Bioshock 2

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So who's getting it? Bioshock was the only 360 game where I've gotten all of the achievements. The sequel looks just as amazing as the first. I wonder if the multiplayer will be any good, my hopes are not too high.

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Eh...I dunno. After all the "System shock spiritual sequel" hype, Bioshock was amazingly underwhelming. SS2 was one of the greatest games in all of history. Bioshock was just average. It was fun, but far from perfect. And it didn't feel one damn bit like SS2. It felt exactly like what it was: a dumbed down console shooter. I don't really expect Bioshock 2 to be that great, either. I'm sure it'll be fun, but I'll wait to hear what others have to say.

As for the multiplayer, it's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Just another case of devs gluing MP onto a SP game because retard Halo360 owners* don't have the brainpower to enjoy a game if they can't talk s*** into their mic. Bioshock doesn't need and shouldn't have multiplayer.

* No reflection on present company...I'm sure we can all picture the group of 12 year olds I'm referring to.

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I have no idea what SS2 was, sorry. I thought that Bioshock was an amazing game that was very different from anything else at the time. It had a great story and gave the player the opportunity to choose different paths. As far as the multiplayer goes I'm not hoping for much unless they've stressed this in development. It could be really cool if it's like playing the single player but I doubt it. It looks like it's got the potential to be glitchy and laggy but we'll find out tomorrow.

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System Shock 2 was one of Ken Levine/Irrational's prior games, and is commonly regarded as one of the (or THE, depending on who you ask) greatests game ever made. It was released back in 99, and Bioshock was basically conceived as a spiritual successor to SS2. It was a hybrid RTS/RPG like Bioshock, but the RPG elements were MUCH deeper and the shooter elements were also deeper and more fleshed out. There were multiple classes and deeper character development. The story was good and continued from SS1 (though the game and story stood well on their own, meaning you weren't lost if you didn't play SS1). The villain, SHODAN (a rogue AI) is commonly regarded as one of the greatest and most interesting villains in all of videogame history.

If you're interested, there's a very long (but absolutely brilliant) article about why SHODAN is so great here. Reading it really brings back a lot of the feelings of playing SS2 for the first time. It also offers a pretty good synopsis of the SS1/SS2 story arc and the gameplay mechanics that combine with that story arc to produce Digital Awesome.

Basically, SS2 set a VERY VERY high bar, so when Irrational stated that Bioshock was to be a spiritual successor to System Shock 2, they set the expectations for Bioshock extremely high as well. The game didn't meet those expectations. Most SS2 fans were highly disappointed by Bioshock, while those who didn't have those high expectations liked it a lot.

I still liked Bioshock, but I would have preferred something with SS2's depth of gameplay to match the good story.

FWIW, reviews I've read of Bioshock 2 have been very positive, but they do say the story and characters fail to live up to those of the first game. And actually, reviews are even saying the multiplayer is quite decent. It has a progression system that has you building your Adam powers which does help it feel a little more like the main game. One neat aspect of the multiplayer mode is that it takes place in pre-rebellion Rapture, when everything is not yet ruined.

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i have about 2 hours into BS2 and it feels just like the fist one (good or bad you decide) and the one thing that i hated the most about the first one is still here. You are so fragile in the game, i swear the weakest splicers have more health than you! So you die rather easily, but then what, you get sent to that stupid chamber with no consequences and just keep on going. But if the nearest chamber is far away then you have to keep walking your happy a** back to where you died.

And whats worse, now there are segments where you have to defend the little sisters as they harvest the adam, and it sends a crap ton of splicers at you. So if you die during this time and she hasnt completed then you get sent back to the chamber, no biggie right? Wrong, she has to start all over again to harvest, and you are left with no health and ammo because you used it all up the first time trying to defend her. So you get stuck in this cycle of trying to fend off a ton of splicers with the stupid drill and 1 bar of health.

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^ why use the drill? The rivet gun usually drops splicers in one shot to the head

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Because like he said...he had already wasted all his ammunition before he got sent to the respawn tube.That's what I hated about the first game too...four times I got stuck and couldn't progress any further because I would deplete all my ammunition only to get killed and left without ANY way to refill. This happened in the garden area...and then again with that creepy stage guy place. What I ended up doing was setting it to easy and clubbing everything with my wrench until I had enough ammo to survive then resetting it to hard.SS2 was also one of the first adaptors of a full 3D stereo was so f***ing scary to play that game in the dark with 5.1 headphones on.Bioshock started out that way but once you figured out exactly how the badguys attacked you it got real easy to predict what was coming.

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Eh There are usually stores near the places you need to get adam. Just put a bunch of trap bolts down around the area you think they are going to come.

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So i just put another hour or so into it, and im not sure what happened, but I only got sent to the vita chamber once, and that was right about the end of my session. I harvested 4 people and had no problem dealing with the splicers, I always seemed to have health and a TON of cash at all times... It was actually fun not dying, running back, dying again till they all were killed, but actually progressing through the level!

Im having fun with it, the story is pretty good, i was just reading the review for it in my game informer and it says that the last 3 hours are how the entire game should be (as in something happens to change everything), and im glad it mentioned my gripe about being so fragile when you are supposed to be a freekin big daddy!

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There's actually a really simple solution to the whole getting stuck/vitachamber cycle. It's called a PC. Or, more specifically, the PC version of the game. And a keyboard, and the F8 key. Many PC games, you see, have had this feature called "quick-save" for a long time now. You press the button and the game saves. RIGHT THEN! Right when you push it!

Silly consoles.

Still, you can save at any time even in the console just have to wade through the menu. A little more tedious than mashing F8, but a hell of a lot less tedious than Vita-chamber respawn frustration.

So, to recap: Vita chambers should never even enter into your gameplay experience. Use F8 often. Mash F9 upon death.??????Profit!

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I love this game. The multi player is better than I'd hoped. The gameplay is awesome. I just finished the part where the train gets blowed up under water. I'm a bit confussed but it's making sense. My only complaints are as follows:1. I'm a Big Daddy; why am I such a wuss?2. Where's all the shotgun ammo?3. In multi-player, the cross-bow should be a one shot kill. Why isn't it?4. Why the slash in hypo and health pack storage?

I think that's it for complaints. The guns are awesome. I just got the charge thing (hold the drill on and hit R trigger) and it's destroys people. Love it. Anybody choose to kill the black lady?

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anti_flag_army wrote: i have about 2 hours into BS2 and it feels just like the fist one (good or bad you decide) and the one thing that i hated the most about the first one is still here. You are so fragile in the game, i swear the weakest splicers have more health than you! So you die rather easily, but then what, you get sent to that stupid chamber with no consequences and just keep on going. But if the nearest chamber is far away then you have to keep walking your happy a** back to where you died.

And whats worse, now there are segments where you have to defend the little sisters as they harvest the adam, and it sends a crap ton of splicers at you. So if you die during this time and she hasnt completed then you get sent back to the chamber, no biggie right? Wrong, she has to start all over again to harvest, and you are left with no health and ammo because you used it all up the first time trying to defend her. So you get stuck in this cycle of trying to fend off a ton of splicers with the stupid drill and 1 bar of health.
After reading this I was under the impression that if you die you have to start all over, this is incorrect. Your enemies have the same amount of health as they did when you died. So you actually gain more health when you re-spawn which I think is awesome. All other games I've played you have to start from scratch.

I was also under the impression that having to defend the little sisters was more of a chore then fun and I found this to be totally wrong as well. It's a ton of fun setting the trap rivets around the perimeter of the lil sis and taking out the splicers with the rivet gun as they get close. It sounds like you just don't like the game, I think it's a blast.

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sbird1 wrote:I love this game. The multi player is better than I'd hoped. The gameplay is awesome. I just finished the part where the train gets blowed up under water. I'm a bit confussed but it's making sense. My only complaints are as follows:1. I'm a Big Daddy; why am I such a wuss?2. Where's all the shotgun ammo?3. In multi-player, the cross-bow should be a one shot kill. Why isn't it?4. Why the slash in hypo and health pack storage?

I think that's it for complaints. The guns are awesome. I just got the charge thing (hold the drill on and hit R trigger) and it's destroys people. Love it. Anybody choose to kill the black lady?
I haven't tried the MP yet but will probably in the next day or two. I did take the old black woman out and got an achievement for it. Damn that sounds really racist.

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I was confused too with the Vita Chamber complaints. I love how Bioshock starts you back nearby and enemies have the same health. I also like how the Little Sisters will begin healing a Big Daddy if you die. They don't heal fast, mind you, but just enough to keep it interesting. I like how in Bioshock you don't waste time and ammo shooting a guy just to have him back at full health if you die. Also, what is with those fast little fat dudes that throw s*** at you. I don't like them. They take too much ammo.

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^ Light them on fire or blast them with the spear gun

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snwbrdr435 wrote:^ Light them on fire or blast them with the spear gun
I just got the speargun and all I can say is daaaayum!

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Yeah, I pinned a guy to the wall by his head last night. The first time I shot it at someone, I was like ,"Holy sh1t!!" Love that gun.

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It is alot easier to get adam in this game.

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snwbrdr435 wrote:It is alot easier to get adam in this game.
Finally! That was one of my biggest problems with the first one. Weapon upgrades were few and far between along with ADAM.

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Really? Halfway through the 1st game I had more upgrades than I knew what to do with. Same with ADAM...I went the save all the sisters route and in the end you get a LOT more of it.

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I'm still sitting on a copy of Bioshock 1 that I still have not installed.

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Just finished the game, i got the good ending, such a good game. But i youtubed the bad ending, turns out their are SIX endings to the game, that is a lot of playing.

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Dtsn280zx wrote:Just finished the game, i got the good ending, such a good game. But i youtubed the bad ending, turns out their are SIX endings to the game, that is a lot of playing.
Nice! I finished it last week. Righ when I thought the game was over I had another 90min left. I saved the little sisters but will start another campaign soon as a bad big daddy. I wonder what you have to do that changes the ending 6 times.

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My roommates and I have beat it twice already.

The only achievements we need for 100% completion are the multi-player ones, finishing the game on Expert, and fully researching all 9 baddies. I don't think I'm going to feel like beating this game again. Especially not on expert.

BTW, capturing the little sister in multi-player is freakin hard.

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^ nah just need to sprint in and snag her

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I played the multiplayer last week and it's exactly what I expected it to be. Something you play a few times then give up because it can't compare to MW2 or any of the well polished games.

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