2007 m35x driver side cv axle stripped bolt

Forum for Infiniti M35 and M45, and Nissan Fuga owners.
Posts: 1165
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:59 pm
Car: 2008 M35X, Lakeshore Slate/Tan
Location: NY


@ midnightclub619 or mattd860, specifically which axle manufacturer did you buy from and has it held up like OEM since? I have never heard a positive review from an aftermarket cv axle and I'm ready to buy a used OEM off ebay because of this...which I really dont want to do.

Posts: 262
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:51 pm
Car: 2007 Infiniti M35x
Location: San Diego, CA


I purchased a mine off ebay remanufactured
ARC 80-4898 Right Remanufactured CV Complete Assembly
ARC Remanufacturing 80-4897 Left Remanufactured CV Complete Assembly
they were sold by trueblueparts
I purchased those back in 2017 and I haven't had any issues with them. Haven't seen any leaks yet.

Posts: 1165
Joined: Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:59 pm
Car: 2008 M35X, Lakeshore Slate/Tan
Location: NY


Thanks, just got off the phone with ARC directly and they said they will actually rebuild mine. They said low to high on the cost is $110 to $160 with a 90 day warranty. Price seems in line with a local rebuilder I found. I'm going to do a little more searching, but I'll probably go with them. Now it is a matter of if I'm going to take it off myself and risk the rusty bolts, or if I just take it to a mechanic....I HATE paying mechanics unless I'm just feeling lazy or it's under the car.

Posts: 262
Joined: Fri Apr 18, 2014 9:51 pm
Car: 2007 Infiniti M35x
Location: San Diego, CA


yeah. the bolts gave me an issue but that's probably not the case for everyone (i was just the lucky one that day) but still a risk if they are the original bolts. Also if the bolts do give you any issues and your M is your daily drive, it would get complicated trying to fix. That's cool that ARC will still be able to help you out with the rebuild.

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