Are all Republicans Scumbags?

A place for intelligent and well-thought-out discussion involving politics and associated topics. No nonsense will be tolerated at all.
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Is the old man still screaming at the sky? ... story.html

Since when are you (or any lefty) concerned about family values? Let's not forget which party is pushing pedophilia as "normal."

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AZhitman wrote:
Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:58 pm
Is the old man still screaming at the sky? ... story.html

Since when are you (or any lefty) concerned about family values? Let's not forget which party is pushing pedophilia as "normal."
So you found one Dem!
AZhitman wrote:
Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:58 pm
Since when are you (or any lefty) concerned about family values? Let's not forget which party is pushing pedophilia as "normal."
Huh? The party that removed children from their parents and made them orphans is your party.

The bigger fish are all Republicans.

Top Trump Campaign Aides Are Portrayed as Corrupt at Manafort Trial ... v=top-news

"Mr. Manafort personally directed the creation of false financial statements to obtain bank loans and deliberately hid income in foreign bank accounts to evade federal taxes, Mr. Gates testified. When one estimate of his tax bill came out too high, Mr. Manafort fired off a furious email to Mr. Gates."

Mueller is on the case.

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AZhitman wrote:
Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:58 pm
Is the old man still screaming at the sky? ... story.html

Since when are you (or any lefty) concerned about family values? Let's not forget which party is pushing pedophilia as "normal."
One more republican trumps your single democrat ;)

New York GOP Rep. Chris Collins arrested over insider trading charges ... li=BBnb7Kz

"Rep. Chris Collins, R-N.Y., has been arrested on insider trading charges lodged by the Justice Department, law enforcement officials said Wednesday morning.

The indictment obtained from a federal grand jury also charges Collins' son, Cameron Collins, as well as the father of his fiancee, Stephen Zarsky.

The indictment relates to "securities of Innate Immunotherapeutics ... an Australian biotechnology company on whose board of directors Christopher Collins served," the DOJ said."

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Keep Up the Blanket Coverage of Trump. It Hurts Him.
Just a little wave of disgust among Republican moderates is all that is needed to turn several key states from red to blue.

Thomas L. Friedman
By Thomas L. Friedman ... eft-region

"Some healthy soul searching is taking place in newsrooms across the country these days over whether the mainstream media should be covering President Trump’s every tweet and rally. My answer: Absolutely! It’s the right thing for us to do professionally, and, as last night’s election results indicated, it’s the right thing to do politically if you want to see a check on Donald Trump’s power.

It appears that it’s the toxic lying, bullying and unpresidential behaviors that Trump exhibits most in his rallies and tweets — which we in the media so incessantly cover — that is turning off the very moderate, best-educated Republicans and suburban women that Trump will need to hold the G.O.P. majority in the House, let alone get re-elected.
So bring on the coverage.

America’s unemployment rate is 3.9 percent, inflation for the moment is moderate, the stock market keeps setting records, and the president is coming off a crisis-defusing summit with North Korea. And yet, the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls shows Trump having a personal approval rating of only 43 percent, with 53 percent disapproving of his performance. And in a special election in Ohio held on Tuesday, the G.O.P. House candidate — whom Trump and the entire Republican establishment went to bat for — is barely ahead of his Democratic rival in a district that has not sent a Democrat to Congress in more than three decades.

That does not speak well for Trump or his midterm prospects, but it does for the American people and for thinking Republicans. It turns out there is still a cohort of Republicans who have not sold their souls to Trump the way virtually every one of their elected representatives in Washington has done.

It turns out that there are thinking Republicans for whom character, decency and truth-telling still matter in a president. It turns out that there are thinking Republicans who have watched Trump’s twitter rants, his disturbed performance at Helsinki and the unrestrained bile that he emits at his rallies — and the blind, ecstatic response of his core base — and found them unnerving and unworthy of their support. That is what the polls and polling stations last night are telling us.
Imagine how well President Trump would be doing if he weren’t Donald Trump — if he weren’t such a lying jerk.

But that is exactly what he is. So bring on the coverage.

The dominant political fact of Trump’s first 18 months in office is that despite some good economic trends in the country (and yes, his precise role in engineering them remains debatable), the president has not been able to widen his coalition beyond his core 40 percent to 45 percent. It is partly because he has not even remotely tried. But it is also because the very applause lines and abusive and divisive behaviors that appeal to his base turn off more-moderate and more-educated suburban Republicans, and do nothing to attract independents or conservative Democrats.

That does not predict a cakewalk for Democrats in 2018 or 2020. They still need appealing candidates. But it does say to me that I want wall-to-wall coverage of Trump’s every speech, rally, tweet and utterance, because they most reveal his character, and Trump’s character is the ceiling on Trump’s presidency — and he seems uninterested, and more likely unable, to change that.

Yes, I want every American to know that two Trump supporters were spotted at the president’s last rally, in Ohio, wearing T-shirts that read, “I’d rather be Russian than a Democrat.” That’s an interesting data point. That’s whom you’re voting with when you vote for Trump.

I want every American to hear of Trump’s tweet that CNN’s anchor Don Lemon, who is African-American, was “the dumbest man on television” and that Lemon made LeBron James “look smart, which isn’t easy to do.” Lemon was interviewing James about a school he had just opened in Ohio for underprivileged children.

I want every Republican running for office to hear every syllable of Trump’s bullying arrogance, when he warned at his Ohio rally that he destroys any G.O.P. politician who dares to defy him, saying, “I only destroy their career because they said bad things about me and you fight back and they go down the tubes — and that’s O.K.”

I want all of this heard and spread from sea to shining sea. Because though these words do rally Trump’s base, they also rally Democrats and evidently embarrass Republican moderates and alienate independents.

The veteran pollster Stanley Greenberg told me that he’s seeing signs of this is in his recent focus groups: One was with moderate Republicans, all of whom “were put off’’ by Trump’s behavior, and another was with “secular conservative Republicans,’’ half of whom were put off.

In addition, Greenberg said, the full Trump — insulting black sports heroes, threatening conservatives who dare cross him, praising Vladimir Putin and attacking the F.B.I. — “reminds evangelical conservatives of the devil’s bargain they made in supporting him. Seeing him in all of his overreach and mania and self-absorption doesn’t make them second-guess their choice, but it makes them uncomfortable about it.’’

In a close election it doesn’t take many uncomfortable moderate Republicans to just stay home to make a big difference. That’s all I am looking for, not a tsunami — that’s not in the cards. Just a little wave of disgust among G.O.P. moderates is all that is needed to turn several key districts from red to blue.

No question that the press should not allow itself to be props at Trump’s rallies, and that can be dealt with by using a single pool camera that feeds all the networks, or reporters just sitting among the rally attendees, not in a special pen.

But the whole country needs to see every tweet, every rally, every word and every reaction so that they can ask themselves: “Is this who I want my kids to see as our president? Are these the people with whom I want to be aligned?” It’s too late to move Trump’s core base on these questions, but I would not give up on his passive supporters. The latest polls and special elections tell us we shouldn’t.

I still believe that plenty of Americans of all political stripes are better than this president and that when given their next chance to say so, they will. Will there be enough? I don’t know.

I just know that the G.O.P. Congress and Fox News are too compromised to ever tell Trump, “Enough.’’ But there are decent Republican moderates who, while they may never pull the lever for a Democrat, just might get too disgusted to vote. It’s the best hope. So let’s keep them fully informed about our president."
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Thomas L. Friedman is the foreign affairs Op-Ed columnist. He joined the paper in 1981, and has won three Pulitzer Prizes. He is the author of seven books, including “From Beirut to Jerusalem,” which won the National Book Award.

Very well written


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Too bad someone else wrote it. :)

How can you continually defend a party that pushes for the acceptance of pedophilia and sexual deviance?

While you're crying about irrelevant things like feelings, the economy is doing great, my mutual funds are earning unprecedented interest, the WalkAway movement is seeing libtards walk away from a party that has lost its mind, and slow-witted slobbering liberals STILL can't fathom how someone can be neither a DEM or a REP. It's comical.

There's no rallying of Dems. They're all talk, no action.

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Scoundrels, Scumbags,and the Republican Party

New York Congressman Chris Collins Is Charged With Insider Trading ... v=top-news

"Aside from owning nearly 17 percent of Innate Immunotherapeutics’s stock, Mr. Collins was also a major booster for the company among his colleagues in Washington.

Tom Price, a former congressman and health and human services secretary, faced scrutiny for his investments in Innate stock, which he purchased after Mr. Collins introduced him to the company. While he was serving as a congressman, Mr. Price was one of 20 American investors who received a privileged offer to buy the stock at a discount, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Wall Street Journal also reported that Mr. Price more than tripled his investment when he sold his shares for $325,000 in February 2017, a divestment he was obligated to make once he was named health secretary.

Five other Republican congressmen also purchased stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics in January 2017, around the time Mr. Price’s investments were drawing criticism: John Culberson of Texas; Mike Conaway of Texas; Doug Lamborn of Colorado; Billy Long of Missouri, and Markwayne Mullin of Oklahoma. Two of those representatives, Mr. Long and Mr. Mullin, serve with Mr. Collins on the health subcommittee of the House’s Energy and Commerce Committee."

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Is history going to repeat itself? ... 487808689/


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Secret recording shows Nunes saying Rosenstein impeachment would delay Supreme Court pick conservative Republicans in the House recently hit a roadblock in their effort to impeach Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein when Speaker Paul Ryan opposed the move. But one of those conservatives, Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., gave a different explanation to donors recently when asked why the impeachment effort had stalled.He said it's because an impeachment would delay the Senate's confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.Nunes, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, made the statement in an audio recording surreptitiously made by a member of a progressive group who attended a Republican fundraiser on July 30 in Spokane, Washington. The recording was obtained by the Rachel Maddow Show and was played on MSNBC on Wednesday night.Asked about the the impeachment plans, Nunes told a questioner that "it's a bit complicated" because "we only have so many months left.""So if we actually vote to impeach, OK, what that does is that triggers the Senate then has to take it up," he said on the recording. "Well, and you have to decide what you want right now because the Senate only has so much time."


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AZhitman wrote:
Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:44 pm

How can you continually defend a party that pushes for the acceptance of pedophilia and sexual deviance?
How can you subscribe to fake news?

Here's everyone who has been charged in Mueller's Russia probe so far ... mp-2017-12

Paul Manafort, former Trump campaign chairman
Rick Gates, one of Manafort's business partners
George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser
Michael Flynn, Trump's former national security adviser
13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies
California businessman Richard Pinedo
Alex van der Zwaan, a Dutch lawyer tied to Manafort and Gates
12 Russian intelligence officers

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telcoman wrote:
Thu Aug 09, 2018 2:49 am
Scoundrels, Scumbags,and the Republican Party

New York Congressman Chris Collins Is Charged With Insider Trading ... v=top-news

Follow the money

Insider trading? That's amateur stuff!

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s Ties To China Go Way Deeper Than An Alleged Office Spy
... her office employed this individual for almost 20 years in a close capacity, while he represented the senator in interactions with Chinese officials.

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telcoman wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 9:18 am


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AZhitman wrote:
Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:44 pm
How can you continually defend a party that pushes for the acceptance of pedophilia and sexual deviance?
Wait - You're telling me the left doesn't defend pedophiles, rapists and molesters?

HAHAHAHAHA... Oh, Howie, I sure hope Medicare always covers your psych meds so you can keep posting. :)

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I'm reminded of an old liberal motto... something like, "Don't stereotype people."

You know, like claiming everyone in a certain political party is a scumbag.

See, this is the kind of fascist bullcrap that gets people slapped. Would you say, "Everyone wearing a Pride flag is a sexual deviant? All Black men are jobless baby daddies? All Native Americans are drunk and lazy? Anyone in a red MAGA hat is a scumbag? All Muslims are terrorists?"

I know you won't answer the question, because you're too busy tugging your pud to your signed picture of Nancy Pelosi.

But make no mistake: You judge people based on their appearance or their beliefs.

It's amazing how hypocritical hard-core political fanboys like Howeee can be.

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AZhitman wrote:
Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:02 pm
You know, like claiming everyone in a certain political party is a scumbag.
Please reread the title of this thread

Are all Republicans Scumbags?

Not claiming all but just most of them except for a few not running for reelection

One example of a republican issuing a correction

"Fearing the raw and at times angry emotions of his supporters may damage his campaign, John McCain on Friday urged them to tone down their increasingly personal denunciations of Barack Obama, including one woman who said she had heard that the Democrat was "an Arab." ... oos-014479

The hatred of Hillary, strategic mistakes of the democrats in four states allowed fewer than 80k votes to elect an unqualified, lying,dishonest president to be elected. I'm sure history will judge this president the worst in US history.
There is a reason Trump failed to produce his tax returns. I'm sure Robert Mueller has them and they will eventually be made public.
Requesting assistance from a foreign power to provide stolen emails from a political opponent is a crime under US law.
Trump is increasingly nervous that Robert Mueller is closing in on him.
You can keep watching Fox for all their fake news.


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AZhitman wrote:
Fri Aug 10, 2018 9:02 pm
I'm reminded of an old liberal motto... something like, "Don't stereotype people."

You know, like claiming everyone in a certain political party is a scumbag.
Not all but

There seems to be a plethora of republican dishonest scumbags recently in the news.

Here is an example of another one.

Rep. Chris Collins (R-N.Y.) suspending reelection bid after being charged with insider trading ... nal&wpmk=1

"Republican Rep. Chris Collins said in a statement Saturday morning that his decision was in the best interest of his constituents, the GOP and President Trump’s agenda.

Earlier this week he called the multiple charges meritless and said he would remain on the ballot."


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telcoman wrote:
Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:11 am
Not claiming all but just most of them except for a few not running for reelection

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AZhitman wrote:
Sat Aug 11, 2018 10:58 pm
telcoman wrote:
Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:11 am
Not claiming all but just most of them except for a few not running for reelection
Walk don't run

You can dance to a Democratic victory in the midterms.

No longer running :)

Representative Chris Collins Suspends Bid for Re-election After Insider Trading Charges ... v=top-news

Follow the money!


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We can play this came all day. There's just as many "scumbags" on the left as there are on the right.

Democratic State Rep. Matt LoPresti of Hawaii was caught stealing his opponent's campaign handout off a person's door in a video that has recently surfaced which has led to the lawmaker admitting that he repeatedly has stolen his opponent's campaign handouts. ... benshapiro

A Democrat congressional candidate in Georgia convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) trashed his district in video footage of his arrest. “Eleven years I served this county. I hate this county. I prayed to God that he would curse it. And guess what? He did,” Foster allegedly said, according to the arrest footage from September 2017. ... ium=social

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Rogue One wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:37 am
We can play this came all day. There's just as many "scumbags" on the left as there are on the right.
I don't think so?

Perhaps you should start another thread?

Almost everyone in the present and past Trump administration qualifies for this thread.

The Rise and Fall of Paul Manafort: Greed, Deception and Ego ... v=top-news

"ALEXANDRIA, Va. — A week before the Trump presidential campaign announced that it had hired Paul Manafort, a Yankees ticket specialist alerted him that his annual season tickets would soon be arriving at his 43rd-floor apartment at Trump Tower in New York.

“Will you and Kathy be attending opening day?” the specialist asked in an email in late March 2016, referring to Mr. Manafort’s wife. “Yes, Kathy and I will be attending,” Mr. Manafort replied. The four seats — prime spots behind the Yankees’ dugout, with access to the owner’s suite — cost $210,600 for the season.

But Mr. Manafort didn’t have the money to pay for them. Six months later, he still had not paid the American Express bill that included the charge.

He didn’t have money to make payments on the $5.3 million loan he had just taken out against his Brooklyn brownstone, either, which was heading toward foreclosure as he ran the Trump campaign. His political consulting firm was at least $600,000 in debt and had not had a single client after taking in more than $60 million in five years from the Ukrainian oligarchs funding the country’s pro-Russia president."

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AZhitman wrote:
Wed Aug 08, 2018 9:44 pm
How can you continually defend a party that pushes for the acceptance of pedophilia and sexual deviance?
As someone who seems to be fixated and keeps bringing up pedophilia in a Republican scumbag thread here is some latest news on your favorite subject.
Are you from Pennsylvania?

Catholic Priests Abused 1,000 Children in Pennsylvania, Report Says ... v=top-news

"Bishops and other leaders of the Roman Catholic Church in Pennsylvania covered up child sexual abuse by more than 300 priests over a period of 70 years, persuading victims not to report the abuse and law enforcement not to investigate it, according to a searing report issued by a grand jury on Tuesday."

The report, which covered six of the state’s eight Catholic dioceses and found more than 1,000 identifiable victims, is the broadest examination yet by a government agency in the United States of child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church. The report said there are likely thousands more victims whose records were lost or who were too afraid to come forward.

It catalogs horrific instances of abuse: a priest who raped a young girl in the hospital after she had her tonsils out; a victim tied up and whipped with leather straps by a priest; and another priest who was allowed to stay in ministry after impregnating a young girl and arranging for her to have an abortion."


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telcoman wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:46 am
Rogue One wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 7:37 am
We can play this came all day. There's just as many "scumbags" on the left as there are on the right.
I don't think so?

Perhaps you should start another thread?

Almost everyone in the present and past Trump administration qualifies for this thread.

Maybe this one should be re-titled "Telcoman Thinks ONLY Republicans Are Scumbags."
telcoman wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:46 am
Follow the money

Follow the money indeed...

What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

"The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars," says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre.

He has been leading protests outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign base in Brooklyn for the last two years. He said protesters from his small activist group, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti, will continue to level their allegations...


Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation

(CNN) Federal authorities are actively investigating allegations of corruption related to the Clinton Foundation, the charity of Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to a US official briefed on the matter.

The FBI and federal prosecutors are looking into whether donors to the foundation were improperly promised policy favors or special access to Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state in exchange for donations to the charity's coffers, as well as whether tax-exempt funds were misused, the official said.

The investigation, led by the FBI field office in Little Rock, Arkansas, is being overseen by the US attorney's office in the state, according to the source.

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Interesting that you'd think that has anything to do with me, moron.

In fact, I don't attend... primarily because I don't believe in the machine that is Catholicism (or any other McReligion).

Last I checked, you're right across the river from that craphole lefty state, and the liberals YOU voted for were the ones who put those lunatics in positions of power. Maybe they should be looking at your Internet history. ;)

Besides, Catholics historically lean left. Suck it, Howie. ... 20only.pdf

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Howie, please keep your posts as PG as possible. We're trying to avoid being censored by Google. Post deleted.

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Rogue One wrote:
Mon Aug 20, 2018 4:48 pm
Howie, please keep your posts as PG as possible. We're trying to avoid being censored by Google. Post deleted.
Ok but it is hard with a president that refers to shythole countries and brags that he can grab women by their *genitals.(*not the term he used)


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Not only scumbags but crooks too!

All the President’s Crooks
One of them, Mr. Trump’s own lawyer, has now implicated him in a crime. ... eft-region

From the start of the Russia investigation, President Trump has been working to discredit the work and the integrity of the special counsel, Robert Mueller; praising men who are blatant grifters, cons and crooks; insisting that he’s personally done nothing wrong; and reminding us that he hires only the best people.

On Tuesday afternoon, the American public was treated to an astonishing split-screen moment involving two of those people, as Mr. Trump’s former campaign chief was convicted by a federal jury in Virginia of multiple crimes carrying years in prison at the same time that his longtime personal lawyer pleaded guilty in federal court in New York to his own lengthy trail of criminality, and confessed that he had committed at least some of the crimes “at the direction of” Mr. Trump himself.
Let that sink in: Mr. Trump’s own lawyer has now accused him, under oath, of committing a felony.

Only a complete fantasist — that is, only President Trump and his cult — could continue to claim that this investigation of foreign subversion of an American election, which has already yielded dozens of other indictments and several guilty pleas, is a “hoax” or “scam” or “rigged witch hunt.”


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Rogue One wrote:
Wed Aug 15, 2018 5:02 am
telcoman wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:46 am

I don't think so?

Perhaps you should start another thread?

Almost everyone in the present and past Trump administration qualifies for this thread.

Maybe this one should be re-titled "Telcoman Thinks ONLY Republicans Are Scumbags."
telcoman wrote:
Mon Aug 13, 2018 2:46 am
Follow the money

Follow the money indeed...

What really happened with the Clintons in Haiti?

"The Clinton family, they are crooks, they are thieves, they are liars," says Haitian activist Dahoud Andre.

He has been leading protests outside the Clinton Foundation headquarters in Manhattan and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign base in Brooklyn for the last two years. He said protesters from his small activist group, the Committee to Mobilize Against Dictatorship in Haiti, will continue to level their allegations...


Feds actively investigating Clinton Foundation

(CNN) Federal authorities are actively investigating allegations of corruption related to the Clinton Foundation, the charity of Bill and Hillary Clinton, according to a US official briefed on the matter.

The FBI and federal prosecutors are looking into whether donors to the foundation were improperly promised policy favors or special access to Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state in exchange for donations to the charity's coffers, as well as whether tax-exempt funds were misused, the official said.

The investigation, led by the FBI field office in Little Rock, Arkansas, is being overseen by the US attorney's office in the state, according to the source.
Another Republican scumbag ... 888&a=view

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"GOP Rep. Duncan Hunter, wife indicted for allegedly misusing campaign funds
Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) and his wife, Margaret, were indicted Tuesday after being charged with misusing $250,000 in campaign funds for personal expenses, the Justice Department announced.

A federal grand jury in California returned a 48-page indictment detailing the allegations against the couple."


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telcoman wrote:
Wed Aug 22, 2018 2:26 am
Not only scumbags but crooks too!

All the President’s Crooks
One of them, Mr. Trump’s own lawyer, has now implicated him in a crime. ... eft-region

From the start of the Russia investigation, President Trump has been working to discredit the work and the integrity of the special counsel, Robert Mueller; praising men who are blatant grifters, cons and crooks; insisting that he’s personally done nothing wrong; and reminding us that he hires only the best people.

On Tuesday afternoon, the American public was treated to an astonishing split-screen moment involving two of those people, as Mr. Trump’s former campaign chief was convicted by a federal jury in Virginia of multiple crimes carrying years in prison at the same time that his longtime personal lawyer pleaded guilty in federal court in New York to his own lengthy trail of criminality, and confessed that he had committed at least some of the crimes “at the direction of” Mr. Trump himself.
Let that sink in: Mr. Trump’s own lawyer has now accused him, under oath, of committing a felony.

Only a complete fantasist — that is, only President Trump and his cult — could continue to claim that this investigation of foreign subversion of an American election, which has already yielded dozens of other indictments and several guilty pleas, is a “hoax” or “scam” or “rigged witch hunt.”

Are you unfamiliar with the Latin maxim ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (“the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies”). It's most often expressed in the phrase innocent until proven guilty.

Have I missed the part where this has anything to do with colluding with Russia? Unless Stormy Daniels is Putin's mistress, how does ANY of this fall under Mueller's mandate? It’s just a big nothingburger. Come to think of it, now that we have established that tax fraud is a crime, when can we expect the investigation into the Clinton Foundation paying for Chelsea's wedding?

I find it interesting that you said nothing about 36 of Obama’s executive office staffers that owed $833,970 in back taxes. And that you've said nothing about when Obama’s White House held meetings with lobbyists in coffee shops near the White House to avoid disclosure requirements. You said nothing when Hillary’s net worth rose over $100 million as Secretary of State, in part, because her husband took money from foreign governments. Or said nothing after Obama’s net worth rose over $10 million as President. ("You can't get rich in politics unless you're a crook." - Harry S Truman.)

Democrats said nothing about Russia for 50 years until Trump was inaugurated. What about the Uranium One deal? Thanks to Hillary, Russia is able to own about 20 percent of U.S. uranium production capacity. Her husband Bill Clinton also received a $500,000 speaking fee in Russia and reportedly met with Vladimir Putin around the time of the deal, yet they said nothing. Why was Hillary's Russian “reset button” okay if Russia is our "enemy?" WHY???

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"Cohen would have plead out to molesting a squirrel if Mueller told him to. RATS plead to anything in exchange for trying to sell out a bigger fish. Cohen will be disbarred now and end up at CNN. Book it."

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Maybe Howie can find someone literate to read this to him... Might have to go outside of NJ though. ... 5acdd93991

Might want to fill out a few extra voter registration forms... make sure you use a different name for each one, since cut/paste doesn't work in real life. :)

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President found to have broken FEC finance laws. Over 1300 violations, gets one of the largest fines on record
August 22, 2018 by IWB

President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations — one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign, POLITICO has learned.

The fine — laid out in detail in FEC documents that have yet to be made public — arose from an audit of the campaign, which was published in April. POLITICO obtained a copy of the conciliation agreement detailing the fine, which was sent to Sean Cairncross, the chief lawyer for the Republican National Committee, one of the groups that filed complaints about the campaign’s FEC reporting from 2008. ... on-record/

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