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Li'l Truckie »
Thu Oct 09, 2014 8:26 pm
Well yes you can! Or at least it more than do-able.
Let me walk through this
-Need to disconnect the forward and reverse linkage, easy enough.
-Next to to remove the cross shaft linkage arms.
The hard part is getting those lock pins out of the arms so you can pull them off and then un-bolt the side plate. Even harder with confined space you are dealing with. I'm up for any ideas on how to press them out after 50+ years in place. I've used a C-clap, a ball joint splitter, I've place a nut into 7/16 socket with an extension, used a big sledge with a flat punch, mucsle, and sometimes stupidity. Success rate is about 50-50. Trick is to just break them free, so I unthreaded the nut and slid on a couple more washer to keep the lock pin from bending under pressure. Once the siezed pin is free, unthread the nut and punch the lock pin out with a light tap. If you can get the lock pins out you will have no issues with the rest. I think you will want to remove the forward linkage arm and pin first. Again, this is going to be a tight fit trying to get something in there to remove those pins.
-If you are success at removing the lock pins, then at this time I would drain the transmission gear oil. You might change you mind about this task if you cannot get those pins out, so no need in draining the oil as step 1 prep.
-Next remove the side plate cover bolts and side plate. Due to the confined space I do not think the forward and reverse cross shaft will come out. But you should be able to slide the cover off.
- Remove felt O-rings and inner seal. Thoroughly clean and clean again, and maybe one more time the access cover before putting in your new seals. I used a socket with extension to press in the seal.
-At the same time wipe down the outer edge of the access cover lip on the transmission.
-At this time your are ready to replace access cover, with new cross-shaft seal installed, back onto the transmission.
If the felt O-Rings are "okay" then go ahead and re-use them. If not, grab plenty of towels and fill the void with gasket sealer. Let sealant dry, thoroughly dry, before putting the linkage arms back on.
Lastly is to just hook the linkage back up.
Again, the hardest part is getting out those lock pins, which are nearly impossible to source.
Let me know if you have any question or need any pics. I have a side/column shift transmission in a container in the basement that's easy to get too, err. rather trip over.