05 Frontier Body Mount Squeaks

Forum for the Xterra, Frontier and Hardbody, the smaller workhorses of the Nissan lineup!
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Joined: Sat May 05, 2007 1:17 pm


I have an 05 4x4 NISMO Crew Cab. I purchased it new and at about 15,000 miles I noticed a lot of squeaking when going down moderately bumpy(other than glass smooth) paved roads. The dealer finally figured out that it was from the body mounts. They said I had gotten gravel and dirt in them and when the body mounts moved the debris around the bolt in the mount would cause the squeaking. They replaced the mount. I rarely take the truck off road and when I do I don't throw gravel around. The truck has more miles on it now and I've been living with the squeaking again for some time. Has anyone else had this problem and if so, found a solution for it?I'd appreciate any help.

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If the issue went away when they changed the body mount at least they found the problem.

BUT a body mount is supposed to be tight and debris shouldn't be able to get in between it and the body. If it was me I would point a pressure washer under the body and rinse those body mounts off. Then I would check the bolts on the body mounts and make sure they were all tight.

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