High quality, high pressure, power steering lines! A fine new product of Fujii SPL!
First off, what is the high pressure line? (for those who aren't familiar) The high pressure power steering hose, connects your power steering pump to your PS rack, it also is the notorious weak link in the power steering system, over time the hose breaks down and leaks, resulting in the weekly PS reservoir refills. (If you've been there, it's not fun)
Well, help is on the way!Fujii SPL is now offering you new replacement lines! These lines are stronger, will last longer and don't cost an arm and leg!
Alright the dirty details, Specs and Pictures:
The lines can be made to work with whatever engine you have including extra *90 bends less/more length etc.
Lines are rated at 5000PSI, double the rating of the other aftermarket lines! That's the running pressure, spike pressure is four times that amount!
Connect straight to your power steering rack without the need for that extra hard-line!
Pricing is as follows:
SOHC $85.00 Shipped!Straight from the pump to the rack on the other side! Deletes the sensor like the DOHC line does, very easy install right over the front of the engine and not down over the pulley like the stock line does.
DOHC-SR-RB-X Specify when Ordering please. $75.00 Shipped! Deletes the sensor and extra hard line and goes straight to the rack (the sensor increases your idle when at full steering lock, not a necessary sensor and most cars with engine swaps do not use it anyway)
LS1 to S Chassis Swap Line$100.00 Shipped!
Stainless Steel braided for KA/SR/RB $100.00 Shipped!
PayPal is preferred so please add in an extra 3.0% on all orders when paying with PayPal. To set up different payment methods please e-mail us at
sales@fujiispl.com (that is also our PayPal account address for payment)
Here are some pictures of the line that goes straight to the rack, off of an RB pump! SR/KA pumps the line will bolt directly to the back of the banjo fitting on your pump not the top of the pump.