You Got pics?Freaker7113 wrote:very well done just did mine today have the exact same rims i painted mine in a black metallic hammered paint they look pretty sweet just waint for them to dry then putting them on the truck tomorrow
It took me the whole weekend but I was doing a lot of other things so my drying periods were full nights and i would just pick up where i left off in the morning.BING23 wrote:wow looks dope, how long did it take you to do?
I bought those tires last year and they ran me about $900 but there amazing in the snow.Qxxx4 wrote:nice work, really shiny, i wonder how the first gen qx4 3spoke rims would look painted that or a smoke grey.
Those new winter tires? how much did you pay for them? im on the fence if i should put a new set on my stock wheels
I suggest using between 400 - 600grit sandpaper so you dont really dig or damage the rim with deep grooves and just make sure you sand everything. when painting the plastic covers you can tell where you didnt sand well because the paint wont stick properly.JonathanPrem wrote:Man slick those are mad sexy. I'm definitely doing that. How much sanding should i do and how many coats of primer , glossy black and clear should i put on it.
Put some pics up Did you use the exact paint I used? I also put a pretty thick coat of gloss I would let it dry and respray where I though I missed. These wheels took me a long time I had let the wheels have a lot of drying time between coats. Where do you live I got lots of free time on my hands now.JonathanPrem wrote:Slick have a major problem! I followed everything you said and when it came down to the clear coat. it came out wrong. I bought the exact clear coat you had in your picture but my rims didn't come out glossy black. Its more of a metallic black. What should i do? wet sand then glossy black it and not clear coat or just clean it off then polish it. I'll post some pictures later on.
Btw thanks for all your help.
Take your time, Prep is key and I think WOT did the three spoke and they look way better blackrlp wrote:Looks NICE, real nice. I have orig qx4 3 spoke and want some black too, So thanks for the pics and looks like it can be done with excellent results.
How long did you let each coat dry for, and what is the temp your painting in/curing in?JonathanPrem wrote:hey slick,
Yea i used the exact sprayed you used. I took at least 15-20 mins sanding my rim with 600 grit And i ran into another problem. Its chipping pretty easy( put the cent cap on and try to take it off with flat head and it chipped a bit off. Here a pic from my iphone.
It not glossy black. its got a hint of grey in it know. Btw I'm near warden and 401 area.
Sounds like a good plan I haven't driven with them yet, so i'm just hoping they hold up well against chipping I obviously didn't want to test my self because the paint looked so good when i was done. but we shall see soonEmpty V wrote:Dude those looks sick! Nice work man they look pro, quality for sure. I thought about having mine powdercoated glossy black and then selling them when the new ones arrive.
I bought 3 cans of glossy black and i used up 2 full cans and bit of 3 third.slickroger wrote:I let the paint coats dry for several hours between coats, the last black coat i left for a day and then applied the clear wheel coating in hourly intervals.
How many cans did you use it just looks like the coats you used might be too thin.
I'm planning on painting the whole wheel. I'm no expert but I'd say the stock rim color will show and give a half a**'d appearance. Might as well be thorough with your paint job right?Anamagous wrote:Hey guys,
what about the inside of the rim, I have the 3 spoke infinity rims and i am worried that the inside will show, did you paint yours inside? thanks