Battlefield: Bad Company 2

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^ I have never had a problem with the m24 being inaccurate must be you. I have taken down multiple helicopters with it.

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I'm diggin' the STG 77 AUG for an assualt kit. it doesn't empty as fast as the 416 and holds a tighter group. and will bust that a** at distance too.

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Any one know if onslaught mode kill points count 5towards rank and weapon unlock.

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Pretty sure it does. Would be kinda pointless if it didn't.

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Doesn't count for anything.

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You serious? That's lame, not gunna bother with a purchase now.

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Post does nothing. I thought it would too, but after looking at my total xp before and after a match, it didn't do anything. I think the points are there for comparison between your party.

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who cares if they add to anything onslaught is fun

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It's fun, but it would be awesome if it actually helped with rank and weapons/gadget points. I'm getting demolished because I'm a noob and don't have a lot of the cool tools and weapons unlocked. Took me forever to unlock the medic pack, I'm tempted to purchase the unlock everything pack just to stay competitive but don't want to cheat like that.

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Gave up with the M95, switched to GOL, lots of heads were capped.

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Just a heads up, was playing today, everything was fine and dandy and then everyone got kicked serverwide, and now only a select few have retained there rank, most everyone else not only lost our rank, but also everything we have unlocked thus far. Could be a glitch and be fixed shortly, or it could be a hack and as susch everyone will have to restart from rank 0 with nothing unlocked, that is unless you bought the upgrade bundles, then you still have all of your kit. So far it seems to be an xbox 360 problem as noone from the PS3 or PC community have chimed in, but there are a couple of threads talking about it over on the EA BF:BC2 boards.

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Haven't bought anything from battlefield besides inslaught, i do have all the specat kits. I had that happen to me last week i went back to the dashboard and back into the game and had everything.

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I got all of my kit and stats back after I logged off for a couple of hours. Very disconcerting. Got back on and had a really good match of conquest going only to have it boot me 5 minutes before we won and then I wasn't able to get back into the EA servers.

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What's onslaught?

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ScorchedNX2K wrote:What's onslaught?
R U Cereal? Onslaught is feakin awesome is what it is... It's a 4 player co-op objective (CTF) mode that is timed and you get points for kills and flag captures the same as in the MP modes. If all 4 players are killed then the game is over, but as long as you have one person that kinda lags behind or finds a hole to hide in then the game continues until you capture all the flags on the map. You also get achievement points for each map if you are able to capture all the flags on that map, there are seperate achievements for regular and hardcore as well. I actually like Onslaught better than regular MP because it's great for learning the maps and honing your skills with a team. If each person goes with a separate class then you can actually do fairly well and finish the maps. FYI the enemy is computer AI and will continue to spawn and rush you until you capture and clear each base.

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AH..see...PC hasn't gotten that yet. Though the latest steam posting said it's going to be soon.
SO it's like Assault from UT?

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