Negative Camber

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Posts: 1376
Joined: Tue Jul 23, 2002 12:10 pm
Car: Autos, Fitness


Spring for the Stillen upper control arms that Dennis mentioned, worth every penny and easy to install. Also have grease fittings so they won't wear out.

Posts: 14365
Joined: Tue Apr 30, 2002 3:19 am
Car: 1990 Q45 342,400 miles 22 years ownership with original engine
1995 G20t 5 speed 334,000 miles 16" 2002 wheels - 205/50/16 Sr20ve vvl


If you are going to the trouble make it PERFECT, in fact I would set it to negative 0.5 degrees so it gets more perfect after a few thousand miles........neg. 1.4 is the upper maximum negative camber 0.700000000000000000000000000000000 is the desired but then again that was for the oem tires. So less robust tires might need more but as we know they can't stand it without destroying their inner edge.

So trade off 0.5 mph in the slalom [1.4 degrees] for an improved 4-6 feet stopping distance with 0.5 to 0.7 negative and allow the tires to not get hernias and hemorages.

Posts: 396
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 1:23 pm
Car: Tryin to make a living, Driving/Fixing my Q and my Beautiful Baby girl =)


Well Im gonna go get some washers and do some experimenting see how close I can get it myself then take it to the shop later this week and have them see how close I got.

I would Love to get the upper links but I dont have 500 bucks I just spent 1200 and replacing all the worn out suspension parts and under plenum hoses (not yet done). Maybe after I get mt JWT ecu

Posts: 396
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 1:23 pm
Car: Tryin to make a living, Driving/Fixing my Q and my Beautiful Baby girl =)


Last night I went and baught me some nice big washers they were about .20-.25 in thick so I would say .225. I just installed them behind the upperlink bracket. The steering is much more precise now and it feels like the brakes work better (probbaly because of the .75 degrees of tire contact that I gained). So I would figure that .225in would be about .75 degrees so therefore I am -.75 out I will goto the shop this week and have that verfied. Thanks for all your help!!!!!!

Posts: 396
Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 1:23 pm
Car: Tryin to make a living, Driving/Fixing my Q and my Beautiful Baby girl =)


Finally found a shop and a guy that knew what he was doin!!!!!!!!

He let me sit in the car, gave me some tips on what shims to use and complemented the Q

With me in it i am -1.6 so I am going to shim once more and change the 3rd link and take it back ( I got the lifetime aligmnet)

Think I surprised him when I bought him some beer.

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