HELP with an Unusual Window Rattle? and Pet Guard INFO

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Hey, I am new to this forum,got a 2001 QX4 in great shape. The only problem is that the 2 front windows make an unusual rattle when they are partially down. I have taken it to the dealer once, and they didn't hear it, but they replaced a metal bracing bracket inside the door panel...didn't make a i opened up the door panels myself, and just checked to make sure everything was tight, it looked good.

took it again, and they replaced the rubber insulation around the window frame...still did nothing

It sounds like something metal is tapping against the window inside the door frame, it's not like a "normal" window rattle.

Does anyone else have this problem??!!

thanks for any input

also if anyone has bought the metal pet guard divider, i figured out a way to seriously quiet that down!

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the window reg they replaced is probably the source of your noise and was on the prior reg. the cable that runs through the reg probably becomes slack and causes the noise. Try this when the window is making the noise use the manual up function on the switch and put it up about a 1/4 inch and see if the noise goes away. if it does you could add aditional grease to the regulator to dampen the the cable when it slaps against the reg housing.

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NISTECH, 1 more question if you don't mind...

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sorry... you are right. I just talked to a guy who works on cars on the side and he said the problem must be with the "belt/cable" that is loose. I will take it to the dealer 1 more time so they can't say that i screwed it up....I also noticed that when i roll the problem windows down halway, or even an inch, i can take my hand and push them down another inch or so.............So would you also say that they need to adjust or tighten the cable?? THANKS!

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no there is no adjustment and that is pretty much normal for the window regs used in most nissan/infiniti vehicles. They are very sloppy.

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thanks again NISTECH. I have also noticed that since the door panels have come off and been put back on a few times, there are minor rattles coming from the conform of the leather panel itself. No big deal I guess, but these are reasons i didn't buy a Geo Metro...still love the truck

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Hey!!!!! easy on the GEO metro statement...Thats what I drive!!

Pics comin

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haha, i'm just kidding, i think you know what i mean...getting or expecting what you pay for(which I have for the most part) well let me ask you this, is this something that they should have known or figured out if they really looked at the problem??in your opinion?

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In my opinion nissan should completely redesign the window regs since this problem and other various window problems seems to pleg just about every model they make. It has gotten to the point that they have generated a campaign on the window regs for xterra,frontier and L30 altima which extends their warrenty to 60k instead of the usual 36k and if one of those models should have a window reg problem in one window the campaign states to replace all of them at one time as long as they are still within the milage. The sad part is the replacement regs are no better then the originals.

As far as should the dealer have known, hard to say but I know from experiance squeeks and rattles can be very difficult to pin point some times , I find all to often when I take a vehicle for a test drive to try to locate the source of a rattle I will hear the customers personal belongings in the vehicle rattling quite profusly and it drives me nuts. And in some cases I will come to the conclusion that thats the rattle they are hearing. I will however let the advisor know if that is not the noise they are hearing I will need to go on a road test with the customer to have them point out exactly what the noise is. This does happen frequently and the customer gets up set with us cause they already know their personal belongs rattle like crazy in the car and in some cases over power the rattle they are concerned with. personally that makes no sence to me how one rattle that isnt very loud irritates the driver yet the one thats louder is no big The problem for us is we only drive that car when it comes to us for the problem so what ever is in the car ,in our minds is always there, but the customer is constantly taking that stuff in and out of the car all the time so the personal belonging that rattle will come and go. So that noise doesnt bother them as much as the noise that is a constant, no matter whats in the car that noise is always there so they focus on it. My advise to you would be to remove all your personal belonging from the vehicle before taking it to the dealer to have a rattle checked. Yes I do realize this may be an inconvience to have to do that but it is alot less inconvient then having to return to the dealer multiple times to have it checked since you have to drop it off arrange a ride to work and back each time you do it. Some dealers have shuttle service but it is a limited distance they will travel but still even having to go there multiple times can be a real pain.

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thanks again NISTECH, I will be taking my suv to the dealership shortly for service, and I will call ahead of time, and mention that I would also like the windows looked at again, and when I get there I will politely tell them what I think is wrong with the windows, Thanks to You! Also, I think I would be a good customer for you, I myself also hate rattling in cars(obviously) and keep very limited personal items in my car at all times...i have had it for 3 years, and there are a couple of papers in the glove box, and a blanket on the back seat. I try to make it look like the car is for sale...haha The other thing that I am torn about is bringing things up that I find as problems that i know may be trivial to the servicemen. Like i mentioned ever since the panels have come off a few times, they now rattle which they never have before, and it's just irritating knowing that I am still paying for the car, and when i take it there things have not gotten better, but slighty worse...i think they do what they can though, you know what i mean, the guys at service are all nice, and i do think they try to fix problems and sometimes do...Another interesting thing that happened that you may be interested day i'm driving and i hear a pop over by the passenger side window...i stop the car, get out, and there is a ding pushing outwards like something from inside the door pushed the metal out, found out it sure did, a window rivet i was told pushed the dent out, they fixed that and pulled the dent back stayed in for a while and popped out again, they fixed it again, and it has been fine but never perfect. I hate bringing stuff up to them like this, but like i said before, what am i still paying for?? i understand natural problems, but these are manufactured problems....just a couple thoughts from the customer point of view.

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When it comes to the window issues I do not dissagree with you at all. they are a serious problem nissan needs to address to keep commited customers like yourself satisfied so your next new car will be a nissan. Sometimes they seem to have a hard time grasping that concept.

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well NISTECH, just wantd to thank you again for you knowledge and let you know that i just went to the dealer for the 3rd time for this window problem, because I had never really been told that it was a "fixable" problem. They kind of brushed off the fact that I had a suggestion from an Internet posting board, but then I reminded they guy that they had not been able to fix the problem on 2 occasions, and he looked at your suggestion. I got a loaner, came back to pick it up, and assume that would of had to fix it or grease it up, but nope, they didn't even tell me they didn't believe there was a problem, so i called the next closest dealer, and a guy there finally admitted that he had seen the problem before. That's all i was looking answer. I know you gave me the answer, but I still can't believe they are not doing anything about it, or offering some sort of compensation. It's really a major annoyance...and I don't think I complain about much.thanks again

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