haha, hopefully the shop correctly gave him micro-farads instead of Mega!
Usually, if the textpad cannot support greek letters for "µ" (mu), then they'll use "u", not "m" nor "M". At least the shop/manufacturer had better not use "m" or "M" in place of "µ"!!!

they should know better!
I'm assuming they did him good and gave him µf capacitors since he didn't come back in here saying his tweeters are blowed up.
*stop here if you don't care about the small details, the "why", and the math*
if I can recall on my electrical signals theory... essentially what Pwnin O'Brien did was reduce what's called the cutoff frequency (fc) for a high-pass filter (ie. tweeter) by increasing the capacitance.
See this
Wiki linkfor a brief discussion on how the cutoff for a HPF is mathematically arrived.
so what Pwnin did was increase the "RC" (R is the resistance, or the tweeter itself, so this is constant if you're keeping your original tweeter) value from 4*2.2u to 4*4.7u, which will reduce the fc from about 18kHz to 8kHz.
The way cuttoff for HPF works is that it'll "cutoff" any frequencies below the cutoff frequency. Which is why with the 2.2uf (18kHz) you mainly hear the high frequencies. What happens when you lower the cutoff (ie. increase capacitor) is obvious, and you increase the bandwidth of frequencies detectable.
now if you so happened to decide to buy the 4.7
MegaFarad capacitor, you drop your cutoff to about 8 measly Hz!!! I believe the lowest frequency the human ear can detect is 20Hz

. So, now at 8Hz, you're basically allowing EVERYTHING, including the lows to pass through that little 2inch tweeter!
Not only would you be allowing all the low frequencies (ie. bass) and other noise to pass through, but I'd assume overtime it'd wear the cone down and blow the speaker.
Again, I admit I'm rusty on my electronic signals, so please cut me some slack!

BTW - I'm not tryin' to be a "know-it-all". I just like it when I understand what the mod is doing, rather than following blindly and not knowing what and why I'm doing something. Just thought this might shed some light on some stuff.