Call Of Duty: BLACK OPS

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This was my first emblem, but recently I changed it to this.

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this one is mine

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RCA wrote:This was my first emblem, but recently I changed it to this.
Does that mean you go both ways? Haha just kidding. You have almost a million dollars. One of the people on my friends list just passed a million like 2 weeks ago or so, but she also never prestiged. that is the only person I've seen with 7 figures in the game.

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here is mine....I really hope that mw3 has something like this too. I like the fact that you could make a custom avatar

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haha pretty tight. :cheers: thats right, screw a 15 prestige!

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alms24sebring wrote:Does that mean you go both ways?
NO! It's a down vote :squint:

And yes, I have all the monies!!

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90% of avatars I see on black ops are some mixture of girl's a**, wang, weed, or a combo of all three.

Has anyone noticed an uproar of cheaters online lately? I dunno what it is but it's getting old fast, go from nice KDs to getting killed killed half a second after I respawn, five times in a row. People shooting you dead when you've unloaded an entire mag, just all kinds of dumbass 12 year old crap

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Yeah I mean it's always happened especially when you are by yourself with a bunch of randoms on a team with a 0.42 kd. I haven't really been playing much tho lately. At least it hasnt been hacked and turned into MW2 all over again.

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it does suck to get ripped apart like that. Its due to lag, especially in core. I think I actually ran into someone trying to use a lag switch a few weeks ago. it was funny how the game would start to lag right as they were capturing the HQ. and then he would also end up getting huge kill streaks. The game got so jump it ended up switching hosts and then shortly after, when we started to wreck em, he left the

with MW3 coming around the corner, I'm actually kinda sad to see black ops go. Its been my favorite so far! I liked the fact that you have to get every kill of your killstreak, and the gameplay to me was much more competitive, since you can't tube your way to victory. And then of course, I really like my custom avatar, and in mw3 its going to be similar to the system used in MW2. At least COD Elite will keep it fun.

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This happened to me last night and it's not the first time, it's becoming more and more common. Teamdeatch, playing by myself, we're playing on Grid and we have the match in the bag 7100-5500 and 15 seconds left on the clock, game starts to lag real bad, says connection error and then bam disconnected from host so we lose our victory. It seems like this is happening more and more, it's getting really old.

Lag switches are everywhere now

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I agree with O&B. The game was much more competitive with alot of cool extras that was really fun to play with.

I hate when that happens. It likes to happen when I'm doing really good or on a high killstreak. I also hate when it migrates host 3 times before you even get to chose your class. But, it happens on a regular rate to me.

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I'm starting to think it's people using a lag switch or something of the like. I really enjoy playing the game but I am truly getting tired of cheaters and campers. Even if everyone is playing honestly, without a cheat I mean, it still pisses me off when someone spends the entire time hiding in a corner waiting for the people that are actually moving around the map. It would be so much more fun if everyone got out there and gave it a shot, could you imagine how boring it would be if everyone camped? I've been in games like that where I was the only one that was moving around, of course I got raped but oh well.

I do not cheat on black ops, period, never have never will but I started getting curious as to how these kids are destroying me when I knew I should have had the kill. I googled "chea. . " that was all I was able to type before every suggested response came up "cheating on black ops" or "how to cheat black ops" and when I saw all the different cheats you can get, well hell no wonder I'm dying left and right to these little brats.

Whenever you're using ghost, ninja and a suppressor and you're dead before you even hear the shot, time and again, pfft I'd love to be able to just show up at the brats house like jay and silent bob did.

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Lol. I think earlier in the thread we talked about campers. Just today I was getting pissed about the same people hiding in dark corners. I also hate when people go to the same spot after every time they die like in convoy on that F***ING bridge overpass, or especially upstairs in the houses in Nuketown. But, it's extremely hard to police campers and there is nothing to do about it except try and kill them by surprise if you can. Sometimes you can continue to kill them, other times they can kill you 5 times in a row.

Is it just me, I don't really know what lag switching actually is. Care to explain. Is it a hack or something. And lol, I'll have to google how to cheat in blops.

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To the best of my knowledge a lag switch is just a switch that's hooked inline with their internet connection so that they can briefly cut their connection in order to avoid being killed. I dunno, that may be an old definition and I'm sure there are new ways of doing it now.

My personal idea for a solution to campers would be a game update to where if a person is stationary within a certain radius for more than a predetermined time then they either die (with a negative effect on their KD) or they get booted from the game. So say you have a guy that's just sitting in the same spot, well after say 60 seconds he gets booted and someone else gets brought in the game.

I'm sure it would slow games down but I would deal with it if it meant campers weren't going to be an issue. For all of us that actually get out there and move around, if campers weren't a problem our KDs would probably improve by 50% or more. I would also like an option that let me choose to get matched with a game were sniper rifles weren't allowed -period-. Sure some of the kids try and argue that in real life snipers camp and they're badasses and whatnot, but this isn't real life where a sniper has three days to lay and wait for one kill, this is an 8 minute video game, you gotta make use of your time right?

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Ok, here is my input, take it or leave it. I'm sick of people crying about campers. If you're a sniper it's you're job to camp. You find a safe spot, plant a claymore to cover your rear and camp like you're Davey Crockett. If you have a partner with say an FAL or M14 with an ACOG to act as a spotter and to cover you. I'm sick of the whole run and gun tactics that everyone uses, you move as a team or squad slow and steady and only run from cover to cover, preferably with someone on your team providing cover fire, it's called bound and overwatch. Always stack up to clear buildings and designatesome one to hold onto the spy plane or SR71 for when someone can call in air support. I'm sick of the amount of unrealistic tactics that everyone uses. I'd join a clan but I'm not dealing with that headache. This is why I like Battlefield better, if you decide to camp in a bldg someone can just bring the building down on your head. Don't want to use teamwork and work with your squad, guess what, you'll get raped. COD is good and all and I've recently started playing it again, but I refuse to go into the MP rooms, I can get hours of enjoyment in the Combat Training because frankly I don't have to deal with cheaters or hackers and the AI is just as hard as a room full of prestiges on expert mode.

I played a 3 hour round of FFA last weekend bc I had the time set to Unlimited and the score set to 30000. It was freaking awesome.

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I see CW, but no one really plays in my clan anymore. Man, we used to bomb the hell out of just about anyone. We used to alway communicate no matter what and work as a team telling where they are coming from and where they are going. But, now I only play with a few different guys every now and then that just play, so the run and gun game is the only option.

Sniping in this game, eh, I don't mind it. It's definantly not quick scoping bs MW2 annoying crap where eeeeeeveryone does it. IMO sniping sucks but every now and then I come across someone who runs around a punishes everyone by sniping. Just because you snipe doesnt mean you have to camp. Besides, most of the campers are using the famas anyways. The same thing goes with tomahawks. Its just some people's go to that have skillz like that.

I will admit, ive spent hours in combat training before. It's another great thing they came up with that makes the game better.

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Combat training is fun, but I enjoy hunting an actual opponent. I enjoy the competition level that I can get sometimes.

I'm called a camper all the time. I think it's hilarious because my kill map shows that I have kills from all over the level. What most people don't understand is that if you're running around like a chicken with its head cut off I'm going to shoot you. If I get the first shot off 9 times out of 10 I'm going to kill you. I really enjoy this game because I like to play smart. My girlfriend makes fun of me all the time because I take it so seriously, but hell, I think it makes it more fun to play the game that way. Plus I play with a team and the way we have it set up, me and another guy rake up the kills and defend an entire area while others go strictly for the objectives.

I run sr-71, chopper, and dogs

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If someone is using tactics like you guys are talking about then it's a little different from what I'm talking about, I'm talking about someone that just sits in a room with no windows and waits in the same spot over and over and over because they have no skill and/or they're afraid to get a negative KD. Now I'm not all for the run out and there and attract attention either but, I guess when it comes to COD it's basically a time killer because I just don't see it ever have the team communication or team tactics that Socom or Battlefield have. Another part of the problem is I can't tell you how many times a teammate saw the enemy coming up behind me and the teammate let them shoot me dead so that they could be guaranteed the kill with me out of the picture.

Ultimately it's a good way to unwind at the end of the day, I just don't see how there are so many 15th prestige(ers) out there, I can't imagine the time you have to put in for that, unless you're just really good and take advantage of the double xp weekends.

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Clans still exist, but the real ones that actually lock s*** down have left COD because of all the stupid little kids, cheaters and hacks. Halo is notorious for having some of beastiest clans in gaming same goes for Battlefield b/c BF essentially forces you to work as a team whether you want to or not. If you try to go solo a well oiled team will rape the s*** out of you and then throw you back to the wolves. I can't wait to see how Battlefield 3 and MW3 compare to each other.

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Yeah we've played some clans that raped us before we even got out pants down. That's some straight skill. I saw the largest win streak ever a little while ago of almost 2500 wins and probably counting from one of those master clans.

There are lots more campers now. And by that I mean people sitting crouched in one spot in the corner waiting for people to walk by. I don't think I've come across too many hackers, the game is well protected or maybe I just haven't noticed.

I was soo playing like 2-3 hours of combat training today. I also saw a emblem that made me lol, one of the funniest ones ive seen. I took a picture and I'll post it later tonight.

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C'mon, thats funny right there.

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alms24sebring wrote:Yeah we've played some clans that raped us before we even got out pants down. That's some straight skill. I saw the largest win streak ever a little while ago of almost 2500 wins and probably counting from one of those master clans.
Right before the match ends go the the Dashboard or pull your ethernet cord and your win streak will go unchanged. I'm sure they're good but no one is 2500 wins in a row good.

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I have COD MW3 pre-ordered but from all the articles I've read it sounds like Battlefield is going to win hands down. Battlefield has always had superior graphics, audio, and gameplay. I guess I never really got into because I don't have the time needed to dedicate to a game like that, I needed something I could pick up today for a little while and set down for a couple days while I'm busy with work and whatnot, for that COD is a good game.

I like Battlefields approach to campers though, they're going to have a system where you have to wait longer for your sniper rifle to settle down, and they're also going to make the scopes reflect sun glare. Thinking like that is what will keep them ahead unless COD has done something similar and kept it under wraps but I doubt it.

Edit: ^^^ That is a pretty funny avatar, I don't see how people get so creative with the little generic icons they give you.

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when we all get together, my "clan" have never lost a match. When we play HQ we hardly ever even have an opposing team get a capture. I could see a clan win 2500 in a row, but I also play on my own and lose like crazy because I get put on crappy teams. So if those guys only play when they play together I see it being possible. Otherwise I doubt highly that it was done legit.

Graphics from BF3 and MW3 on the xbox will most likely be very similar. No one in this stage of the game is going to come out with anything that looks bad. But on the PC BF3 will blow MW3 away. From the videos I've seen on MW3 it looks like it is set up really well. And with the way our clan plays, we will have it set up for ultimate so that everyone is pulling their own strength. And the greatest thing I've seen that's been added....a killstreak counter. Too many times I've lost count....sad but true.

That avatar is freking hilarious!

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dam now im torn between MW3 & BF3

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What's there to be torn about, get both like everyone else is. I just pre ordered the Collectors editions of BF3 and Forza 4 and the Hardened Edition of MW3 on Friday. I should have saved my vacation until the week that MW3 comes out so that I can actually get some serious game time with all 3. Then again I always finish the SP campaigns before I even walk into the MP side, this way I have a good grasp of the controls and how effective each weapon and vehicle are. The next couple of months are going to be hard because I won't know what to play. Then Christmas and my Bday are also around the corner which means even more games to play.

My main problem is that by the time I actually sit down and spend some quality time with the MP the kids, college students, and unemployed have already logged in enough hours to unlock everything and/or Prestige a time or 3 so I wind up getting my a** handed to me and then by the time I get on even ground with everyone else the glitchers, hackers, and cheaters have found all the bugs and holes so then the game becomes unplayable.

Hopefully with the COD Elite Activision will keep a better eye on the game so that it doesn't become unplayable like the other COD games have. As far as BF is concerned, the people who play it religiously do a really good job about policing the game and forcing/kicking the cheaters out of the room.

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I'll think about BF as a change of pace from COD

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Lol CW, not all of us can afford buying multiple games at once, hell you buy two new games and you're out $120+tax, between car maintenance, gas, bills, and any other unforeseen events I wouldn't be surprised if I have to let my pre-order come and go and lose that money. Then again, I've been trying to sell my spare little tv 42'' plasma on CL with surround sound and a stand and nobody wants to buy that :( yet everyone wants to buy my guns.

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Then sell some guns..

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I'll buy your guns whatcha got :laugh:

Any C&R stuff???

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