Bad ecu or bcm?

Nissan Rogue forum - Includes Nissan Qashqai and Nissan Dualis as well.
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:36 pm
Car: 2008 Nissan Rogue


I was working on my 2008 Rouge the other day and fried my ecu or bcm. I removed the alternator to get to the exhaust manifold and in my rush at the end of the day I didn't attach the ground from the alternator bracket that goes to the body. Long story short the fusable link popped so I replaced it and now I have a cranks no start along with the radiator fan turning on when the key is switched on. My scanner will not connect either so I'm thinking ecu is bad but read a bad bcm can causes these issues. I checked all the fuses in the 3 locations and they all are fine.

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The BCM won't make the fans come on, you simply wouldn't be able to "wake up" the car normally. Running fans mean the ECM is offline. It's not unusual for a "zap" at the hot terminal to melt the ECM's internal protection diodes, but first make sure the ECM fuse and relay are both good. Both are located in the IPDM. You'll find the IPDM layout on PG-85 here: ... 8%2FPG.pdf

Make sure fuse #62 has power, and if so, check for power on pin 51 with the key on. If none, try swapping the ECM Relay with the Defogger Relay next to it. If still none, chances are the ECM is dead and not turning itself on.

Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 24, 2025 2:36 pm
Car: 2008 Nissan Rogue


Thank you for the reply Vstar, I will check all of that in the morning and if everything checks out I will send the ecu to see if it can be serviced.

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