Really? Really?

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So, DADT is repealed and thousands of soldiers come out. Rick Santorum wants to do whatever the military wants to do, and so as President, he'd reinstitute DADT no matter what.

But that's not the problem. Douchebaggery is to be expected from the frothy Santorum, but what the hell is wrong with the audience?
TPM wrote:ORLANDO, FL — Members of the crowd gathered for the Fox News/YouTube debate booed a video of a gay soldier in Iraq who asked if the nine presidential candidates on stage would work to “circumvent” the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.
First, they cheer at the 200+ people Texas killed. Then they cheer at the kind of "responsibility" that lets a sick person die if they chose not to buy health insurance. Now, hatred of they gays wins out over love of the troops. What's next, conservatives? What nugget of disgusting, inhumane crazy will you promote next week?

So, the last time something like this happened, the Right tried to spin it as somehow having something to do with Obamacare, despite the fact that there was no mention of it, and despite the clear message that the audience approved of letting someone die because they chose not to buy health insurance. Why's this one okay? Were they simply defending themselves in the War on Christmas?

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There are despicable people out there. It's not an exclusive thing for the GOP, the Democrats have their share of whack jobs as well and there are likely people who are just as wacky, but because they are not popularly wacky are called independents.

Just enjoy Santorum trying to look relevant. It's a hell of an entertaining show. :rolleyes:

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themadscientist wrote:There are despicable people out there. It's not an exclusive thing for the GOP, the Democrats have their share of whack jobs as well and there are likely people who are just as wacky, but because they are not popularly wacky are called independents.

Just enjoy Santorum trying to look relevant. It's a hell of an entertaining show. :rolleyes:
I don't think Independents and Democrats put their crazy front and center, though.

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I dunno, Pelosi was front and center for a while there.

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So, I'm to take it that y'all are going to stay silent, like the nine candidates on that stage last night? Nice.
stebo0728 wrote:I dunno, Pelosi was front and center for a while there.
Yeah, okay, pal. If you think Pelosi is nuts on the same level as cheering for death and booing servicemembers because they are gay, I can't help you. What is it you think she's said or done that offends you?

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I didnt say it was the same level, but hey,
Pelosi wrote: we need to pass this bill, to see whats in it
sounds pretty bat sh*t insane to me!

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And yet, the first instinct has been to repeat the tired "both sides are bad" cop-out.
stebo0728 wrote:sounds pretty bat sh*t insane to me!
Sounds like a personal problem to me, because it's only batsh•t if you remove ALL of the context and hope I forget that I've explained this one to you and Greg repeatedly. You're the only one who keeps trotting it out.

Pretend I'm your boss, and you ask me what's so great about the paycheck I just handed you. I reply, "You'll have to cash that check to see what's in it." You knew what was in it: the money was there on the face of it, but you're not going to fully realize the benefits until you take the action. It was the same for PPACA, and you know it.

The bill was publicly available. Nothing in it was secret. The only people who think Pelosi was hiding something are people with demonstrable mental handicaps. You know this, Stebo.

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That analogy made me laugh. Not analogous in the least.

And I dont remember ever claiming that Pelosi was hiding something. Shes too daft to hide anything me thinks. My problem with her statement was that it was batsh*t insane, as I said before. You dont pass mysterious legislation to find out whats in it. Yes the bill was made public before hand, but who read it? Who that mattered read it? I think its crazy to pass a bill you are completely unfamiliar with. That doesnt mean I think you are hiding something in it, it means you're an idiot for wanting to sign the dotted line without reading the contract you're signing.

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stebo0728 wrote:That analogy made me laugh. Not analogous in the least.
It wasn't supposed to be an analogy in fact. It was an analogy in message.
stebo0728 wrote:And I dont remember ever claiming that Pelosi was hiding something.
Oh, my mistake. I suppose...
stebo0728 wrote:My problem with her statement was that it was batsh*t insane, as I said before. You dont pass mysterious legislation to find out whats in it.
... Wait, what?
stebo0728 wrote:Yes the bill was made public before hand, but who read it? Who that mattered read it? I think its crazy to pass a bill you are completely unfamiliar with. That doesnt mean I think you are hiding something in it, it means you're an idiot for wanting to sign the dotted line without reading the contract you're signing.
Who didn't read it before signing? And what does that have to do with Pelosi?

And have you worked up the courage to denounce the boos and the complicity of the candidates?

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Sure, the boos were terrible, and whatever complicity the candidates played in it were the same. They pulled a "Sheehan" and it was uncalled for.

Sorry I was using the word mysterious in message, not in fact.

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Cute, but meaningless. I'm referring, of course to everything you just wrote.

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The part that gets me is how you think ANYONE who attends these events is representative of the nation at large. Isaac, you're smarter than that.

Picketers flinging poo at passing cars aren't representative of union workers as a whole.

You're 100% right in one thing: That entire audience, if sincere, is a group that could be euthanized and it wouldn't hurt my feelings. They're breathing my good goddamn air.

I wouldn't be surprised, however, if it's not simply a case of "mob mentality". People will cheer for some pretty absurd things that run counter to their own beliefs. Ever been to a concert? Happens all the time.

Disclaimer: All of this is real easy to say if you're a libertarian. Both sides are certifiable, and while lots of lefties don't put their crazy on the mantle and dust it off when company comes over, a lot of the Right does the same thing.

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If it were a bunch of random people on the street, Greg, I'd be right there with you. But this was the Republican presidential primary debate. The people who boo'd were apparently shushed by the people immediately nearby, but there's no indication that it was done in response to the sentiment, more merely its expression on live TV.

But what's more damning is that none of the candidates said anything about it. They didn't even thank the soldier, currently in Iraq, for his service. And these are the people the Republican Party wants leading this country.

That's what undermines my faith in the American people. That's what makes me ashamed of my country, today.

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So Obama gets elected because people are sheep and can't be trusted to make their down decisions, yet when this happens all of a sudden we're defending the strength of Joe Six Pack's ability to judge for himself?

Sounds like we need to pick an argument and stick to it. The people voting look to these "leaders" to see how to act. There is a lot of sentiment out there that is just waiting for evidence of acceptance for it to start bubbling out.

Bottom line is that the Republican "base" coming out in droves to support the fringe Right in this election are radicals who would, if they had the opportunity, govern from the Bible rather than the Constitution and basically take a big smelly dump all over the individual freedoms of every American, all in the name of "a return to the fundamental principles upon which our nation was founded."

You guys know me. You know I'm not "reactionary" and that I think my comments through before I post them here. And I'm stating, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the above statement is absolutely TRUE.


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IBCoupe wrote:But what's more damning is that none of the candidates said anything about it. They didn't even thank the soldier, currently in Iraq, for his service. And these are the people the Republican Party wants leading this country.

You yourself said it's not the responsibility of an affiliated party to "speak out against" the behavior of their fringes.

Tariq, y u no condemn shoe bommer?

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Because they're physically in the same place. If there was one unifying party to represent Muslims and they were all gathered to pick their representative for the next national contest of whatever, and some derp came out of the crowd right then and there, I'd expect them to say something.

(Edited to insert an example:)

And I'm not just condemning them for not standing up for the soldier, I'm condemning them for, at the very least, not showing the same lip service thanks that they typically show whenever someone identifies themselves as a soldier.

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the shoe b0mber didnt try to make it law that jesus rode to church on the backs of dinosaurs.

these people should be shot on the spot. their supporters, shot as well. stupid is infectious and if it wasnt for my current schedule i would be lighting this place up with evidence of republican hypocracy, blatant bigotry, defiant cowardice, and the xenophobia that they have come to embody in the last 10 years.

that one could look at these positions and say "well both sides do it" is despicable.

on a side note, idiocracy is turning out to be true and god willing, syria will emerge from revolution soon, in need of doctors to care for its populace. this b**** is out.

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heliochrome85 wrote:these people should be shot on the spot. their supporters, shot as well.
You sound like my 81-year-old Dad. :poke:
heliochrome85 wrote:stupid is infectious
So is misinformation.
heliochrome85 wrote:i would be lighting this place up with evidence of republican hypocracy, blatant bigotry, defiant cowardice, and the xenophobia that they have come to embody in the last 10 years.
Last time you "lit it up" you got clobbered, homey. ;) I love you, but your allegations of rampant xenophobia haven't been borne out.

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IBCoupe wrote:none of the candidates said anything about it. They didn't even thank the soldier, currently in Iraq, for his service.
Worse yet, none of them were wearing a US flag lapel pin.

Wait, wut?


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Hey, I'm okay with that. :P

But do you think they'd have neglected to say, "Thank you for your service" if it'd been a straight soldier asking about Afghanistan? Or even if he'd come out against DADT in his video?

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Don't get me wrong - My reaction is the same as yours.

It's just not the exclusive domain of pinheaded righties. Dimwitted lefties have been showing the way (and dissing the troops) since the 60's.

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