dashboard replacment

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kc herman
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Car: 2007 Infiniti G35 coupe


hello. i have a 2007 Infiniti G35 coupe and the dash is majorly cracked. is there anyone out there who makes new dashboards? i've tried the used route and they are all cracked too. any help would be appreciated.
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Man cracked Nissan dashes are a tale as old as time.
There's some companies that make dash covers for some models, but I'm not sure if that gen G35 is one of them. There's repair options as well (like flocking), but for best results, you have to pull your dash out completely.
https://www.motortrend.com/how-to/how-t ... -flocking/

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Yes, there are a few options out there for G35 dashboard overlays.
My G35 came with one from the previous owner, but it was not a snug or 'clean' look by my standards. Also, they attracted dust/pollen/dander/hair fibers over time so I tossed it, but in doing so ruined the dash more because it bonded over time.

The only real options you have are to replace it with a used but less cracked version, or pulling the dash out for a repair. Keeping in mind if you go that route to also inspect your heater core for any pinhole leaks or damage while the dash is out because they are also old and prone to failure.

I'm not affiliated with any of the links I'm sharing below; these were all found using a simple google search. :werd:

A Video showing how to and the end result of a dash cover:

A video on a DIY repair:

https://www.carid.com/coverlay/2007-inf ... jvNFzO_wdw

https://www.amazon.com/Fcovergurus-2003 ... B0CG8R2CYW

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