2011 Alt. Coupe 3.5 SR - Recommendations! :)

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Joined: Sun May 06, 2012 11:02 am
Car: 2011 Altima Coupe 3.5SR Crimson Black



Glad to join the elite club! :biggrin:

Just got my new coupe a few weeks ago, and have been pondering the next modifications to make. Will it be an interior mod such as an upgrade to the crappy premium Bose sound system (Just my thoughts... anyone else think the stock sound is... mediocre?). Or maybe wheels?

The color is Crimson Black - which has a red tint when light hits it. Am tempted to put some blacked out wheels on it, but wondering if it would be possible to dip the current rims in the car's original color :confused: Is that even possible? Lol. Not sure if blacked out rims would look good on it. Dunno.

Help me decide my next modification! Doesn't even have to be any of the above. I'm a complete rookie to mods. :werd:

The journey begins......


Posts: 52
Joined: Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:18 pm
Car: '11 Altima Coupe 3.5SR


Really? You think the sound is crappy? I was just commenting on how good I think it is. Mine rattles the $h!7 out of everything in the car... I wouldn't want anything louder.

Anyways, I'm new to all of this as well... you have a CVT or MT? I started off with dropping on eibachs, racingline y-pipe, and the racingline shift kit. As far as I could tell these seemed to be the best performance mods for the $

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Black wheels look great on it
I had flat blacks

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Welcome to NICO!

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Depends on your taste really. I thought they looked good, I also have a crimson black.

Plastidipped stocks.


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