Nissan Hardbody RB26 Turbo Options

Forum for the Xterra, Frontier and Hardbody, the smaller workhorses of the Nissan lineup!
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Joined: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:08 pm
Car: 2009 Dodge Ram
1995 Nissan Hardbody


I know there are a million people with pipe dreams of making this happen, but have no money, no time, or no imagination. But here is my situation. I got this 1995 Nissan Hardbody with an RB20 swap started. Finished it, Got it running, everything working perfectly, and it runs fine.

Drove it around for a couple months, but what I really wanted was an RB26... so last weekend I bought one out of the States with an RB25 transmission already bolted up. The only problem is the factory turbo location for the rb26 will interfere with my steering shaft. So I need an alternate setup. This truck is strictly for street use. I would like to keep the factory twins and just mount them out of the way. Some people say you can flip the manifolds??? Is this true? Or are there some top or side mount manifolds that you can buy and still retain the stock turbo's?? I know best case is a big top-mount single, but I don't really want to dump another $3G into it.

What's my best option?? Here's my truck with the RB20 single turbo clearance for reference.



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You might be able to modify your steering shaft with a U-joint or 2 to get it to clear the new turbo. How badly does it interfere/where does it hit?

Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:08 pm
Car: 2009 Dodge Ram
1995 Nissan Hardbody


Well the engine is on a truck somewhere getting shipped to me right now so don't even have it as a reference. The tiny RB20 turbo clears, barely. So Having 2 bigger turbo's will interfere for sure. Just a matter of how much, and what I can do to fix it.

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