Quarter window switch

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My 1992 240sx convertible quarter window switch on the console has a cover on the switch button that is cracked and won't stay on. Is there another Nissan that has the same switch? I can't find another 240 in any of the junk yards around here. I'm also looking for another horn pad cruise control switch.

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240SX vert only - that's a tough one to find.

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3d reprint?

Lord Umoja
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I bought two sets from courtesyparts.com before. The damn things are brittle as all get out and break easily. I'll try my hand at modeling some up for 3D print but I make no guarantee I'll be able to do it fast.

cole d
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I'm looking for some quarter window switches as well not just the covers. Let me know if anyone has some for sale.

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Nissan still has them. They're like $40-$50 bucks for the whole switch.

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