After thinking about this crack again, I think that the "ear" that sticks out of the engine cover between the oil chain that usually breaks off during a guide failure, must have broken through the cover instead.
I'd call Joe and see if they have any old engines laying around the shop from guide failures... Not sure how much a new one would cost. There's a Q here in SC with the engine still in it, but it's one of those u-pick, u-pull places so that's not much help. may be another good source.
After watching Byron do mine at T3, I think it's DIY-able, but it'll be a bear. If you have a digital camera take pictures and post them here. One thing I remember is Byron taking the pulley off of the p/s pump. You'll need a good chain wrench and puller for the pulley, but I think you can do it.
There's always a good chance you can fish the guide peices out of the pan if they're still intact. Make sure you replace the oil chain and guide and tensioners.
You're one of the luckiest guide failure cases I've heard of... no point in giving up on the car now! Just think, two months of payments on a new Q or M, and you'd be back to your parts cost.