It's "Finally" Time...

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Posts: 1300
Joined: Tue Aug 06, 2002 5:15 am


In 1997 I was re-introduced into RPG games by a couple of my friends. The game they were buzzing about was none other than Final Fantasy 7. The 2 of them were already Final Fantasy veterans as I would learn later while discussing the many different topics of FF7 but, my last 2 and only 2 RPG's I've played up until that point were: Miracle Warriors (Sega Master System) and Phantasy Star 2 (Sega Genesis). After completing FF7 I was in Final Fantasy RPG fever....any game that bore those 2 magical words I wanted to play it very badly and play those games I did. So fast forward till now and I'm a 31 year old gaming nerd. In the last 10 years I haven't done much of RPG gaming usually starting one and never finishing( Final Fantasy Xiii...) so it's time I do some catching up. I present the games I, or we, or you, the reader will "catch up" on together if you wish to read this thread that I will be constantly updating in the next few days....weeks...months....with my progress:


First up is Final Fantasy Viii. I have actually never played this game before, once I beat FF7 I went back in time to play the previous the time FF8 released I was no longer playing much of any RPG's. As you can see this one was purchased some years ago at Circuit City(RIP) and still had it's original plastic wrapping....need my knife to..:


Loaded it up into my PS3 and turned the lights off here is what happened next....



The familiar logo!


Here is when some epic music started to play through the speakers as it always should in a Final Fantasy game, followed by pictures I assume are of some in game events. To try and not to spoil it too much I'm going to only include one of them:


And right before I delve into a long long journey here is my title screen:


Will report later about the progress of this game........PEACE OUT!

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