Post by
SixGuns »
Thu Dec 25, 2008 9:55 am
I've been using SeaFoam for years and it's great stuff....basically, it's distillates that disolve the deposits in your valvetrain, cylinders, etc...Best way to get it done is use the black rubber vaccum hose leading from the brake booster (driver's side, next to the firewall, big cylinder)....move the hose clamp before you even start, and disconnect the line....probably stuck as all hell, so it will take a little working...then, stick the hose back on the nipple so it's just barely snug...have another person start the car and hold the revs at 3,000 RPM, then disconnect the vaccum line and stick the line into the can of SeaFoam and gently pour the liquid to the line...vaccum pressure will suck it all out of the can and as soon as it's empty, shut off the engine, put the line back on the nipple and secure the hose clamp. After 5-10 minutes, all the crap will be disolved and start the or rev the engine till all the junk burns out of the exhaust system....Like said before, be careful where you do...we've had the fire department show up, 'cause someone thought the Silverado we were doing it on was burning up....Gotta hold the revs up though, or the engine will die. Good luck.