Airbag light after Aftermarket steering wheel

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Hello I am new to the forums! I have a 06 g35 coupe and I am in need of some help. I installed a aftermarket steering wheel and after hooking up the resistors that came with the kit the airbag light came on. I inspected the resistor that came with the kit and realized that its the wrong ohm (around 20 ohms). So I put my stock wheel back on with the airbag and now I can't get the light to go out. I tried the reset but it puts me in diagnostic mode (3 second solid airbag light then it'll flash 2 times then back to solid 3 second airbag light) and if I try it again it will go back to a steady pulse flash (User mode) I tried to have a guy reset it but he said it won't work. Any pointers?

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Did you maybe snap the spiral cable? If it turned while the wheel was removed then it would snap as soon as you turned the wheel to the opposite lock.

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VStar650CL wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:18 pm
Did you maybe snap the spiral cable? If it turned while the wheel was removed then it would snap as soon as you turned the wheel to the opposite lock.
All my controls cruise control and everything still works fine.

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Okay, that rules that out. Most Nissan bags want 1.8~2.2 ohms for dummying, but not all of them can be dummied with simple resistors. Not sure why, but probably the check firmware varies for certain bags. Also, keep in mind that you can't just pop the dummy resistors in and try to clear the codes immediately. You have to perform one normal key cycle to allow the codes to go "past", then perform the reset. Bag codes that aren't "past" aren't clearable, the bag brain won't let you.

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VStar650CL wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 4:33 pm
Okay, that rules that out. Most Nissan bags want 1.8~2.2 ohms for dummying, but not all of them can be dummied with simple resistors. Not sure why, but probably the check firmware varies for certain bags. Also, keep in mind that you can't just pop the dummy resistors in and try to clear the codes immediately. You have to perform one normal key cycle to allow the codes to go "past", then perform the reset. Bag codes that aren't "past" aren't clearable, the bag brain won't let you.
I ordered some 2.2 Ohm resistors that are in the mail I hope this can turn off the light. If not I guess ill have to pay the diagnostic fee at my local mechanic to check the code. Its just weird the airbag was fine and now its not working right. I'm also more leaning toward the airbag because the flashes I'm getting match with what the service manual says is a driver airbag malfunction but It doesn't say check the airbag just spiral cable and harness.

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So I took the clock spring off and probed the airbag lines for continuity and everything is good. So it has to be the airbag. I guess with it being a 06 the air bags squib circuits have gone. Still its very weird how it was working fine until I disconnected it. I have a 08 Dodge avenger and the airbag in that went too but it naturally went bad without me touching it. Thanks for your help ill keep you updated when resistors get here might even go to the junk yard and pull one so I can pass my state inspection.

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It would be really weird for even one squib to go bad that way, no less both. Nissan bags go bad once in several blue moons, it's almost always wiring or some backdoor issue that won't let the brain reset properly. Get it checked and cleared with a bag-capable code reader before throwing parts at it.

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VStar650CL wrote:
Thu Aug 12, 2021 7:33 pm
It would be really weird for even one squib to go bad that way, no less both. Nissan bags go bad once in several blue moons, it's almost always wiring or some backdoor issue that won't let the brain reset properly. Get it checked and cleared with a bag-capable code reader before throwing parts at it.
Okay so I found the problem lol. I was watching a video on YouTube of how to check a airbag for resistance (Scared to try it because people were saying it could potentially go off) & the guy mentioned you have to move the shorting bars back from the post, so I put a small end of a zip tie as sort of a void so I can probe the airbags post. Resistance came back on both the yellow and orange post of the airbag to 2.2. I scratched my head the airbag was good :wtf2: I went back out the the car and realized that the black clip that moves these shorting bars back for both lines was missing. Something so simple had me stressed out. Headed to junk yard tomorrow to get more because I cant find them. The whole time I thought they were to just simply to secure the connector to the airbag but clearly they serve a much greater purpose.

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Lol yep, even the big connectors on the bag brain have shorting block reliefs, they're just built-in on the multi-pin connectors. Good catch, all's well that ends well!

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