Bug Report: Auto locked out of running car

Nissan Rogue forum - Includes Nissan Qashqai and Nissan Dualis as well.
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Problem: 1) Engine running 2) doors closed 3) Car stationary/ not moving or moved 4) Doors auto-lock after several seconds.

Our mailbox is about a quarter mile from our house. We stop on our way home, get out with the engine running, walk over to the box to get our mail from the mailbox then come back and sometimes (1 in 15 times?) the doors are all locked. Most of the time this does NOT happen but it happens enough to be annoying. We try to not shut the door but sometimes forget. NO, WE DO NOT PUSH THE LOCK BUTTON EVEN ACCIDENTALLY!! Today was the worst, both keys were locked in and the car sat running for an hour before a tow truck could get here to unlock the door ($50).

Search has shown that other people have this problem but there doesn't seem to be a fix, or is there?

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Why, Ooo why where both keys in the car ?
Do you both need to get out of the car to pickup the mail ? Why leave the car with engine running ???
$50 was not much to learn your lesson ! The first around here would have cost you $250 for leaving you engine running with no one in the car....

Your not helping your self at all !

Hope you think about it.....

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A car stopped with the engine running in Park should NOT lock the doors if you get out to do anything; that is the problem. I am trying to find a fix for this flaw in the system not get a lecture on how I should learn to accept and live with a defect (BTW "were" is not spelled "where" & there is a difference between "you're" and "your"; it is courteous to edit before posting). I am not going to shut off the engine for the 7-15 seconds it takes to get the mail, that would be stupid. Having both keys in the car today was a fluke, not our normal operation but that is irrelevant, what is relevant is the car doors SHOULD NOT AUTO-LOCK WITH THE ENGINE RUNNING IN PARK. We shouldn't have to compensate for a problem that should not be: the failing is with the car. Does the machine serve the person or does the person serve the machine? I know there is a work-around or two such as opening a window, shutting off the engine and take the key, etc. But when there are things wrong with the car I would rather repair them than maintain checklists of how to compensate or override the machines various subversions (another one is the shifter lock-out flaw; instead of fixing the mechanism Nissan has a hole for you to stick a screwdriver down to pop the lock! That is not a fix for that problem). What if this auto-lock happens to a mother with a baby in the car in the hot sun when she steps out for just a few seconds to retrieve something the baby dropped?

If anyone knows how to fix this flaw (feature??!) in the auto-lock system please let me know. Thank you.

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All I can say is....... Your totally right at this point. Good LUCK with NISSAN !

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outtolearn88 wrote:Why, Ooo why where both keys in the car ?
Do you both need to get out of the car to pickup the mail ? Why leave the car with engine running ???
$50 was not much to learn your lesson ! The first around here would have cost you $250 for leaving you engine running with no one in the car....

Your not helping your self at all !

Hope you think about it.....
One of the most unuseful post I have seen. Instead of criticizing, you should have suggested different options.
The first would be to put in neutral with parking brake instead of park and see if the problem still occurs. If not, then there is probably a bug with the ECU that locks the car when you shift in park.
Try and see what happens.

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This happened to me yesterday. I have not been able to replicate it. But it did it. I heard it lock about 3 seconds after I shut the door.
I was on a ferry, with my car, and hopped out to hand the burser my ticket. It was in my back pocket (and he was coming up the rows.) I had forgotten where my ticket was so figured standing up was the fastest way to search all my pockets.
Luckily I had my second key in my pocket. What where the chances of that? Can you imagine stuck on a ferry, locked out of my car?

This is pretty unacceptable.

I am going to have a non-transmission copy made of my key and hide it on a magnetic key box.
But I'm pretty pissed.

Going to see if there is a firmware update for the cars computer next time I go for service.
I'll post if I find a solution-- maybe I can disable the automatic locking altogether (but I still want my power locks, so, I'll have to check the harness.)
This is crazy, unacceptable stuff.

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Having a non-transmission key hidden somewhere is a cheap and good idea. Thanks for the suggestion.
Hasn't happened to me yet but better safe than sorry.

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Sorry to hear this happened to you Mahkyc. Glad to hear that you had a spare key with you.

We have a non-transmission key now but the guy cutting the plain-Jane key repeated many, many times to NEVER :nono: try it in the ignition as it could cause the security system to lock down and require a tow to the dealer to get it "unlocked". I don't know if that is a street legend but it sounds like security overkill if it is true; what were they thinking when they designed such an onerous system? Does anyone know if this is true for a 2008 Rogue? If so is there a way around a dealer/locksmith reset for people that live, or may get stuck, hundreds of miles from a dealer? Thanks.

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Is this happening with the Intelligent Key system or the regular keyless entry? I've never had this happen with my Rogue (with Int. Key). My other car has a similar system and I seem to remember reading on that forum that sometimes this can happen if the battery is running low in the key. There is also a page (3-16) in the 2015 owner's manual that says:
"Lockout Protection may not function under the following conditions:" with a list of places you might put the key in the car (glove box, door pocket, etc.) where it may not work. So maybe there is some interference involved that's making this happen.

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Auto lock type: Regular keyless entry, stupid definitely not intelligent. It is an intermittent problem hard to duplicate on command.

Kim T
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Just found out you can leave the 2016 Rogue running, lock the doors and leave the car. I've never had a car that would lock from the outside with the remote when the car was running.....
Last edited by Rogue One on Wed Feb 17, 2016 10:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Merged with existing thread

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Tell me more. I am always wary of leaving my car running on my carport while warming up. Miss my remotes start on my old GMC.

Kim T
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I just left it running and locked the doors. If someone should break in it won't move because the key is not near the car. (I should have said I have the push button start)

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Rogue One
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Kim T wrote:Just found out you can leave the 2016 Rogue running, lock the doors and leave the car. I've never had a car that would lock from the outside with the remote when the car was running.....
We have an incredible SEARCH feature on this forum. Merged with existing thread. Please read previous posts, and the link below.


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Being able to lock the car with the I-Key is a nice perk and something you can't do on other manufacturers' systems. My Suzuki has in intelligent key and if I want to lock it after I start it I have to pull the metal key out of the remote and do it that way (unlock, too).

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I don't think these threads are discussing the same thing. For the "Bug Report" that I was initially reporting my key is in the ignition switch turned to "run" such that if someone "broke in" to the car they could readily drive it away. That is these two threads are about two different key types. My 2008 has a regular key ignition, the key head has the lock-unlock buttons. To start my Rogue I have to put the key in the ignition and turn it to start the engine then leave the key in the run position. When finished driving I turn the key to "off" and pull it out of the ignition switch, old style.

I believe the other thread is about the new-fangled intelligent key, push button start, no key-in-an-ignition-switch system ("it won't move because the key is not near the car.")? I don't have that kind of ignition. Apples and oranges.

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I think you're right. The there are two different topics being discussed and they should not have been merged.

In any case, I found a possible solution to your problem on a Nissan Frontier forum. Post 30:
So I think I figured this out. If the keys are in the ignition, and the driver's door is not the last one closed then it will lock. I was thinking about it some more, and I did open the back door to put my disc golf bag in the back seat. That was after I had already closed the driver's door. So I suppose it is something to do with that security module, and the driver's door not being the last one to send a signal to it.

Not sure if that's why, but still would like that "feature" disabled.
http://www.clubfrontier.org/forums/f8/m ... ndex3.html

I think in your original post you said "we" so maybe the passenger opened/closed their door after you which triggered this "feature." You might experiment with it a bit (with extra keys nearby of course) and see what happens. The linked thread also suggests a faulty security module as a possibility.

Kim T
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These are clearly two different topics! Frankly I didn't care for the "useful search button" post from the snippy moderator either! Why merge these two posts together??

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Re: "If the keys are in the ignition, and the driver's door is not the last one closed then it will lock." This is not the situation with our '08 Rogue. With just a driver exiting the drivers door with engine running in park the door will sometimes just lock itself. Does anyone have access to TSBs (Technical Service Bulletins) from Nissan? Any mention of this bug/feature?

Let's not be too hard on the Moderator. I don't believe these threads should have been merged, so it's a goof-up but it is not the crime of the century. The Moderator does great work, let's cut him/her some slack. Have a nice day.

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Okay, this just happened to me. 03 Infiniti G35. Used key fob to pop trunk, stashed my goods, then used key fob to unlock door, started car with key ignition, exited car, closed door, left running, came back 5 minutes later and locked out lol. Spare key was 10min away luckily.

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I made a pair of emergency wallet keys in case this happens.


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