I run
Perrenial Badass wrote:
Truth. I'm not sure why the guy doing the conversion decided you must cut out the front of the bucket. I wouldn't even call it beating the metal out, a little tapping to move it outward slightly so the lights don't rub.
If everything is working proper, it won't make a difference either way in warmer climates. In colder climates you might not be so lucky.
I run zero emissions/idle control equipment and my car starts first crank from dead cold and has as low as 30-ish. Took it apart before it got real cold just recently.
The only effect the cold can have on my car is no coolant circ for my TB, so its "possible" for it to freeze up on me if the car were to not be able to warm up and said moisture created a vacuum seal.
stripped and gutted plenums FTW.