Can Barack win without Hillary?

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General election polls are still showing Obama leading McCain 47% to 43%, but the uncounted votes in between are going to make or break the election in November.

With Hillary gone, and thus some of her appeal in Ohio and Pennsylvania gone, can Obama still beat McCain?

Obama thinks he can win Virginia because NoVA has caused it to lean more Democratic as late, and thus he might put Jim Webb on his ticket to try and clinch that.

What other states might swing to Obama that are usually GOP? What Democratic states might swing to McCain because Hillary's gone?

I'm looking for serious analysis of the impact of swing states and swing voters, historical cases welcome. No bullshxt posts please.

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CA voted Hillary due to the large Hispanic vote. Hillary would be a real asset as far as that goes, however, the state will probably end up going for Obama (except for a few of the southern counties).

Considering all the connections the Clinton's have, if Hillary is chosen, I'm afraid she (or Bill) may arrange for her own presidency before Obama's term expires. Scary thought.

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from what i understand, and im pretty uninformed, is that hispanics tend to dislike african americans, to put it in PC terms. If thats teh case, i wonder how Obama will fare in CA, NM, AZ, TX, etc. PArt of me says, he needs her in some major role, the other part of me says, she cant be in any VP role because she is begging for it and thats pretty bad.

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