VIN Question

The Internet's ONLY forum for 240sx convertible information and the official home of the 240sx Convertible Club of America!
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Feb 14, 2018 9:06 pm
Car: s13 convertible


I just would like to know some information about my convertible.

The last digits of my VIN are 0080.

Does this mean mine is the 80th to roll out of the assembly line?

Thank You.

Posts: 352
Joined: Sat Nov 29, 2014 7:46 pm
Car: 1997J30T, 1967RL411
Location: Rancho Palos Verdes CA


It means that your convertible was the 80th production unit manufactured for sale in whatever year it was built for sale. The first digit would tell you just which year's model you have. "zero" would be 1989.

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