Back to " knocking ", 8 questions Mike :
1) What oil IS SPECIFIED ?
1.1 On average , what is your oil change intervals been ?
2) Do YOU change oil ?
3) Do you goto a "quickie-lube " kind of place ?
4) IF you go to a quickie-lube , like $19.95 , or something , yes ?
5) Good practice to swipe on a WHITE napkin BEFORE & AFTER the job to see what's what ?
6) So .................64,000,00,000 question.......WHAT oil IS in there ?? Engine knocks , can be BAD , can come from OIL , INFEREIOR OIL ??
7) What would your opinion / knowledge be of those 50 gal drums in quickie lube ? Redline , Amsoil , Motul ??
I , respectfully now ...............................Believe it's C R A P !
8) Any other questions or findings on your end , ? Respectfully Mac
p.s. One of my cars spec @ 5-30 W FULL SYNTICHETIC , BUT just had 119 MAX degrees here , here we goto 5-40 adjustments like that + others can be done , ya ?