1991-1994 240sx: code 34 knock sensor/detonation sensor tutorial

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Link to instructions on installing knock sensor:http://www.socal240sx.org/articles.html


Location of knock/detonation sensor


First let me say that I scratched my head for several days before trying to replace the knock sensor on my car. Because as we all know it is hidden way up underneath the intake manifold next to the engine block. I almost considered dismantling the intake manifold in order to have better access to that area, but then I thought "why should I risk warping or damaging such a sensitive area that already works just fine...in addition why should I have to unfasten tens of bolts just to get to one little knock sensor that plugs in easily?"

The answer:

get a long!!!! extension for your socket wrench get the adapter that allows for a few degrees of movement (wobble) the knock sensor is only attached by one bolt (17 mm? don't remember exactly) get a long pair of needle-nose pliers get a long rather stiff wire or plumber's snake first disconnect the battery of course disconnect two rubber fuel lines that block the space between the two middle intake runners and push aside. (you may have to relieve some fuel pressure) disconnect the harness for the knock sensor, but before you go on, connect the plumber's snake (or wire) to the end of the harness that leads to the sensor under the intake manifold. now unbolt the sensor take the needle-nose pliers and reach down to pull out the sensor along with the wires. (try not to pull out the entire length of plumber's snake) disconnect the old sensor and plug in the new one NOW it gets tricky!! Go ahead and thread the bolt through the sensor before you lower it back into its place. wrap a thin piece of electrical tape around the head of the bolt as you insert it into the socket wrench, this helps keep the thing from slipping out of the socket as you lower everything back in. as you steadily approach the engine block with sensor and bolt, pull out slack in wire with plumber's snake in the direction of respective harness bolt down the sensor and reconnect the harness. That's It Your Done!!!!!

1996 knock sensor

Modified by vancouverbc at 8:02 PM 12/25/2008

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good stuff with this tutorial!

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Joined: Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:27 am
Car: 1991 240 sx auto


Hello, I saw you on Nicoclub.com and see that you in Langley BC. I have a nightmare on my hands, after purchasing a 1991 Nissan from Craigs List only to realize the engine was blown. I found another engine (standard) and had the timing chain replaced and just to be safe I exchanged the old head for a refurbished one. I then dumped a ton of time into bodywork and painting the vehicle, new carpets etc.. etc.. Since i put the engine in, I have not been able to get the thing started. I realized now that I part of the problem was the throttle postion sensor and harness are not the same between the standard and the automatic. I now have a proper 1991 harness but it has been cut in half around the point where it goes under the fan shroud. I found the other half of the harness off another car but I still cant seem to get the damb thing running. I did have it running with the wrong harness (standard harness) but it would not shift properly.

So my question is would you be interesting in helping me out? I dont mind paying you some money but I am in school again (Collision Repair) I can do autobody and painting in trade as well. Please give me an email or call me if you like my name is Darren 604 345 3162 dmaslack@hotmail.com

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