Post by
Mon Feb 03, 2003 5:02 pm
You are absolutely correct about the guides being able to fall harmlessly into the oil pan, or destroying the engine on the way down. I don't know about the affect of acidity on the guides; they're nylon, and the break surfaces indicate brittle fracture at work. Would acidity on the surface of the nylon guides increase brittleness throughout the part? Not as much as temperature cycles, I think, if at all. How permeable is nylon to a weak acid? Regardless, the study is far from worthless. If you had 50 instances of guide failure, and in all cases the guides broke into an average of 7 pieces, and of the 50 cases, 5 ended in timing failure, wouldn't that say a lot? To the first order, it tells me that 10% of guide failures destroy the engine. That's important if you believe, as many do, that guide failure is a question of "when" and not "if".