List your tickets or traffic stops...

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List every ticket that you can remember, or list if you have been pulled over and for what. This could get interesting...

I guess I'll start...

-30 in a 25 on some random side road - KY (1997) Verbal Warning -80 in a 65 on I-75 South - KY (1998) traffic school - taken off record -75 in a 55 on I-75 North - KY (1999) knocked down to 65 in a 55, 0 points -30 in a 25 on yet another side road in KY (1999)-Pulled over for "turning around and going back the same direction" at 3am. The cop said I "looked suspicious" - KY (1999) No ticket/No warning-Pulled over because my rear tire "Crossed the fog line." - OH (2002) Written Warning. All I can figure is that it was 4th of July and they were pulling over anyone and everyone. -Pulled over "Looked like I was going fast." - KY (2003) Verbal Warning-81 in a 65 on I-74 East - IN (2003) Camaro cop -84 in a 65 on I-74 East - OH (2003) -50 in a 35 on Harris Pike - KY (2004) traffic school - still haven’t gotten the letter about that one yet, I might want to call, lol -50 in a 35 on Harris Pike - KY (2004 approx. 7 days after the one above) luckily he gave me a warning. -86 in a 65 - I-74 East - IN (2004) by plane

Whoa! Now that I look at it, for driving less than 10 years that seems like quite a lot. Just goes to show girls don't get special treatment or at least girls in black two door sports cars for that matter. How about you guys...

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lemme think...

1999 - 72 in a 55 courtesy of THP, traffic school1999 - got pulled over in a friend's car becuase the sticker on his plates for expiration date had fallen off, that was taken care of, me forgeting my wallet and driver's license wasn't. 20 dollars

1999 - "you blew the hell outta that little road back there" - Sherriff Deputy. haha I got off with a warning on this one...think he thought it was funny because I had bleached bloned spikey hair...a bright green two button blazer on and I was driving a white Lumina minivan. I <3 Cops.

2001 - Reckless Driving, Failure to Stay in the lanes, Speeding. - THP, this one got dismissed due to no witnesses. my Integra also got dismissed by a tree.

2001 - Commercial Vehicle Enforcement (bastards...I wasn't a damn semi...) 72 in a 55...lost 180 bills on this the above mentioned white van...that branch merged with the THP last year by the way...I thought they were kinda stupid to begin with...damn DOT...

2003 - 68 in a 55. THP, I got so lucky on this one...he had my license, registration everything...I'm waiting on the ticket...he comes back to my window sans clipboard. "the minimum fine for speeding in Wilson county is 155 dollars, today is your lucky day" proceeds to run back to car, hits the siren and takes off. Must've not been someone else's lucky day...

that's it...oh...except for the one on New Year's Eve pulling me over for like 4 over...just happens the driver's side window motor was burnt up too...funny...I was pressed on the glass pointing down...

he asked me if I'd been smokin' the dope...

he let me go with a warning and a drive safely (just lookin' for drunks and what not really...I was coherent...just dopey)

that's it!

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55 in a 40, i made up the worst story ever and i got a warning

and i also told that cop that i started slowing down to get the response of "well of course you did as soon as you saw me"

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Oh boy...

50 in a 35 (six weeks after I got my license)49 in a 35 (2002)Under 21 DUI, .05 BAC (Feb 7, 2004)Running red light and driving on a suspended license (Dec 9, 2004)

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major ones that i remember. the ones that never gets erased off your mind.

--doing 95mph on a 35 mph road. pulled over, he was nice, didn't give me anything, becuase didn't clock me with his radar. I'm a lucky bastard.

--Paid $425 for excessive speeding in my uncles 911 + red light. Well here i was trying to get from one traffic light to the next one, before it turns red. After 11am you get couple seconds to do it, and i wanted to pass it. I passed it and cop saw it. So there goes $425.

--3 accidents, one official which insurance was notified. rest are from sliding on a small roads. Oh, my 240sx technically was totaled 3 times too.

--Oh yes, in front of one of the University's buildings, i did a huge drift and next light on that turn was being controlled by a LIVE COP. i came right on to him. He came to the window and started screaming so badly. oh god, that was awesome. NO TICKET!!=====================================================

No major tickets for past 2.5 years. I'm a good boy now. Only a stop sign ticket. how lame is that?

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Haha, hardly any...I'm extremely lucky I guess...I'll be doing 90 on the freeway and have an HP go flying past me, completely ignoring me...happens all the time.

Let's see...first run-in with a cop was an accident in an accident in a High School parking lot in which circumstances, stupid people, and a cop conspired against me. Three illegally parked cars, me going around them (weaving through them...maybe 5-10 mph (told the cop 7). Then BAM. Some punk kid goes flying out from behind one of them(on a perpendicular path to mine). I didn't see him till he was right there because the car was parked next to a dumpster which was behind an autoshop which all obscured vision unless you're superman. Then crunch, and I cringed, and the Maxima was up on top of his front right fender. I backed up a bit, so did he. We were dumb enough to move our cars and let the dumbass illegal parked cars leave. I got the ticket, because I was turning left... . It was neither of our fault (the two of us physically involved in the crash) but rather the fault of the idiots we let escape. The cop didn't even listen when we tried to give their plate numbers (all of which I thought to get...I was half there at least). The kid I hit/who hit me...his car was basically undrivable due to the tire being partially embedded in the front right quarterpanel. The Maxima was fine except for a small crack in the left of the front bumper.

Second...and third, and fourth through...I don't know how many times:I put the damn year sticker over the month sticker on the Ford, so I had "03" and "04" stickers but no "Nov" sticker. Been pulled over a bunch of times for that...never cited...just showed the reg papers and went on my merry way.

Last...heading to a movie with two friends. Cop sees three teenagers in a car and decides to pull me over. Claims I was doing 60 in a 45. B.S. I know my revs in fourth at 60...wasn't even close. Also, there was a minivan in front of me who was fading into the distance very quickly...cop didn't care about her...Sport sedan+two guys and a girl+all teenagers=easy ticket. I took the ticket and sat though a defensive driving class to get it cleared from my record. DAMN but the people in that class scared me...BAD drivers...and zero understanding of their cars or the road laws...

That's it...nothing more.

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Lets see I almost had a huge ticket in my old Suzuki Samarai. 1999-20004 people no seatbelt, one under 10, 65 in 45, expired tag, expired insurance card and I only had 2 seatbelts in the front none on the rear seat, Speedometer was off it said 55 but I got clocked doing 65. And I got away with a Verbal Warning on this.

Let see in my Ford Ranger. 2001would have had a 85 in a 45 but I ran and got away. (I will not try this again. I was a nervous wreck when I got to a friends house). It was like 2 am and I was the only person on the road, around a corner I see lights and the radar detector goes off. He never got close but did cut the lights on and turned around. I got lucky and out smarted him.

My parents plymouth breeze. 1999-2000I was getting ready for prom when I had to run up town to get a few things done before hand so I offered to carry my stepdad to work. I get there and was swinging in to park in a parking spot and wham lady backed right in to me. I happened to see her and she never looked back. Cop gets here and writes it up as both faults got her for improper backing and got me for illegal U-turn.

My big blue beast. 2003-2004Got pulled over for doing 67 in a 55. GSP. Got away with a verbal warning on this also.

And that is about it or atleast that I can remember.

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Pulled over im 04 for no licence plate in the front (now have it in the window, and i dont have ANYWHERE to put it on the front.....that is because i got my FMIC there ) and cops try and pull me over ALL the time i think they just hate my car or somthing? like why the f*** would they pull me over for no reason, but i notice them scoping my car out then try and follow me but luckly they have always been in a lane where they cant get to me quickly, to bad i have a SR20DET they cant catch up to me LOL get away every time!

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we don't brag about running away from cops in others homeboy

just pull over and pay for it, take some responsibility.

you gotta get away real quick or else the radio will nail your a** then you're screwed bigger then s***. Not worth it.

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Hmmmm....Gonna have to dig deep here...

1984 - 68 in 55 on my way to school in middle GA (Georgia State Patrol). I don't remember the fine...

1985 - 34 in a 25 on my way to work in Jeffersontown, KY. Nailed by a Jeff county cop sitting in a driveway. I don't remember this fine either

1988 - 75 in 55 on I285 outside Atlanta. Verbal warning only

1991 - 67 in a 55 outside Dalton, GA on my way to KY (from Atlanta). Fine was around $90 I guess

1993 - 69 in a 55 outside Winder, GA. I was lucky as I had been doing 95 a couple of minutes prior....

That's it....

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I'm not proud of taking off, i just dont want the cops to say to me "You have alot of illegal parts on your car i want this car off the road untill it is fixed" i am in ontario so the cops here are REALLY harsh about modifyed cars. But i dont think anything is illegal on my car other then how loud my exhaust is and that my car is too low. can someone take a look at my home page and tell me what a cop would point out as "Illegal"?thanks.


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November 2004-No emissions, no registration, no insurance, expired license, left tail light out. My first ticket, came out to cost $892.

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Wasn't that the one where you were driving someone else's car so the no registration part wasn't your problem?

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Thinking back, I can remember one additional "stop"

1983 - Blue lights flasing in the rearview as I was parked on a dirt road. I get out of the car (from the passenger side) while getting my shirt buttoned back up. I had to use delay tactics to allow my girlfriend time to get dressed. Police eventually let me go, telling me to find somewhere else to "park".

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MOD, yes it was. I still have my court date to go to and have since renewed my license ($202 off ticket, 692 now) and I have to extend the court date for I'll be on spring break.

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audtatious wrote:Thinking back, I can remember one additional "stop"

1983 - Blue lights flasing in the rearview as I was parked on a dirt road. I get out of the car (from the passenger side) while getting my shirt buttoned back up. I had to use delay tactics to allow my girlfriend time to get dressed. Police eventually let me go, telling me to find somewhere else to "park".
Ah yes, I had one of those too, forgot about that. They didn't give us a nice blue light warning though, just got the spot light followed within a few seconds by the mag light tapping on the window.... they let us go too, but it was a close one. That was in like... 2000 probably.

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i've been lucky. pulled over a total of 3 times,ticketed twice and got them dismissed.

1. ticketed for driving an unregistered vehicle (wife's company car) She had the reg and was not in the car at the time. Ticket was dismissed when we gave proof it was registered.

2. 70 in a 55 in a VASCAR speed trap. i was in the middle of a group of 5 of cars doing the same speed, cops pulled over everyone. Got a warning, no ticket. Good manners pays off.

3. Got ticketed for illegally crossed a small median to get around a disabled truck on an entrance ramp. Charge was dismissed when I explained the situation to the judge at the hearing.

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and here I thought you'd be a terror...

reckon you release on the track like everyone should.

I wish we had more open track days around here...

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Damn B, I got a ticket for 80 in a 65 on the infamous PA Turnpike coming out to pick up a certain 240. It too was a pack of traffic, and apparently I was the only one with an out of state plate. I had been passed by both a bluehair AND a Baptist church bus at that speed, but I got the ticket...

Last summer I got pulled over in a red, V6 CTS for "unsafe movement". I was looking for my turn at night on a rural road, put on my turn signal, realized it wasn't my turn, canceled the signal and went straight. Cop pulled me over and had me do the roadside gymnastics (field sobriety test) which I promptly passed but still had to do the Breathalyzer. I was ticketed for the alleged "unsafe movement" but am currently in the extortion, I mean, the deferral period for about another month or so.

One morning that could have been a real incident, but wasn't happened last April. I haven't told too many people about this for fear of repercussions, but I think enough time has passed that I'm good. I was on my way on a Saturday morning to Putnam Park near Putnamville, Indiana for a BMW driving school. I hit the on-ramp to I465 around Indy and was at about 2/3 throttle when I merged. The rush of power was intoxicating and because of this I was not able to come off of the gas like I usually do.

I didn't see the trooper in my rearview mirror with his lights blazing and sirens screaming until I was about a mile out from the next exit. In that moment, I had to make a decision and I made it. I put the pedal to the floor and focused on the road ahead as I moved into the center lane and put the traffic behind me between myself and the trooper so he couldn't see what I was doing (he was probably a mile or more behind me). I don't have any idea how fast I was going when I hit the off-ramp, but I do know that I was at 105 when I dropped the hammer a mile out.

As I utilized the rather large brakes on this particular car, I was scanning the area for other officers and fortunately there were none. I was able to double back and hide behind a building by the time the trooper raced by. I had to lay low for a few, but escaped with everything, including my record, intact.

This was the second most intense experience of my life and I don't recommend it to anyone, nor would I want to repeat it (EVER). I'm sure there was something more intense, but I can't think of what it would be . Oh yeah, the car was a black 2004 CTS-V...

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[QUOTE=repo man]Damn B, I got a ticket for 80 in a 65 on the infamous PA Turnpike coming out to pick up a certain 240. It too was a pack of traffic, and apparently I was the only one with an out of state plate. I had been passed by both a bluehair AND a Baptist church bus at that speed, but I got the ticket...

I thought you got the ticket because your passenger bragged to the cop you were actually doing 110... (snicker)

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I've only been stopped once and that was on the I-80 between Iowa and Illinois by Peoria by the stealth State Troopers about 4 years ago. I never paid the ticket. Ontario and Illinois at that time had no agreement to collect fines from drivers licensed in each others jurisdictions or to take off fines or to even collect fines. It probably cost the State trooper more to stop me and write me a ticket.

Other than that, I have never been stopped and issued a ticket for any traffic offences since I began to drive in the 80's. However, since I'm brown and I've owned many nice cars during my lifetime, the cops feel obligated to stop me and to verify that I do own my car and that it is not stolen.

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damnit Andy...grandmother cars aren't supposed to do that...

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yeah, got passed by a bluehair, thats bad. sometimes i think they get the gas and brake pedal mixed up...

o yeah, and the other day i got behind someone doing 25mph down I85, and i had to slow down, its almost impossible to merge with cars doing 90 past you and your not moving (relativly)

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mother of god! did that driver have a death wish!

you don't do that in the ATL!

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Yaaay! I got my tickets dismissed, thats 892 that no one had to pay (well 100 for the lawyer)

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50 in a 35 (oct 2002, 4 mos after I got my license.)

75 in a 55 (nov 2004)

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1 ticket: 65km in a 50km area. I was super tired and wasnt paying any attention at all. I was driving my friends Cefiro and wasnt used to the throttling. Got off with a warning because I was picking him up so he wouldnt drive home drunk.

Other than the above, I've never really been subject to speeding. Laws are laws after all, save the hardcore driving for the solo II events =)

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ah HA andy.. Thats the infamous story that Bud never would tell me!!!

No longer wonder why they dont let you drive the V, good thing they dont know about that..... That was kind of stupid. They send you toa driving school, give you a car, pay for your driving, and they dont expect you to race the car???

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Guys--none of you have had a ticket until you seriously trick sportbikes on public roads--

187mph in a 55--almost jail time. got away with about $4k in fines..

numerous dte's

a few negligent drivings,

plenty of chases...

plenty of crashes....

and some really cool video clips!!!

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yeah wes, they don't know about that one. tell anyone and i'll molest your Q in a bad way...

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