Ok, did plug change and although you have to take some stuff off to get to them, not that bad.
Only one video online, but he is pretty accurate on what gets removed.
-Old plugs with 147000 miles on them and they were well done for
-Old Gaps at.075+ and burn rings around start of porcelain. Factory gap is .035/36 (LOL)
-No puddle of oil like I expected in the holes shorting the coil packs out they were dry for the most part.
-Will plan on changing the valve cover gasket next time around.
-Did mark and switch them around in case code comes back and it is a coil pack P0301 code should move to cyl 4 now
-#2 had a little extra moisture on the threads (oil or possibly unburnt fuel from cyclinder) so will monitor it
Power back and no lugging jerking stalling above 4-5K RPMS
I would think if you had a coil packs drowning in oil and intermittent to severe miss codes you may get the same symptoms as me but unsure.
Good luck everyone.