How many brakepad sensors in 92' Q45?

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I always thought there were 2 front and 2 back. I have a mechanic telling me that he was pretty sure there were 2, one in front and one in back on opposite sides. I just paid an Infiniti dealership $630 just for front brake work, that did included a brake flush for $85, pads $90, discs $260 and labor $180. The brakes squeeked going in and and they squeeked going out. For the first time (other that T3), I think this car might be going to an independent. He specializes in foreign cars, is not located 1 1/2 hours away, and probably less expensive and maybe even get the work done correctly. Anyway, sorry for the rambling. The car goes in today and I just want to know all the details. I think only the OEM parts have the sensors, of which I would definitely want. Does each wheel have a brakepad sensor?

92' Q45 TCS

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Joined: Mon Jul 22, 2002 8:50 pm
Car: 1990 Q45


I believe all 1st gen (or more) Qs have a sensor on both right-hand side wheels. Hopefull the pads are wearing evenly on either axle. Scottsdale Infiniti has excellent prices on parts. The front pads are about $50 for factory with sensor, and I think the rotors are about $100 each. If your brakes are still squealing you may want to get them surfaced.

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