i know this is from a while ago but i came accross it and it made me lol that much i felt the need to register and explain. it also amuses me when people explain something when they have no idea what they are talking about.
anyway il try and keep this simple, so i have attached a simple picture to help explain. from what ive read everyone is failing to understand that the spacer is not extending the tie rod it is extending the rack length, understand that and you can basically see how this works.
toe in and toe out doesnt even come into things as we will assume toe is 0
assume the rack is behind (to the rear) of the center of the wheel and imagine turning left (so the rack will move to the right)
in the picture i have a simple rack in red,
the rack is within a casing which is the black outline (number 3)
the tie rod is thick black
tein spacer is blue (number 2)
when the spacer is not fitted
position marked 1 is actually at position 2
when 1 hits 3 the movement of the rack is stoped and that is the max travel
now when you add the spacer you have the extra distance that the rack can travel into the rack casing which in turn allows the tie rod to travel further at both right and left sides
i think thats as simple as i can make it, and some may say that its only a small amount and they would be right but when you consider the mounting (pivot) points of the wheel hub and tie rod end the small amount makes a considerable difference in steering angle
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