:Just a reminder, in the owners manual of the '03 and '04 Pathfinder, it specifically says:
Compare this to the '02 manual, which says:
In all three manuals (02, 03, 04) this is on page 9-6. Haven't checked other years of Pathys, but your mileage may vary. Links to manual here:
Because of this, I've never used synthetic. Some hardcore guys think I'm an idiot for not using synthetic, but they don't realize it says NOT to use it in the manual. Why, I'm not sure (I've heard theories about synthetic drying out the seals and gaskets in these two years of Pathys), but I'll believe the Nissan engineers.
Coolant does more than just prevent freezing. It also:Raises the boiling point (important on a hot SoCal day).Lubricates the water pump.Helps prevent disimilar metals problems in the cooling system.sicwitit wrote:dude, you live in socal! theres no need to run anti-freeze/coolent? If your concerned about high temps, drop in a 170 or 160deg thermostat, and run some water weter from redline. anything lower then that and your ECU will think its way to cold outside and make you run rich (that is if our ECU's have a cold start/warm up function). as long as your not crazy like me and run without a thermostat for a couple years then your pathy should run just fine on that mix, or until you get into freezing weather. Just a thought
Why is that?SprintCar wrote:Mobil 1 is s***.
pennzoil is factory fill for kia quaker state is factory fill for hyundaiSprintCar wrote:Mobil 1 is s***. The best oil is either Pennzoil or QuakerState.
You're calling the wrong dude stupid. He asked why is it not good oil and your response is "Its not a good oil," great response. Thanks for reposting what chuck said. And BTW usually people who don't have to deal with constant heat don't know about the benefits of antifreeze. Nice first posts buddy, learn some punctuation and manners. Welcome to NICO!SprintCar wrote:Its not a good oil. just because in a commercial it say its the best, doesn't mean its true. And sicwitit, are you stupid? You have to run at least 25% antifreeze. Antifreeze not only doesnt freeze it also helps regulate temperature. water alone can not cool fast enough, with antifreeze it cools much faster and stays cooler, so during those hot SoCal days, your motor will run cooler. and what does plain water do to metal? it corrodes aluminum and turns iron to rust, but that doesnt take a genius to figure out. Water and antifreeze dont corrode metal it protects it from that kind of damage.