So what's the latest on Remote Starting Systems?

Nissan Rogue forum - Includes Nissan Qashqai and Nissan Dualis as well.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Apr 25, 2008 5:33 am
Car: 2008 Nissan Rogue


Hello all! Looks like you've got a great forum going on here.

Got a quick question.

The wife is really putting the screws to me to get her a remote starter for the Rogue for her birthday. ("It's for the baby..." and "Tracy has one...")

LOL I love her to death, but the general impression I've gotten from some of the other threads is "not quite ready for prime time"???

We've got an SL with the intelligent keys, etc.

Has anybody come up with a good, reliable, working solution? If so - would you mind sharing with me what make and model you used?

I called the dealership yesterday and apparently their accessories guy was out and nobody else could help me.

Thanks!Mike O'Brien

Posts: 4138
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:30 am
Location: Canada


It is possible to have remote start on a Rogue with Intelligent key. Several members have it. There is a thread on it here:


The only issue it seems is the engine shuts off as soon as you depress the brake pedal. AFAIK there is still no way around this. It seems to be a security feature and is either part of the auto start system or the Intelligent key.

I'll add my little rant about how remote start systems and the excessive vehicle idling is bad for both your car and the enviornment....

1) During cold starts and subsequent idling the engine runs very rich, producing far more pollutants.2) The excess fuel also dilutes the engine oil which negatively affects lubrication.3) Idling does not warm the transmission and drivetrain and you risk damage driving too quickly as soon as you back out the driveway..4) The car will warm up faster and produce far less pollutants by idling for less than a minute and driving gently for the first few miles until it's warmed up.5) Economics: excessive idling burns lots of gas... and gas isn't getting cheaper.

Posts: 18
Joined: Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:36 am
Car: 2008 Rogue SL AWD


I'll add to this, I have been talking with Gerald Nissan in Naperville, IL about this since I got my Rogue delivered with Remote Start.

I quote, " There will not be anything done on Nissan's part to make the Remote Start any better than what it is". Mine has the same issues as above, I can not turn the ignition over while the car is running, so I can warm it up but then to drive I have to actually kill the engine then press the ignition in and start the car again.

Sucks, but I need the remote start for myself since I have poor circulation in my legs, and below zero weather for me isn't exactly easy on the body, without warmth.

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