$100 for TPMS reset???!!!

General Discussion forum for Versa Owners
Posts: 136
Joined: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:15 pm
Car: 2010 Nissan Rogue 360 AWD


I was just reading some reviews on http://www.edmunds.com and saw that some guy had to have his TPMS reset several times and was charged $100 for each visit. Is it just me or isn't that stuff supposed to be covered by the warranty. I don't care if they find anything wrong or not, if the light comes on and the pressure in the tires is at 33 psi then something else is wrong and the light shouldn't be on. It just irks me that the dealer actually charged this clown $100 and this in turn causes him to lower the score on the review and make it a big issue. He should march back to the dealer and demand his money back.

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You know that saying "A sucker's born every minute"? It looks like you found one...lol. No dealer has the right to charge for work that should be covered under warranty, no matter how many times a user comes in with the problem. Some dealers try to their way into you paying for warranty work and I guess this time it actually worked. If the work was warranty work for sure, he could always threaten to take the dealer to court if he didn't get his money back.

I wouldn't worry about the review. This seems like one of the guys who would give an airline a bad review because the airport got shutdown due to weather

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service writers get paid just like salesman for the most part. They get commission on how much service they write-up...yeah they definately found a sucker if they charged him a $100 to reset...in order to fix that problem they walk around to each sensor with a machine and it resets 5-10 min labor total....

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