240 SX Engine

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I recently bought a Nissan 240 SX SE and have experienced many problems with it, mainly because the dealership's service department has been lying about my car's specifics and what they have done. Anyway, one of my main concerns is whether the engine is suppose to jerk the car when I turn on the ignition. The service guy said that it was normal, but he has already lied about a bunch of other things, like how it is normal for the check engine light to come on when the car is being started if it shuts off in a few minutes (although the owners manual states that if the engine light does turn on at all, there is a problem.) Anyway, tangent aside, is the engine suppose to jerk the car when the ignition is started?

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No. Unless you have it in gear (manual) with the clutch out, in which case the starter is turning the flywheel and the transmission, making you lurch forward. Automatic, you cant start it in gear, has to be in either neutral or park. As for your check engine light, how long does it stay on after you start the car? I shouldnt stay on any longer than say your seatbelt warning light. If it is one for several minutes, it might be trying to tell you something.

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Do not fret my friend over the check engine light. I am on my second 95 240SX SE. My first one when I took to my nissan dealership they ran a diagnostic and told me I needed an O2 sensor replaced on my header. They also told me that it wasn't important to replace because I only needed it replaced to pass the vet test. They also mentioned that the check engine light on Nissans is strictly emission problems (exhaust, cat, o2 sensors, header). Good luck with it though.

Ummmm... does your car jerk forward or side to side. If it jerks side to side that is normal because it is a heavy engine that rocks back in for when it first starts. If it jump forward then you should get your clutch checked, flywheel checked, and your gear synchronizers checked.

Good luck with that also


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My car does not jerk at all when I start it. I would say it may be motor mounts. Start the car while someone is watching the engine, if it moves side to side to a large degree, you probably need motor mounts. Just a thought. good luck

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