Parking / Emergency Brake

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Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2021 12:53 pm
Car: 2005 Infiniti G35 Coupe


I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this question, but I'd like to get some additional opinions.
I had the rotors and calipers replaced on the back and my husband said they s/have also fixed the e-brake while doing so. I keep telling him we didn't ask for that to be done and he thinks it is in the normal process of replacing the other parts. He just doesn't get that isn't how it's done because they are on a cable system and not a hydraulic system.

The e-brake didn't work when I bought the car back in February, and I didn't see a need for it as I live in the prairie of central Illinois.

Would love some opinions, expertise, insight.

Gina Kirkland

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Guess they didn't want to sell you the work, because they should have at least tried the e-brake and noticed the problem. On the other hand, rear rotors don't get routinely cut like front ones, so if there was a problem underneath the rotor hub, they probably wouldn't see it. With no complaint on the shop ticket, things like that can easily be overlooked in a busy shop with plenty of work in the hopper. So I'd say it's a matter of perspective, you're both right.

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