Don't forget to punish Congress this election cycle too!

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As we dive into the presidential elections cycle we should not forget those evil self-serving f*** in congress! There are worthy candidates for a pink slip on both sides of the aisles, both ends of the capital.

We are ultimately responsible for the people we send to Washington so if government sucks it's our fault. If you aren't out there vetting candidates and voting on those that you feel are good for our country than you don't get to complain, STFU. The cover charge for righteous judgement of our government is participation in its process. GET INVOLVED! :slap:

Class 1 of the Senate is on the chopping block this go around. That's these people: ... lass_I.htm

Kyl, Jon (R-AZ)
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA)
Lieberman, Joseph I. (ID-CT)
Carper, Thomas R. (D-DE)
Nelson, Bill (D-FL)
Akaka, Daniel K. (D-HI)
Lugar, Richard G. (R-IN)
Brown, Scott P. (R-MA)
Cardin, Benjamin L. (D-MD)
Snowe, Olympia J. (R-ME)
Stabenow, Debbie (D-MI)
Klobuchar, Amy (D-MN)
McCaskill, Claire (D-MO)
Wicker, Roger F. (R-MS)
Tester, Jon (D-MT)
Conrad, Kent (D-ND)
Nelson, Ben (D-NE)
Menendez, Robert (D-NJ)
Bingaman, Jeff (D-NM)
Heller, Dean (R-NV)
Gillibrand, Kirsten E. (D-NY)
Brown, Sherrod (D-OH)
Casey, Robert P., Jr. (D-PA)
Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI)
Corker, Bob (R-TN)
Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R-TX)
Hatch, Orrin G. (R-UT)
Webb, Jim (D-VA)
Sanders, Bernard (I-VT)
Cantwell, Maria (D-WA)
Kohl, Herb (D-WI)
Manchin, Joe, III (D-WV)
Barrasso, John (R-WY)

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And it starts in the primaries! Get those incumbents off the general election ballot!

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Warm up the tar, I'll get the feathers! :mad:

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TBH, honey and an ant bed would be better for some of them.

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It will be nice to see them join the unemployment rolls.

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I'm in. And whoever takes their place had better skulk in with tail tucked, looking over their shoulder, waiting for the rolled-up newspaper across the snout.

Attorneys aren't the scourge of society that pop culture makes them out to be. Congress is.

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I do wish Congress was alot thinner on attorneys though.....AMIRITE?

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Less attorneys, more pillars of the community.

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Darn ... we can't vote out Lofgren. :mad:

But, we can try for Feinsten! :biggrin:

Go, Carly!


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