Are all Republicans Scumbags?

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I think you’re definitely on point, but veered off slightly. The press is definitely wanting to pressure the issues and bring out the facts and proper opinions, but that s*** isn’t free to produce and such a low amount of people want to actually pay for their news, so media companies are having to do things that sell. People complain about main stream media, but it’s the majority of the people who are eating up the s*** they are giving and nothing will change until the people ask for it.

Another issue is that Drumpf and his clown posse make so many blatant falsehood and small falsehoods that there isn’t enough time in the day to cover it all. There are simply way too many topics to cover, but then there are way too many non issues that need to be covered. Things like what Drumpf tweets about basketball players, or the flag being disrespected, things like this destroy the attention of things like the oil pipeline in Dakota bursting as predicted, the tax bill that’s ready to destroy middle and lower class citizens and let large corporations and extreme rich have more money that will make the middle and lower class people further claim “lower taxes!” while not understanding its screwing themselves, and the fact that we are in another country bombing them without any official orders and real law behind it.

It’s a great time to be a crooked politician because we are so f*** and the people allowed this to happen. Not saying that this agenda wasn’t in the books for this corruption, but the people also sitting around looking at the bait while the switch happened.

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Another Trumper bye bye

GOP Rep. Farenthold resigns amid sexual harassment scandal

"Rep. Blake Farenthold (R-Texas) announced Friday that he is resigning from Congress immediately after facing a backlash over using $84,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment claim."

Just a little less than Michael Cohen paid Stormy Daniels for Trump.
Perhaps because it is Texas?


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10 mayors accused of CHILD sex related crimes since 2016. Only one is a Republican.

Mayor Ed Murray, Seattle WA, Democrat
Mayor Rick Nelson, Stillwater NY, Democrat
Mayor Dale Kenyon, Clayton NY, Democrat
Mayor Dwayne Schutt, Randolph Nebraska, Democrat
Mayor Richard Keenan, Hubbard Ohio, Democrat
Mayor Anthony Silva, Stockton, California, Republican
Mayor Kenneth Barrett, Winston Oregon, Democrat
Mayor Christopher Wright, Dawson Georgia, Democrat
Mayor Darrell Gene Walker, Rockdale Texas, Democrat
Mayor Donald H. Briggs, Milbrook New York, Democrat

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Poor Howie.

How much did your pervy buddy Clinton pay Paula Jones and the rest of his hoebags to keep quiet?

I wonder, with all the stones you throw, if you might have something of your own to hide. :)

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I find this post title to be ridiculous and misleading. It should read "Are ALL politicians scumbags" and the answer to that is: no.

I still believe that there are individuals, both on the political left and right, who honestly try to make this country a little better than they found it. But until we evolve beyond the two party system you will never see improvement (democrats forcing socialized medicine down our throats because they had the majority). Politics today is simply 'defy the other side' and the American citizen is left out. I have watched the last 8 years while republicans did everything to simply oppose Obama, and now I'm watching the democrats oppose Trump. But no one wins because we aren't working together. In the beginning we were founded on compromise and now both sides refuse to.

So to sit here and pass the blame back and forth saying 'all those damned republicans are scumbags' or 'those democrats are so stupid', we are just falling into party lines and marching ourselves blindly to the slaughter house.

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And a unqualified president keeps bringing up Hillary because all he does is watch Fox news and perhaps his only friend Hannity keeps mentioning Hillary to deflect the news cycle from Russia and p0rn star Stormy Daniels.

Yes there are a few democrats that are scumbags but they are vastly outnumbered by republicans that claim to be the party of family values.
Our current president bragged he can grab women by their pu$$y caught on tape.
Now he claims to know nothing about a NDA that he never signed under an alias created by his personal attorney that paid a p0rn star 150k dollars to keep quiet about a one night stand right before the presidential election. Who does that if they are innocent?
Yesterday his personal attorney had his home, office and hotel room raided by the FBI
The FBI is doing their job and are just following the money.

A bomb on Trump’s front porch’: FBI’s Cohen raids hit home for the president ... li=BBnb7Kz

So now the question is will the FBI get Trump on laundering money from Russia or illegal campaign contributions from his personal attorney for the 130k dollars paid to Stormey Daniels to keep quiet about her having sex with Trump about the time his wife was giving birth to his son.

The right never seems to get over a single blowjob democratic president Clinton received from a consenting 22 year old intern. The right keeps bringing that up to try an deflect the news cycle about Trump.
That does not seem to be working out very well for Trump.


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And a unqualified president keeps bringing up Hillary
I can agree with this statement, instead of getting caught doing something and saying 'well what about so and so' he should worry about himself. However Hillary has gotten away with a lot of things in her political career. When I was still active military I had a secret level clearance and if I had done 1% of what she did I would be rotting in a prison awaiting trial if I was ever given one. So it's a bit of a hypocrisy for one politician to have their feet held to the fire while another skates around with a smile on their face and making jokes about what they got away with.
Yes there are a few democrats that are scumbags but they are vastly outnumbered by republicans that claim to be the party of family values.
Unfortunately this statement cannot be proven with fact because only a small amount actually manages to come to light, and even then we don't know if it's true or not. And again it's kind of funny to me to hear the left preach about gun violence and protecting the kids when they advocate abortion that kills 100x more children than guns every single year.
Our current president bragged he can grab women by their pu$$y caught on tape.
Right or wrong, most all men brag in 'locker room talk'. Not excusing it at all, but to be honest I don't think it's true. President Trump has to always be the bigger badder man so he talks a lot.
The right never seems to get over a single blowjob democratic president Clinton received from a consenting 22 year old intern.
My only opinion here is Clinton did it while in office, President Trump did it before he was in office. Both men were wrong but at this point it's petty digging up of anything anyone can find to discredit him.

We could go about this all day, but at the end of the day none of us are perfect and again like stated before if you want to stand on your side of the line and whine and cry until you get your way instead of trying to work towards something positive nothing will get done. We won't get any kind of sensible gun legislation/enforcement, borders won't get secure, the war on opioids will go on. And we will be sitting here pecking away at the keyboard talking about how Obama was a muslim sympathiser who went all over the world apologizing for everything America did and started the biggest race war since the 1950's, How Clinton got away with her breach of classified emails, how anyone with dirt on her mysteriously died, how Monica still wears the dress with the stains on them, and how President Trump is a racist bigot who is afraid of anything that challenges his manhood.

To be honest with you Telcom, I'm sick and tired of going to the polls and voting for the lesser of two evils. Got anything positive to say? Maybe a suggestion on how we as a nation could move forward and leave this world a little better than we found it? Or would you rather sit here and throw $hit back and forth and see what sticks?

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flartius wrote:
Tue Apr 10, 2018 11:38 am
Got anything positive to say? Maybe a suggestion on how we as a nation could move forward and leave this world a little better than we found it? Or would you rather sit here and throw $hit back and forth and see what sticks?

I have a lot of faith in the millions of high school students that have suddenly became interested in politics. They are organizing town halls to question representatives currently in congress. Those that fail to show up or answer questions will soon be looking for another job.
We marched in the sixties against the war and the next generation will get the job done too. We were called commie's too just like how the right is currently referring to high school students speaking out on various media outlets.

Our democracy has checks and balances with a free press. The right likes to call it fake news but the justice department has other ideas.

Follow the money!


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Those that fail to show up or answer questions will soon be looking for another job.
Unfortunately, probably not. Where as I like to think that all the 'bad' ones will be voted out it doesn't seem to happen very often. Maybe in a swing state but you probably won't see much change in solid red/blue states. Like we discussed in the other thread, most people do not take the youth of this generation seriously because if the things that they do and plaster across social media (cinnamon challenge, condom challenge, tide pod challenge). We also remember when we were 17 and knew everything, then grew up a little and got some real life experience, not the sheltered safety net experience from school; and learned that just maybe the people older than us were a little wiser and knew a little more than we gave them credit for.
Our democracy has checks and balances with a free press.
How long will it last once you start eroding away at the bill of rights? Europe went after the guns in the 90's, now they are after the knives, and you can be arrested for things said on a social media platform. So how long will our democracy last? How long will the freedom of speech and freedom of press last in America? The fed has got this idea that 'they don't need guns anymore', when will that change to 'they don't know what is good for them, they only need to hear what we think is right'? It is a VERY slippery slope once you willingly give up your rights and freedoms.
justice department has other ideas.
The same "justice" department that said "Clinton showed extreme carelessness, negligence, and broke the law on more than 12 instances by knowingly transferring classified material to her private server.... but we recommend no charges filed because 'she didn't mean to break the law'."? After that I lost all faith in the FBI in being a non partisan extension of whatever administration is in power. Maybe all the people who commit mass murder should go before the FBI and say 'I didn't mean to break the law'.
Follow the money!
I wish they would, and I wish they would run every corrupt politician out republican and democrat alike. But the only problem is that most politicians are above the law, you see it day after day. Where as I think you are misguided on the details 'it is those damned republicans, if they weren't around we would live in peace and prosperity', I like where your hope and principles lie in 'getting rid of the corruption, the people will clean up the government'. But the truth is: as long as they are PEOPLE, that is to say, imperfect humans, that are in charge over governing other people, there will always be corruption, favoritism, bias, racism, segregation.

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We survived Viet Nam, we survived Nixon, and we will survive Trump.
As Trump likes to say "we'll see what happens"

Paul Ryan won't seek re-election ... li=BBnb7Kz

Paul finally discovered what John Boehner knew and is getting out of the swamp that Trump has added creatures to.


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You have a knack for twisting things to serve your agenda, you ever considered a life in politics or at MSNBC? I think you would do well in either/both fields. None of them fact check; they have a story, make an assumption as to why, then publish it. I think you would be a very successful politician or news writer.

So why won't he be seeking reelection? Because of corruption? Trump? Or did he just not want the job anyway?

The truth is we may never know why he is leaving, you could be correct! He could be looking at all that is happening around the President and decide it is time to leave. He could also be wanting to spend time with his family. Or he could be tired of politics. But I think it is very misleading of you to make an assumption and post it as fact, but I guess if you watch the mainstream media all day you kinda fall in line with the narrative...

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I did watch 10 minutes of Hannity last night. Had to turn him off. Too much bull shyt and fake news.

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telcoman wrote:
Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:05 am
Yes there are a few democrats that are scumbags but they are vastly outnumbered by republicans that claim to be the party of family values.

Math's not your strong suit is it?
Rogue One wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 8:31 pm
10 mayors accused of CHILD sex related crimes since 2016. Only ONE (1) is a Republican.

Mayor Ed Murray, Seattle WA, Democrat
Mayor Rick Nelson, Stillwater NY, Democrat
Mayor Dale Kenyon, Clayton NY, Democrat
Mayor Dwayne Schutt, Randolph Nebraska, Democrat
Mayor Richard Keenan, Hubbard Ohio, Democrat
Mayor Anthony Silva, Stockton, California, Republican
Mayor Kenneth Barrett, Winston Oregon, Democrat
Mayor Christopher Wright, Dawson Georgia, Democrat
Mayor Darrell Gene Walker, Rockdale Texas, Democrat
Mayor Donald H. Briggs, Milbrook New York, Democrat
Seriously Howie, does someone tie your shoes for you or are they velcro? Here's a quick history lesson on the Democratic Party.

1830 – President Jackson (D) signed the Indian Removal Act into law. Under this act, Native American tribes living east of the Mississippi were rounded up and marched to camps farther west.

1830’s – The US Supreme court ruled in favor of Cherokee Indians in a suit against Georgia. The ruling said the Cherokee Nation could not be forcibly removed from their homes. Andrew Jackson overruled the decision and the Cherokee people were rounded up at gunpoint and forced out. One in four Cherokee people died during the inhumane journey which became known as the Trail of Tears.

1840’s – The Democratic Party adopted the doctrine of manifest destiny: the idea that white Americans were divinely entitled to dominate the North American continent.

1857 – The Democrat-controlled Supreme Court approved the dreaded Dred Scott Decision, which declared that black American’s were “not persons but property” and therefore had no rights.

1861 – The Confederate flag was created by the Democratic party.

1865 – The Ku Klux Klan was started by Democrats to murder Republicans: black or white.

1868 – Democrats in Opelousas, Louisiana killed nearly 300 blacks who tried to foil an assault on a Republican newspaper editor.

1919-1921 – Under the leadership of Woodrow Wilson (D), criticizing the government became a crime and a fascist organization, the American Protective League was formed to spy on and even arrest fellow Americans for being insufficiently loyal to the government. More than 100,000 Americans were arrested, with less than 1% of them ever being found guilty of any kind of crime.

1922 – Democrats successfully stop Republicans from making lynching a federal crime.

1932-1972 – The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

Feb. 19, 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) signed an executive order that led to the forced removal of some 112,000 Japanese-Americans, most of them U.S. citizens, from their homes, to be relocated in internment camps.

1950 – Alger Hiss convicted of perjury. Hiss, who helped advise FDR at Yalta and was strongly defended by the Left, turned out to be a Soviet spy.

1963 – Birmingham, Alabama's notorious Commissioner of Public Safety, Democrat Bull Connor, used attack dogs and fire hoses on children and teenagers marching for civil rights. Ultimately, thousands of them would also be arrested.

I could go on and on, but to what avail? Do I expect Howie to see the light as I did and leave the Democratic Party? Sadly, no.

Maybe it's time to put this thread to rest.

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Rogue One wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:55 pm
Maybe it's time to put this thread to rest.
I gave up on him :facepalm:

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Don't give up on me

Perhaps you should give up on The President of the United States and the republicans that you are supporting?



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flartius wrote:
Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:37 am
Rogue One wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:55 pm
Maybe it's time to put this thread to rest.
I gave up on him :facepalm:
Keep in mind I gave my two years of service to my country when called.

I did not ask for phony deferments,run to Canada, or participate in golden showers with prostitutes in Russia.


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Rogue One wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:55 pm

Maybe it's time to put this thread to rest.
Is it because corrupt republicans vastly outnumber democrats and the present republican controlled government is so corrupt, and incapable of governing?

Just look at the number of republicans choosing not to run in the mid term elections.

You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

The justice department is following the money.


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Rogue One wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:55 pm
telcoman wrote:
Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:05 am
Yes there are a few democrats that are scumbags but they are vastly outnumbered by republicans that claim to be the party of family values.

Math's not your strong suit is it?
Rogue One wrote:
Fri Apr 06, 2018 8:31 pm
10 mayors accused of CHILD sex related crimes since 2016. Only ONE (1) is a Republican.

Mayor Ed Murray, Seattle WA, Democrat
Mayor Rick Nelson, Stillwater NY, Democrat
Mayor Dale Kenyon, Clayton NY, Democrat
Mayor Dwayne Schutt, Randolph Nebraska, Democrat
Mayor Richard Keenan, Hubbard Ohio, Democrat
Mayor Anthony Silva, Stockton, California, Republican
Mayor Kenneth Barrett, Winston Oregon, Democrat
Mayor Christopher Wright, Dawson Georgia, Democrat
Mayor Darrell Gene Walker, Rockdale Texas, Democrat
Mayor Donald H. Briggs, Milbrook New York, Democrat
Seriously Howie, does someone tie your shoes for you or are they velcro? Here's a quick history lesson on the Democratic Party.

1830 – President Jackson (D) signed the Indian Removal Act into law. Under this act, Native American tribes living east of the Mississippi were rounded up and marched to camps farther west.

1830’s – The US Supreme court ruled in favor of Cherokee Indians in a suit against Georgia. The ruling said the Cherokee Nation could not be forcibly removed from their homes. Andrew Jackson overruled the decision and the Cherokee people were rounded up at gunpoint and forced out. One in four Cherokee people died during the inhumane journey which became known as the Trail of Tears.

1840’s – The Democratic Party adopted the doctrine of manifest destiny: the idea that white Americans were divinely entitled to dominate the North American continent.

1857 – The Democrat-controlled Supreme Court approved the dreaded Dred Scott Decision, which declared that black American’s were “not persons but property” and therefore had no rights.

1861 – The Confederate flag was created by the Democratic party.

1865 – The Ku Klux Klan was started by Democrats to murder Republicans: black or white.

1868 – Democrats in Opelousas, Louisiana killed nearly 300 blacks who tried to foil an assault on a Republican newspaper editor.

1919-1921 – Under the leadership of Woodrow Wilson (D), criticizing the government became a crime and a fascist organization, the American Protective League was formed to spy on and even arrest fellow Americans for being insufficiently loyal to the government. More than 100,000 Americans were arrested, with less than 1% of them ever being found guilty of any kind of crime.

1922 – Democrats successfully stop Republicans from making lynching a federal crime.

1932-1972 – The Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

Feb. 19, 1942 President Franklin D. Roosevelt (D) signed an executive order that led to the forced removal of some 112,000 Japanese-Americans, most of them U.S. citizens, from their homes, to be relocated in internment camps.

1950 – Alger Hiss convicted of perjury. Hiss, who helped advise FDR at Yalta and was strongly defended by the Left, turned out to be a Soviet spy.

1963 – Birmingham, Alabama's notorious Commissioner of Public Safety, Democrat Bull Connor, used attack dogs and fire hoses on children and teenagers marching for civil rights. Ultimately, thousands of them would also be arrested.

I could go on and on, but to what avail? Do I expect Howie to see the light as I did and leave the Democratic Party? Sadly, no.

Maybe it's time to put this thread to rest.
Did the democrats reform themselves after 1963?

In some more recent news the party of family values is in the news again today.

RNC deputy finance chair steps down after admitting Trump’s lawyer negotiated settlement between him and pregnant Playboy model ... nal&wpmk=1


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So, what's wrong with what two people do in private? Or do you believe that's your business?

Why is it important to refer to a woman as "pregnant," or a "Playboy model?" Is it because those sensationalist terms appeal to the gossipmonger in you? Or is there some misogyny involved?

"Reform" themselves? HAHAHAHA Kinda like a "reformed" alcoholic, or a "reformed" child molester. Nice try.

Daily News = National Enquirer. I'm guessing you've had a subscription to both.

Why do you assume that people who press you to defend your ludicrous posts are RNC supporters? Is everything in your pre-pubescent intellect that black and white?

Hillarity thought she knew which way the wind was blowing. Turns out it was just one of Bill's whores. :)

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telcoman wrote:
Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:40 am
flartius wrote:
Fri Apr 13, 2018 3:37 am

I gave up on him :facepalm:
Keep in mind I gave my two years of service to my country when called.

I did not ask for phony deferments,run to Canada, or participate in golden showers with prostitutes in Russia.

Two years? Congrats! You want a participation trophy?
telcoman wrote:
Fri Apr 13, 2018 5:52 am
Rogue One wrote:
Thu Apr 12, 2018 9:55 pm

Maybe it's time to put this thread to rest.
Is it because corrupt republicans vastly outnumber democrats and the present republican controlled government is so corrupt, and incapable of governing?

Just look at the number of republicans choosing not to run in the mid term elections.

You don't need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

The justice department is following the money.

I'm guessing that once the Democrats have a majority in congress and the same smell comes from Washington will you still be saying the same thing? The two party system is so corrupt and you refuse to see it. Doesn't matter who is in power, the left is only there to balance the right. Both sides are screwing the American people and getting richer and more powerful, but you're so bought into playing the blame game and having your head buried between Chuck's legs that you only see what they tell you to.

All the warning signs for what is happening now has already came to pass. Some of it happened in Germany in 1930's some of it in China in the 1950's but you're just marching along like a good little sheep and not seeing the real problem. I don't support the republican or democratic party, because neither of them are there for me and I am smart enough to know it.

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flartius wrote:
Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:59 am

I'm guessing that once the Democrats have a majority in congress and the same smell comes from Washington will you still be saying the same thing? The two party system is so corrupt and you refuse to see it. Doesn't matter who is in power, the left is only there to balance the right. Both sides are screwing the American people and getting richer and more powerful, but you're so bought into playing the blame game and having your head buried between Chuck's legs that you only see what they tell you to.

All the warning signs for what is happening now has already came to pass. Some of it happened in Germany in 1930's some of it in China in the 1950's but you're just marching along like a good little sheep and not seeing the real problem. I don't support the republican or democratic party, because neither of them are there for me and I am smart enough to know it.
Well bully for you because you think that you are so smart.

Which party gave the American people Social Security?
Which party gave us the voting rights act?
Which party gave the American people the ACA?
Which party complains about the national debt only when they are not in power?
Who was the last president that left office with a budget surplus?

Which party squandered that budget surplus?
Which party got us into war based on false information?
Which party outed a CIA operative & then lied to cover it up?
Which party opposes same sex marriage, condom use, family planning and wants to insert themselves in the bedrooms of all Americans?
Which party is intent on limiting the right to vote?
Which party has recently proven that they are incapable of governing even with full control of congress and the presidency?
Which party just had the attorney of the president's office and home raided by the justice department? (Did that ever happen before)?
Which party is in the pockets of the NRA? (Soon to be history)


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telcoman wrote:
Sat Apr 14, 2018 11:53 am
flartius wrote:
Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:59 am

I'm guessing that once the Democrats have a majority in congress and the same smell comes from Washington will you still be saying the same thing? The two party system is so corrupt and you refuse to see it. Doesn't matter who is in power, the left is only there to balance the right. Both sides are screwing the American people and getting richer and more powerful, but you're so bought into playing the blame game and having your head buried between Chuck's legs that you only see what they tell you to.

All the warning signs for what is happening now has already came to pass. Some of it happened in Germany in 1930's some of it in China in the 1950's but you're just marching along like a good little sheep and not seeing the real problem. I don't support the republican or democratic party, because neither of them are there for me and I am smart enough to know it.
Well bully for you because you think that you are so smart.

Which party gave the American people Social Security?
Which party gave us the voting rights act?
Which party gave the American people the ACA?
Which party complains about the national debt only when they are not in power?
Who was the last president that left office with a budget surplus?

Which party squandered that budget surplus?
Which party got us into war based on false information?
Which party outed a CIA operative & then lied to cover it up?
Which party opposes same sex marriage, condom use, family planning and wants to insert themselves in the bedrooms of all Americans?
Which party is intent on limiting the right to vote?
Which party has recently proven that they are incapable of governing even with full control of congress and the presidency?
Which party just had the attorney of the president's office and home raided by the justice department? (Did that ever happen before)?
Which party is in the pockets of the NRA? (Soon to be history)

To play the same game:

Question 1: The largest socialization project in American history (communism), not to mention a failed system that is over abused and doesn't support Americans anymore.
Question 2: The same party also voted unanimously against outlawing slavery, giving civil rights for African Americans, and founded the KKK. Forced Native Americans from their land after a federal judge ruled it unconstitutional, and the president had the ruling overturned once the Supreme court was democratically controlled.
Question 3: See answer 1, a socialization project, (communism), that was nothing more than a bundle of lies, who is failing miserably and has to be propped up by taxpayers dollars. Furthermore it gave 12 million people health insurance who previously couldn't afford it, and made it un-affordable for the 200 million who used to have it at a reasonable rate. Should have its name changed to UCA (Un-affordable Care Act).
Question 4: Both, the republicans did it under Obama, now the Democrats are doing it under Trump.
Question 5: Bill Clinton, before him Regan if memory serves me.
Question 6: Bush 43
Question 7: If you are referencing WMDs, they were there. But I'm sure since you served two years 60 years ago you know everything about current events.
Question 8: Got A) Good for them, marriage is a religious communion and the government under separation of church and state really has no business in it either way. But since there's no religion that I can think of that allows homosexuality why do they want to do it anyway? Part B) Who is against condom use? Hell you're kiddos that you love and support so much are all for it, they stick them up their noses when they're not busy telling me how to live my life. Part C) WTF are you talking about?
Question 9: Are you referring to voter ID? You have to have an ID to drive, own a firearm, pickup your children from school, withdraw money from you bank. Why not make sure voting fraud isn't happening, I thought that was your big stink with the Russia thing.
Question 10: Are you referring to the Democrats in 2008 - 2010 because they didn't do your precious gun ban?
Question 11: Republican, no I don't think it has happened before to my knowledge.
Question 12: Same could be asked about George Soros, long story short Lobby-ism should be outlawed but it isn't so quit crying because it doesn't follow your misguided principles.

Got anymore stupid questions you want to ask? Or do you want me to keep showing you that neither party has our best interest in mind?

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Hahahahaha.... Clobbered.

BTW, Howweee, the NRA continues to grow. Women, minorities, and the poor are finally seeing the charlatanry of the DNC and expanding their ranks. You can't argue the numbers, no matter how sad it makes you. Why would you deny those people the right to join an law-abiding organization that celebrates one of our most cherished freedoms? If it were the NAMBLA, I'm sure you'd be less oppositional. :)

I noticed you couldn't come up with a single worthwhile argument in the NRA thread, so try to stay on topic.

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The President Is
Not Above The Law

"This great nation can tolerate a president who makes mistakes,” declared Senator Orrin Hatch, the Utah Republican. “But it cannot tolerate one who makes a mistake and then breaks the law to cover it up.”


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You've got to be the biggest troll I've ever seen or you're the most ignorant person on this forum in regards to politics. You keep getting your pecker smacked and yet you continue to make a fool of yourself. Exactly how much paint did you have to consume and how many windows did you have to lick in order to achieve your stature? There continues to be a wealth of knowledge dropped in your lap and yet you continue to think that you're right. You should seriously reevaluate your references and get some education. You've been drinking the Kool-Aid and need to be rescued.


Dude you're pretty on point man. If we're ever in the same area I need to buy you a beer.

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Did Hannity disclose to Fox news that he was a client of Michael Cohen?


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Another Republican scumbag!

Sean Hannity Is Named as Client of Michael Cohen, Trump’s Lawyer ... v=top-news

"A lawyer for Michael D. Cohen said in court on Monday that one of Mr. Cohen’s clients was Sean Hannity, the Fox News personality and an ardent defender of President Trump.

Lawyers for Mr. Cohen, the president’s longtime personal lawyer and fixer, had sought to keep the identity of one of Mr. Cohen’s clients a secret in a court challenge of an F.B.I. search of Mr. Cohen’s office."

I wonder why Hannity wanted to keep this fact a secret? What is he hiding?

Out of all the lawyers in the United States why did Hannity pick Michael Cohen and why did he not disclose this information last Monday evening during his rant still whining about Hillary?

The number of Republican scumbags is overwhelming.


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telcoman wrote:
Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:13 pm

Did Hannity disclose to Fox news that he was a client of Michael Cohen?

No, because Hannity never paid or retained him. Asking for legal advice from a friend doesn't make you a client. I've walked through Neiman Marcus twice in my lifetime without buying anything, does that make me a frequent customer?

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...and, Howie has already scampered off to tug his withered pud over another news story that doesn't affect anyone. :)

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mac, debate rediculousness with logic - if that doesn't work hold up a mirror - debate rediculousness squared.

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