Rattling noise on acceleration

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Rogue One
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abrokendesign wrote:I have an 09 Murano SL. A couple months back, my engine light came on and the code was for the front O2 sensor. My car hesitates to accelerate from a stopped position or almost stopped position and then takes off! There's also a rattle on acceleration sometimes but not all the time and quickly goes away if I give it more gas and does not come back while vehicle is driving. Could these two be related and is this both symptomatic of the code/O2 sensor? Is it a fairly easy fix. Other than, no issues with the car. It does have high miles (189,000) and has always been maintained as far as I know.
There was no need to create a second thread for an open topic. I've deleted the new thread you created.

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Ok - well can you offer any insight? I am a single mom and just trying to figure it out!

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My guess would be that they are related as the sensors have an effect on fuel. I would call around to local mechanics and ask them how much it would be to replace the sensors on your Murano (you should have two sensors - one behind each of the first two catalytic converters). I would also ask if there is a way to find out (it might be based on the engine code) which one needs to be replaced as there is a difference between the two and their prices. I wish I could say whether or not it was easy to do, find out if you have a mechanically inclined friend or relative that can help you out, they look like they can be reached once the car is jacked up. Good luck! :)

http://nissanhelp.com/diy/murano/projec ... cation.php

http://www.rockauto.com/en/catalog/niss ... ensor,5132

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I have an appointment to drop off our Murano with a mechanic (same one who did our power steering) to look for what is causing the rattle this weekend. He was the first mechanic to actually go with me in the car to hear the noise and I was able to make it happen several times so there was no doubt. I will update what the results are next week.

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Hi PersephoneJade and Co,

Did you meet your mechanic ?
I have the same issue here and suspects the VAIS valve to be the cause of that rattling noise.
Mine occurs since several months, warm engine, at re-accel from low low revs.
Can't reproduce it on order, but happens sometimes, or not...
The butterfly valve has some axial gap, and moving it from left to right manually makes that kind of noise, which is amplified in the manifold.

Did you see that video, dealing with the subject ?

I'm currently looking for a good price valve on the internet. NISSAN dealers here in France ask generally for prohibitive prices...

Please let us know of any feedback you'll get.

Merci, salut.

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The mechanic had our Murano hooked up to a bunch of stuff and found a ping in the engine. Ran some tests and found that the mass flow air sensor was reading at 120% - so he said it was a detonation issue. Took some things off the engine, looked at the plugs (and I think he said pistons) and found a ton of carbon - essentially said that the engine was incredibly dirty. He ran Seafoam directly through the engine (can find the process online to do at home/on your own), re-ran the tests and the reading went down to 112%. He put Seafoam into the gas tank and told me to run 2 tanks of Chevron (because of the Techron) premium gas though and if the noise is still there then to bring it back and he will pull the plugs and use a top engine cleaner on it.

So far, I have only heard the noise a couple of times so the frequency has greatly diminished - and the volume of the noise has also gone down a lot. I am only on the first tank of gas so I cannot say that what we are currently doing is solving the problem, but I am hopeful. It probably won't be until sometime in early December that I can update this any further because I still have one more tank of gas to go through, and if he does have to use the engine cleaner on it, it will have to sit over a couple of days.

There ya have it, the update that isn't much of an update lol. If you are looking for good prices on parts, I suggest http://www.rockauto.com/ We have found the prices to be reasonable or better than what can be found elsewhere and have gotten parts from them for an Altima we used to own and a Titan that we still own.

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Thanks !
I checked the mass air flow data thru the OBD2 and didn't notice any kind of out of range value on my engine.
I assume a link however with the air inlet temperature (should I say ambiant temp ?), but can't evidence anything.

DEtonation issue looks strange : we have 2 knocks sensors supposed to avoid that. if one fails, it does not light the MIL but returns a code.
Detonation related to ignition issues are normally expected to occur under heavy loads / highr revs : definitely not what I have. (taking-off from a stop, sometimes...)

Have somtimes used soft cleaners in the fuel (what you call SeaFoam ? - don't know that name in France), but guess it has a limited action range.
I personnaly don't trust the engine hard cleanings by miracle products. Hydrogen cleaning becomes more and more popular overhere (hydrogen mix injected directly into the air box), and assume that all the coked parts burnt by the high temps will finally have to exit the engine by somewhere... I see here a good opportunity for catalystic or mufflers clogging...
In the case the fuel nozzles or valves are so deteriorated by cokefaction, my assumption is that only a teardwon for cleaning will help.

thanks for the info about rockauto : they don't have the valve I'm looking for, but only the control solenoid.

I have however ordered from amayama.com for a part located in japan.
This one will come with cheaper price, including shipping, than local dealer price or US ebay seller.
(inc shipp + other 3€ part # 150 €)

I'll post here once replaced, if of any effect...or not...


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I finally get rid of the rattling noise after a couple of carbon cleaning sessions.
(2 x 30 min)
The machine is connected direclty in the Muranbo air inlet , and is supposed to spray Hydrogen enriched air...

The insane noise has disappeard, finally...

Hope this helps.

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I had this issue on my 2007 MO with 170,000+ KMS. I did some research and found the following possible causes:

Timing chain tensioner.
Loose 1st catalytic converter.
Air sensor giving faulty readings and causing 'pinking'.
Dirty fuel system.
Water in fuel.

The engine is exceptionally quiet at all revs, and almost mute at idle, so its not the timing chain tensioner.
The CAT was nice and snug.
There was no check engine indication that a sensor was giving a bad reading.
I ran Seafoam through the fuel system, everything was OK.

Eventually I saw that the corner of the heat shield near the fire wall had rusted and the bolt was now loose in its mount. I corrected that and the rattle is gone. I am handy with the spanners, so this was a dirt cheap fix for me. Get your tech to look at the heat shield.


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I own a 2004 Nissan murano with about 144,000 miles on it. The car has been great, besides the rattling noise when i accelerate. It only seems to do it when im about 500 miles away from being due for an oil change, being the standard 3,000 miles to an oil change. ive changed the plugs, and the service engine light will come on and it throws a p0011 code. If anyone has found a solution to this problem and could offer some advice to what it could be, i would appreciate it greatly. keep in mind the car runs and sounds fine until about 2500 miles on my oil, and i always run 91 octane ethanol free gas. PLEASE HELP!!

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loganwaltenberg wrote:
Sun Sep 03, 2017 3:07 pm
I own a 2004 Nissan murano with about 144,000 miles on it. The car has been great, besides the rattling noise when i accelerate. It only seems to do it when im about 500 miles away from being due for an oil change, being the standard 3,000 miles to an oil change. ive changed the plugs, and the service engine light will come on and it throws a p0011 code. If anyone has found a solution to this problem and could offer some advice to what it could be, i would appreciate it greatly. keep in mind the car runs and sounds fine until about 2500 miles on my oil, and i always run 91 octane ethanol free gas. PLEASE HELP!!
well a p0011 code is can refer to the engine variable timing solenoid, can't say for sure if this is your issue but I believe there is a very good chance.

Around $175 OEM Nissan online or Dorman makes one as well for around $50 cheaper than OEM.
Also one made by a manufacturer unfamiliar to me for around $40 on Amazon.

https://www.amazon.com/APDTY-Variable-D ... g+solenoid

Nissan part# 23796EA22A
Dorman part# 917-011

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I had same problem with my 2005 Nissan Murano, with 150K miles on it. It seems like I have pinpointed the problem, and temporarily fixed it with duck tape!

I had multiple non-related problems that came up a bit after the noise that made things confusing. My car stalled and had hard time starting it. Changed the Battery, but it had nothing to do with it, and did not fix anything. My 1st (common) problem with Murano was "Crank Shaft Sensor", which Engine Light code indicated. I replaced it by removing the cover under the radiator/grill per videos on the web. That problem got fixed.

Shortly after, got a 2nd problem of hesitation and car stalling when weather got over 80 degrees. Engine light pointed to "Cam Shaft" sensors, which were easier to replaced on the top of the engine. I took the top plastic engine cover and through it away in the process. Let the heat get out.

The original problem that you are discussing, still remained. The Noise when taking off, pressing the gas pedal at around 1800 rpm. People online discussed Vacuum leak ... . I ended up replacing MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor right next to the air filter. Easy and inexpensive to do, which requires a special screwdriver sold on Amazon, but N/A to the problem. No harm done.

Today, I found the cause and a temporary solution to my 3rd and original problem that is discussed here. It is the due to "Electric Motor Mounts" that absorb the vibrations. The noise comes when I was in heavy traffic, idling the engine with little air flow hitting the radiator. At the last oil change, the coolant was filled way past the max level. I noticed the water coming out of the container. Right below it is one of the "Electric Motor Mounts"! Visually, saw its circular rubber cover is unsealed, exposing the inside of the "Electric Motor Mount". Coolant water and/or engine heat getting into the "Electric Motor Mount" was my problem.

SOLUTION: 1st I drained the Coolant down to the "max" level. No more overflow out of the container. 2nd, and probably the main fix, was to Temporarily re-seal the top of the "Electric Motor Mount " rubber cover with duck tape. I actually duck taped the "Electric Motor Mount" below coolant container, and more partially, a 2nd one behind the radiator, down below. My car is not making any noise:). (See the attached pictures)

QUESTION: Is there a better (e.g. fast acting glue) that can re-seal the rubber cover against the round frame of the "Electric Motor Mount", not needing to apply too much pressure on it. Specially when I can not reach the bottom part of the round rubber cover?

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