Hitachi Voltage Regulator help

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Hey folks,

Looking for help with the Hitachi voltage regulator. Big question first -

How do you know if it's working correctly? Beyond the "its not charging the battery"

Yes, the generator has been tested and works correctly.
Yes, all wires are correct and I compared them to the two '65 - same, same chicken.


What should the resistance/Ohm readings be for the different post - A, F, and B?

Has anyone rebuilt the OE Hitachi Voltage Regulator with new capacitors?

Heading out now to swap out a known working voltage regulator from one the '65s to put in the '64, Shroom-ster.

stay cool, its getting hot out.

Li'l Truckie

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I noticed a trouble shooting guide for the voltage regulator starting on page 162 of the service manual. Don't know if this can help.

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I read through that a couple of times, but it really doesn't help much. It focused more on the generator charging and then adjusting the VR which I'm leaving alone, per the manual.

I changed out the VR from Li'l Red and the light still comes on. It's starting to storm, so I change out the generator tomorrow. There's a good car/farm equipment electric shop in Olathe, KS so I'll stop by and drop of my stuff prior to class and let them look at all of it.


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I kinda thought you had probably checked the manual out. If you switched out VR's and still can't show a charge, then it seems as though it has to be the generator or the gauge.Think the electric shop is a good way to go. Hopefully they can find the problem for you.

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Yeah, so much for having a "good" generator. Hitachi voltage regulator #4 was the same so I'll swap in/out the generator tomorrow.

On the two '65s the generator produced the 6-8 amps and the battery showed a constant 11 volts regardless of the engine rpms. On the Shroom the generator fluctuated between 5-7, so the generator should be good, but the battery volts followed the rpms as the motor was revved, therefore the VR is not working. So that my reasoning for a bad voltage regulator.

So kind of at a loss and the reasoning for swapping everything out on the Shroom. Once I verified all the good parts (battery, generator, and VR) all work on Shroom, I'll put everything back on the '65 and swap each part in on the '65 and see what happens. Lots of work, but somehow have to narrow the fault down on the Shroom and make sure its not something else as there really isn't anything else.


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