Good kids, bad kids. Where did we go wrong...

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CNN wrote:Eight Florida teenagers -- six of them girls -- will be tried as adults and could be sentenced to life in prison for their alleged roles in the videotaped beating of another teen, the state attorney's office said Thursday.

The teenagers seen in a video assaulting a 16-year-old could face life in prison.

The suspects, who range in age from 14 to 18, all face charges of kidnapping, which is a first-degree felony, and battery, said Chip Thullbery, a spokesman for the Polk County state attorney. Three of them are also charged with tampering with a witness.

Everyone involved in the case was under a gag order imposed by a judge. The only attorney for the teens who has been publicly identified did not return calls from CNN, and his assistant cited the gag order as the reason. The teens are scheduled for their first appearance in court Friday.

The video shows a brutal scene: The 16-year-old victim is punched, kneed and slapped by other girls. She huddles in the fetal position, or stands and screams at her attackers, but the assault continues. Authorities say the eight teens said they were retaliating for insults posted on the Internet by the attack victim.

The victim, a 16-year-old from Lakeland, Florida, was hospitalized, and still has blurred vision, hearing loss, and a swollen face, her mother told CNN on Wednesday.
You probably saw the You tube video, or saw the same on the news, but several girls administered a rather severe beating on another. Now, they villains are facing possibler life terms. I don’t know if life is really appropriate, or for that matter will ever happen, but the bottom line is that several of the attackers are going to go through life as convicted felons. What punishment is fair here?

I suppose that this is no different than a Captain who faces responsibility for something that happens on his ship regardless of where he was or what he was doing. Parents can’t be everywhere, but they certainly make choices that lead their kids down the wrong paths. Then again, kids should know the difference between right and wrong. Balance the following news account from the Denver area… wrote:COMMERCE CITY, Colo. -- A couple fighting about which gang their 4-year-old toddler should join caused a public disturbance that resulted in the father's arrest, Commerce City police said Thursday.

On Saturday, Joseph Manzanares stormed into the Hollywood Video store where his girlfriend worked, threatened to kill her and knocked over several video displays and even a computer, Commerce City police Sgt. Joe Sandoval said.

After he ran out of the store, police were called and the 19-year-old was arrested at his home.

His girlfriend told police that they had been arguing about the upbringing of their son and which gang he should belong to. The teen mother, who is black, is a member of the Crips. Manzanares is Hispanic and belongs to the Westside Ballers gang, the woman said.

"They have different ideas on how the baby should be raised. Basically, she said they cannot agree on which gang the baby would 'claim,'" Sandoval said.

What chance in life does this toddler have. I say his future appears pretty bleak.


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This is chromosomal depreciation at its finest. I'm going to try to be as diplomatic as possible here, but take a look at who is reproducing in record numbers. Fact is that the poor, minority, uneducated lower class is having children in droves. They are saturating the gene pool with generations of un-necessary burdens to society so much so that they are now the majority.

Society has lost all sense of values and believes that everyone is entitled to anything they wish. There are little or no consequenses for anyone's actions. Corpral punishment does not deter an individual from commiting a crime if they have been conditioned their entire life by their parents that they can do no wrong. This is like spanking a full grown dog that pees on the floor one day when you allowed it to pee on the floor since it was a puppy. It all boils down to parenting (or lack thereof), anyone who cannot properly manage their own lives should not be expected to mold and nurture a child to part from their irresponsible ways. Kids don't need more friends, they need parents and an occasional swift kick to the *** to remind them that they are not the most important person in the world.

Society has put such an emphasis on safety and saving lives that we neglected to recognize that we were saving the lives of people that don't really need to be here. We are constantly saving the lives of dumb people by surrounding them with airbags and safety locks and helmets and warning labels... Whatever happened to the days when the dumb kid who ran out in the street after his ball and got ran over just didn't make it to the third grade? Whatever happened to the day's when the kid who drank too much draino just died? We are saving too many lives and allowing generations of dumb fuchs to populate our earth.

I believe that Mr. Rogers may have played a big role in the fleecing of our society... think about it... Mr. Rogers told generations of kids that they were special, just because they were themselves... BULL$HIT!!!! Not everyone is special... not everyone is deserving... not everyone should get a head in life... NOT EVERYONE IS SPECIAL! This is where the problem lies... when a person believes that they are entitled to everything in life simply because they are who they are, there is a fundamental breakdown in ones internal ethics... why do the right thing when I'm still going to be "special" at the end of the day?" WRONG! At the end of the day, you are still going to be that dumb cum stain that creeped it's way into someones uterus! GOOD JOB! GO YOU! CONGRATULATIONS! Here's your prize... GET A JOB YOU WORTHLESS P.O.S AND CONTRIBUTE TO SOCIETY!

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I totally agree that Mr. Rogers helped create the "Yes" generation. The generation entering the work force now believes that they do no wrong. Any criticism is due to a "weird" boss. "NO" is a foreign concept to them.

But parents who want their child in a gang, they need to lose that kid ASAP.

I just deleted a long rant on the ability of the youth to write like they knew how...

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Couple that with a society that would have you arrested for spanking your child in public, and you've got one heck of perpetual motion machine (that perpetually spirals downward). Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating pounding the living snot out of a kid, either. Yet, I feel that a lack of discipline is nearly as abusive as kicking the crud out of them; in that you're setting them up for epic failure down the road (although, the way the society appears to be moving to relieve everyone of individual responsibility, that might not last long).

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Over the last 30+ years this has turned into a society where children have more rights than the parents do solely in order to protect them. This leads to kids growing up without knowing what it means to be "raised". Social workers and heart bleaders have drained this society to the point that we are on the 2nd or 3rd generation of children, now having kids, who are all part of the "me and mine" society which expect gov't intervention as a means to make their lives easier. They pay taxes via their McD's pay checks and expect to have the lifestyle of those who actually go to school and get the training needed to make appropriate decisions in life. Their battle cry is "Why does he deserve to have XXX when I can't?" and their means to further have nothing is to charge up their miniscule credit cards in order to purchase some "feel good" product.

The gene pool is now a 50' long wading pool with one corner that goes deep.

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Although I do agree that there isn't much hope for future generations, I would like to assure you there are still some good kids out here that have morals and values.

From what I've seen, kids raised in the country seem to take less for granted then kids raised in a large city. Where there are higher populations, there are more people with more money that give there kids whatever they want, and in turn, the other parents give in to pressure from there kids to have the "next big thing". If you ride by a high school parking lot in Miami, it's full of BMW's and Hummers. Ride by a school in rural America, and there are old pickup trucks and Honda Civics (Of course there are exceptions).

As for myself, I have strong family ties and values, I have been raised to appreciate what I have and work for what I want, and I have been told to respect my elders and stand up for myself if need be.

There are other kids out here like me, and it makes me sick to see spoiled brats and uncaring parents that give us all a bad name.

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Hey Fireman!

I wanted to let you know that it gives me a good feeling to know that there are still people like you and I out there. I have a little more faith in society now... My wife works in the school district we live in and we see BMW's and Porsche's in the student parking lot everyday... we know that these kids don't have any concept of value at all. Hopefully someone will step up and show them how life really works.

Don't get me wrong, I was raised in the midwest and I can say with all conviction that I have not been handed a single thing in my semi adult life so don't think I've all but given up on our future generations. I simply believe that the "greatest Generation" accomplished as much as they did because they had to endure the great deppression and live at the bottom of their means. This gave them the ability to appreciate the simple things in life and focus on building a better society for us all. I believe that a "depression" of sorts would correct the current generation's mindset that all in life is simple.

I was raised to believe that the finest things in life are often the most challenging. Nothing comes without a cost and you get out of life what you put into it. Growing up my parents believed that I should have the finest education available but we were very poor and we could not afford private school. My dad, as a roofing contractor, came up with a proposal to the best private christian school in my area to offer free roof repairs in lieu of tuition. This was my first job... I remember spending countless hours in the summer on the roof of my high school gymnasium patching and re-roofing my school so that I could attend. I busted my *** 10 hours a day lugging tar up a ladder in 100 degree temps... this was very humbling work... most of my friends at school were children of successful lawyers and doctors, but I was too prideful at the time to tell my friends about how I had earned tuition, but when I look back on it, my dad was teaching me a valuable lesson on how to earn the important things in life.

I'm glad that there are still well-rounded people like you in the world and I sincerely hope that you pass on to your children the value of earning as my parents did. Just remember that the best things in life are usually the most challenging. Let's build a better tomorrow and not give up on today's idiots!


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cmfireman wrote:There are other kids out here like me, and it makes me sick to see spoiled brats and uncaring parents that give us all a bad name.
I actually do agree with you. If it were not for NICO meets I would probably think 90% of the kids out there are dipsh1ts

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