I need some confirmation about this BOV

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Hey there, I am finally on track to building my turbo KA. I got the sponsors to help me with the stuff I don't have tools for, and even the assistance for the jobs I can do. Here's the question: I just bought an '88 RX-7(S4) Turbo, and it has the factory BOV on it, or so I think. If you go to this page http://www.cardomain.com/memberpage/564900/10 you can see it better. I also would like to know if anyone knows what the spring is inside that BOV, as well as whether or not I should replace it with a 1g DSM BOV. I just want some experienced input. Thanks a bunch guys.

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Do you mean wastegate?

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That's a wastegate

A BOV (blow off valve), is what sits on the air pipe and releases air when you close the throttle plate (by releasing the throttle pedal when you shift)

The spring is set at 5.5psi

You want to replace it if you want to run more psi.

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couldnt he just adjust the actuator rod length, or run an MBC? Im not too familiar with IWG's

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