Here is the official info on the two beers.
I bought a bottle (bottle #189) of the Bourbon Barrel Quad, a complex quadruple ale "based loosely" off of my favorite beer, Sixth Glass quad ale. I say complex because of all the flavors! This beer is teeming, yes teeming with flavor! But don't expect the flavor rich stout bitterness to be there. Not only does it have the sweet, rich flavor of being a quadruple ale, it's also fermented over cherry's and stored in a bourbon barrel. And even though I don't have a good sense of smell, the aroma will have you scrunching eyebrows, puzzled, wondering if that's whiskey and chocolate you smell coming from a beer?.
This beer is a brown brown and semi-opaque, not near as transmission as the picture. Because of it's 11.8% alcohol, it's not real "fizzy" like the notorious domestics (bud, miller, ect...) are. It's also best served cool, but not cold! 45-65deg is great for this beer, but Boulevard recommends 50.
Tonight, I made a steak dinner with fried rice (long story, but suffice it to say, I ate the tuna steaks and sushi rolls before dinner) and it just wasn't quite the right beer for this meal. Though had I used a different seasoning, something a tad sweeter like I would have used on the tuna, it would have been pretty good. I could see myself cooking some mandarin chicken or lamb and serving this beer. I could also see myself snacking on swiss cheese slices while drinking this beer.
All in all, I give this beer an excellent rating, but will likely not buy it too often because of the price. My typical liquor store charges 12.50/bottle (minus 10% if buying a case), but I've found it as cheap as 11.50 else-where in town. My typical beer, Sixth Glass, sells for 7.50 at the same store and still tastes great, plus, because of it's more tame flavor, sixth glass quad ale, goes with more foods.
Side note: Those not familiar with alcohols, to put things into perspective, this is nearly a 24 proof beer in a 750ml bottle and wine averages 20 proof, meaning, you're consuming more alcohol than if you drank a bottle of wine. So don't go drinking a bottle of this, then driving to your friends house, unless you want to risk getting a DUI/DWI.
*edit*The site listed above has two Ltd Ed. beers; Bourbon Barrel Quad and Saison Brett. They have a third beer, and Imperial Stout. I have had the Bourbon quad and Imperial stout and will add a review for the stout soon. The Saison Brett I can no longer find so I may be SOL.
Well it's 8/16/10 now and I was able to get my hands on that Saison Brett months back. However, I drank all of my Bourbon barrel quads and now can't find anymore :-(
Here's a picture of the limited edition beers that I do have, along with their first collaboration series beer, an Imperial Pilsner.