Car got Egged...

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AHAHAHA Landmines... :spit

Posts: 11665
Joined: Wed Jul 24, 2002 10:42 pm
Car: 89 240SX


Uhhh... im not putting landmines in my driveway or out in the middle of the street. Ill prolly run over them first.

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Posts: 381
Joined: Wed Jul 24, 2002 12:06 pm


That really sucks, i didn't know egg could destroy paint so fast, those guys are f***. I can't stand people who don't have the balls to go face to face with someone if they have a problem. Destroying peoples property like that is so gay. If you got a problem with someone you tell it to there face not do something like egg there car.

I'm glad to here you've decided to keep your car:)

If you find out who did it and they have a car worth screwing up. get some cans of carb cleaner or brake part cleaner and spray it all over the car. It will eat the **** out of paint.:firedevil :evilhaha

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Also, 29 cent sno'in'a'can, the fake flock they use to decorate christmas trees and other things, well its one of the few substances known to man that eats glass in an acidic fashion. : ) Its quite amusing, it leaves pocks all over their windows, and if left on long enough will eat thru. Thats a nice little revenge to go with the paint. Also, on a different note, if their doors are locked, fill their locks with superglue and cut the springs in their doorhandles. They won't be able to unlock their doors, so they'll have to call a locksmith, then, after they pay 50 bucks to get their doors unlocked their handles won't work. : ) Note, if their doors aren't locked, lock them FOR them, you want to screw with them as much as possible. : )

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Joined: Wed Jul 24, 2002 7:50 am
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ohhhh man.....i can remember when i was in grade 5, me and three of my friends egged a stingray corvette... we thought it was harmless, until we walked by it a week later and the paint was gone. we felt sooo bad, but we knew we would only get it s*** for doing it, so no one said anything.

the moral of the sotry?

find these kids and cut their hearts out:)

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